Goal change? =/

so my goal was always 275. i figure Id be a regular size guy, well as regular as someone as big as could be (im 6'5')

but now im thinking maybe thats too high, maybe thats alittle too close to the 300 number, maybe I need to be 260 to be regarded as healthy?

IM looking VERY far ahead right now because currently im 348, and 275 seems like a hell of a road but the progress i made in september, i feel like by march ill be there, maybe even February.

but what does 275 look like on someone 6'5'? only examples i see are a few athletes and thats just not practical =/ and ofcourse what if 260 isnt low enough, what if i have to be 220 (Thats impossible)


  • christinelimei
    christinelimei Posts: 30 Member
    Everyone's body holds weight differently so there may not be accurate examples of what you would look like. I'd say, just continue on your journey to be healthy and don't worry too much about the number goal to aim for. Once you get closer to your general goal range, then you can more accurately decide where you want to be because at that point it may be more about toning up and gaining muscle than simply losing weight on the scale.
  • Chrisparadise579
    Chrisparadise579 Posts: 411 Member
    I would suggest sticking with 260 for now and if you dont like what you see when you get there you can set another goal when you get there. Just keep on going strong. Peoples goals change all the time, its nothing to worry about.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Maybe something like this will help?


    I'd keep your original goal - and then see how you feel when you get there. No reason to change things up yet :smile:
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    You've got 2.5 inches on me but to give you some context, I have a pretty large frame and I'm aiming for 215 at the moment before I reassess where I want to be. I think 275 is very high, but at the end of the day, it doesn't matter. Keep going until you're happy with where you're at, then focus on maintaining all your results going forward. It doesn't matter if that's 270 or 230.
  • missbethea
    missbethea Posts: 280 Member
    I would stick with 250-275 as an original goal, and when you reach that goal- re-evaluate where you want to be and what you want to do.

    For example, my goal right now is 150. And when I get there, I'm going to decide where else and what else I want to do. I don't want to set a goal of like "120!" and then stress over HOW HUGE that loss would be.

    You could also try setting a lot of mini goals!

    I started at 216. So my first mini goal was 199. My next is 175. And after that, 150. I find mini-goals help keep everything less stressful and more encouraging. So instead of being like "ugh I'm 44lbs away from my goal" I'm like "omg i'm only 19lbs from my next goal!"
  • PokeyBug
    PokeyBug Posts: 482 Member
    My husband is 6'4:, and currently weighs in the area of your goal weight. He's very out of shape. There's no possibility that his BMI is in the obese range, because he's too muscular. I've talked to him about whether he's putting himself in danger of a heart attack. (Heart disease runs in his family.) That being said, if he worked out and had a healthy amount of muscle, 275 might be healthy on him. It really depends on a lot of different factors whether that's going to be too little weight to lose, just right, or maybe too much. There's nothing wrong with setting 275 for your goal and then assessing whether you think you need to lose more and how you want to go about it. Get your blood work done now and after you've reached your first goals, and see how your cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar, etc. have improved, and talk to your doctor to see whether he or she thinks you need to lose more.
  • slvrsrfr
    slvrsrfr Posts: 45 Member
    Well, at your height, 275 gives you a BMI of 32.6 which is
    considered obese. Sorry, I didn't make the rules :(

    A weight of 210 at your height just puts you in the healthy
    range with a BMI of 24.9

    I'd aim for around 210 to 225 if I were you. Now I know
    people are gonna moan about BMI not being applicable
    to everyone and yada yada. But it is a good estimate for
    most of us.

    If you are a professional strength athlete or bodybuilder
    then you could aim for 250 or so.

    Anyway, the science suggests BMIs between 18.5 and 25
    as that is the healthy sweet spot for most of us.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    My goal is currently set at 180, which seemed like it was so far away. My highest weight was around 280, so 100lb loss seemed like a good place to start. Now that I'm close, I know that I'm not going to be happy at 180. I don't know what my next goal should be, but I don't really care about the number on the scale. I want to be healthy, and I want to look good. I kept 180 as a goal, and once I hit that, I think I'll adjust it down to 155-165.

    I suggest keeping your current goal until you get closer. I found the smaller goals to be more encouraging than something that seems so unattainable. And now that I'm close, going lower doesn't seem as crazy as I used to think it was.
  • cw106
    cw106 Posts: 952 Member
    you have done a fantastic job so far on the original goals set.
    once you achieve original target, re- assess on how you feel and if you think you can push on for that last 10-20% effort to put you in a healthier range.
    discuss also with your doctor when you next see him/ her during this period to get best medical advice on the new shape you are in.
    good luck.