Walking with weights?

Have lost about 40 lbs using MFP to track calories and walking daily. Felt like I needed to increase my workouts and walking is the only thing I really enjoy. About 6 weeks ago, I started wearing 5lb weights on each ankle and about 4 weeks ago added a fanny pack with 10 lbs. Its been great! Added another 5 to the pack and felt like it was too much so went back down to 10. Thought I would look into a weighted vest so did some googling...found lots and lots of info that it is not good for you to walk with weights! Looking for MFP experience and opinions to research and consider. Any thoughts?

Btw...female, 44, 5'2', 140 lbs.


  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    You could try walking with heavy rocks. They're free and found everywhere. Just put some in your backpack and go.
  • klkateri
    klkateri Posts: 432 Member
    there is a guy in my neighborhood who walks daily with a weighted vest and it looks like just over the summer that he has lost weight but he's already a pretty buff dude. I would think that it would help since there is more weight and more to move... kinda like a cardio with some mild strength training.

    People around here also walk with weights and do like curls and raises as well.

    I would image anything that gets your heart-rate up is good!!
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    You could try walking with heavy rocks. They're free and found everywhere. Just put some in your backpack and go.


    Ankle weights are pretty much asking for an injury. Vest or backpack will distribute the weight in a way that isn't going to tear your tendons if you fall.
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    I don't think its bad for you... I mean, when I was in the Army, we did ruck marches for 20 miles carrying 50lbs on our back plus extra gear...that sounds a bit insane lol I actually *LOVED* ruck marches though and always looked forward to them. Im glad you brought this up actually, cause I'm walking (cant run..my knees) and this is perfect for upping the challenge while still doing something I can do and enjoy.

    Maybe mix it up with what the biggest loser show did with making them carry the weight they lost. My goal is to lose 30-40lbs... so maybe for every 10lbs I lose, Ill start carrying an extra 10lbs on my walks a couple times a week for the challenge. Glad you brought this up!!! You gave me an idea for something to add to my routine!
  • GetSoda
    GetSoda Posts: 1,267 Member
    Try a farmer's carry instead.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    You could try walking with heavy rocks. They're free and found everywhere. Just put some in your backpack and go.


    Ankle weights are pretty much asking for an injury. Vest or backpack will distribute the weight in a way that isn't going to tear your tendons if you fall.

    Vacuseal (or double ziploc) bags of sand loaded into a backpack will be less likely to jab you in the back. The downside is that you can't just shed the extra weight halfway through your walk if you want.