New here, student of sport science

I believe calorie counting and being able to clearly identify faults within my eating habit will help me to gain fitness and wellbeing. I recently have found out I have heart issues and at 21years of ages I may need a pacemaker (may I add this isn't anything to do with my food, it is something I have always had but recently discovered). Discovering this has made me aware that although I know the information needed to live the healthiest life possible, as a sports science student, I do not always apply them to my own life.

Well now it's time to take care of myself, starting by making sure I am in the best possible health, weight and all. Would be great to hear some stories and inspiration :) looking to tone up, loose a few pounds (around 10kg in total so around 22lbs). Want to build a bit of muscle and eat healthy.

Bobbi (Uk female)


  • Decsaw
    Decsaw Posts: 20
    I have used this site on several attempts over the past few years, it is a great site and there are many success stories and great support. This go round I have mostly kept away from the forums just because I have been so busy, I haven't had time to active aside from logging my food, but your post caught my eye. I have a PhD in Kinesiology and health science and my main area of research is in obesity. So like you, I know the information, I just haven't taken care of myself as I should have. I laughed to myself the other day as I was giving a lecture and the topic of being sedentary and sitting came up and we talked about the benefits of being active and even how important it is to not sit. Well I look at my work and I spend almost the entire day sitting, so I have started to make changes there, Walking breaks every hour if I can, just getting up and moving, doing a few flights of stairs, parking my car further away, and making sure I take my kids outside every night.

    anyways, your not alone, there are some of us in the "know" who still need to focus more on applying that wealth of knowledge to our own lives.
  • BobbiPartridge
    Hey, I spend most of my current life talking about how being sedentary can effect your whole life and stressing the importance of being even lightly active. However placing it into my reality wasn't happening. Funny how we can spend day after day drawing from academics, teaching or lecturing and generally preaching our knowledge of something so important but loose it in our own lives.

    It's lovely to know you're on here too! I feel if I preach it I should at least set an example.
