I'm not losing weight. Help!

Hi, I am 59 years old and am carrying more weight around my lower abdomen than I would like. I walk my dog, watch my calories, go to the gym but am not seeing much of a difference either around my tummy or on the scales. It's so frustrating. I just need to see a change to be motivated any further. I have recently read that low fat is not the way to go so I'm not manic about buying low fat, I try not to eat carbs in the evening. Can anyone help? I try to keep myself looking youthful and healthy but feel very frustrated at the moment.


  • fabfit40
    you may have plateaued. sounds like u need to 'shock ur body'. try some resistance training. HIIT is also a great way to burn fat.
    dont get down on ur self, just stick it out. you will get there. xo
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    The most common answer seems to be you are not logging and recording accurately meaning you are not at a calorie deficit and are eating more than you think. the answer is log all your food accurately, weigh if you can to ensure youi are at a deficit. You dont give any details of how long you have been like this, how much you are trying to lose from what to when, size of deficit.

    The second most common answer is what fabfit40 says. Weight loss isnt linear and it will fluctuate or plateau at times. If you are at a deficit then keep doing what you are doing. How long has the plateau lasted?
  • KLangleydoula
    KLangleydoula Posts: 1,494 Member
    Hi there! I would be happy to encourage you! Feel free to add me!
  • tdhdee
    tdhdee Posts: 31 Member
    Hi there! Could be a variety of reasons but I suggest more cardio like a treadmill and pick up the pace. Really work it. That helped me in that area. Resistance training is also good. There are different types of ab excer's at the gym to try that don't hurt your back. Do you drink soda? Even diet soda tends to 'lay there' for some people. It does me so I completely avoid it now and drink only water with my meals. Plateauing is also something you may be going through. At any rate, keep at it. You will eventually win the contest!