30 Day Shred

I've heard people talking about the 30 day shred....I'm interested to learn more about this program. What are your personal experiences with it? Worth the money?

I purchased T25 but didn't really care for it.....


  • glasshalffull713
    glasshalffull713 Posts: 323 Member
    I did it a while back. I lost around 8lbs in a month, which is the most I have ever lost in the shortest amount of time. I was stronger at the end for sure and I felt great.

    It is really hard, be prepared! You can get it for like $10 on amazon so it's not really that much of an investment even if you only use it a few times...
  • jancie84
    jancie84 Posts: 83 Member
  • sam_the_girl
    sam_the_girl Posts: 53 Member
    pssstttt, you can also watch it free on youtube :) I gave it a trial run on there and then enjoyed it so I broke down and shelled out the $10 haha. I also bought the next one, 30 day ripped I think it's called?
  • anachronicles
    anachronicles Posts: 109 Member
    I really enjoyed it when I did it. I noticed progression in my endurance in just the first week and I definitely felt stronger by the end of the 30 days. Jillian Michaels is also great at discussing proper form and breathing techniques, so you take away skills that you can apply to other workout programs.

    Some people find it can be a bit monotonous though, given that you do the same workout for ~10 days straight. After about 3 days I usually just muted the DVD,played my own music, and just used the video to keep time.

    Ultimately, a routine is only good if it's one that you'll stick to. If you're easily bored this may not be your best option because you may get disinterested and feel unmotivated to workout.
  • aimelee
    aimelee Posts: 216 Member
    it works! try it! It is always my go to because i have seen amazing results with it and it doesn't require an enormous amount of time. love it!
  • kyta32
    kyta32 Posts: 670 Member
    I'm on day 21 (going to see workout 3 for the first time today - I'm scared :s ). My experience:
    • I'm doing this barefoot (need the traction), but supportive (cross-training) shoes might be better, especially if you have joint issues. Modify the high impact moves if you have to, just try to get your heart rate up.
    • I found I could do some of the lifts a little heavier by the end of the 10 days for the first 2 workouts, ie going from 5 - 8 pounds on flies, 10 - 12 pounds on rows.
    • I found that she sometimes does different reps on the first cycle of strength than the second i.e. with pushups I did from my knees for the first set of (almost 20) and then full pushups for the second set of about 10. Also rows in workout 2, I think there are 30 in the first set (?) Sometimes she gets talking and loses track? I don't know. Also, I find I'm hearing "2 more reps" when she's saying "a few more reps" (meaning 10). When she does say 2 more reps, she rarely includes the one you are working on.
    • You may want to watch some of the moves before working out alongside, as she doesn't always explain them well. In the 2nd workout, with the double leg lifts, I was half-way through the 10 days before I realized they were lifting up the middle, then to the side.
    • The workouts don't always coordinate with the music. You may want to try to adjust your laptop so you can always see the screen, or decide that following the music is good enough.
    • The workout is intense and challenging, but I didn't find I got a lot of delayed onset muscle soreness (I do use L-Glutamine regularly, though). Make sure you are getting enough protein. Some use the .8 g/kilo body weight, or 1 g/lb lean body mass. The amount MFP gives you may be too low.
    • Yo
    u may want to do your own stretching after you are done, her cool-down is quite short.
    I'm very impressed with how well it is going, although sometimes it is a challenge for me to get this in every day. I'm down 17 pounds (I'm eating in a deficit, but not following her diet plan), 1" in bust, 2" in band, 2" in waist, and 4" in hip. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did :)
  • Cornflakekid
    Thanks for sharing Kyta32, I started this yesterday and your tips are very helpful x