I have big calves.. I need some help!!



  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I have 16 inches calves and I am only 4'11" tall.....so yea, I still have fat on them but my body refuse to let go of that fat. I've learned to accept them the way they are and when I find boots that fit, it is like angels singing
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    Keep losing body fat and they will get smaller.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    WALK walk and walk some more!!! keep ur heels down and avoid walking on the ball of ur foot...run or walk to slim ur calves! Dont do hills or any strength training on the legs -like no inclines or resistance training!! just flat ground walking or running!
    avoid the step machine and other types of climbers!! low resistance is what u wanna do!! hope this helped a bit!!!:flowerforyou:

    Really? I have big calves, lost 66lbs after my 2nd baby and fit into knee high boots! I did strength training, and I love the stepper!

    I had my third baby 5 months ago and those boots don't do up now :sad: but I'm sure when I lose the weight they will do. I think your calves are the last place you lose weight from, but it does happen eventually.
  • MrsJuli4B
    MrsJuli4B Posts: 27 Member
    I have big calves and they have not changed in size since I lost weight (one 16" and the other 16.5",. I would love to wear high boots but it's not an option. My weight loss has been from the top down, so I live in hope that one day the will shrink a little.

    The big positive I have seen is that now that they are toned they look better on me, more in proportion to the rest of my body.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    I have big calves too, as I lost they went down a little (the fat on them) but they are still relatively large due to muscle. But I have learned to embrace them, they give me power... they allow me to jump higher, run faster... I don't want to lose that
  • jsokolow3
    jsokolow3 Posts: 16 Member
    Yanicka1, I'm also short and in addition to the wide calf problem, I've held off on buying boots because I'm afraid they'll go higher than my knees. But I love the look of knee high boots and had been thinking of rewarding myself with some when I reach goal weight. I'm hoping my calves will get a least a little smaller when I lose the weight, but I'm sure they won't get any longer. ;-) Can you share a brand or brands that have worked for you?


  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    This is probably really stupid and I'm sorry.. but I have really big calves. Like, I naturally have big calves. It's not good. And the fact that I gained a super amount of poundage last year made it much worse. Well now I've lost some weight and I can tell that the fat has burned away some, but they're still big. I have a hard time wearing any type of shoe or boot that even tries to go that far up my leg. I was wondering if anyone knew of any exercises that can tone them down a bit? Lean them down? Make em' SMALLER!! lol I need help and I need to know what exercises to avoid so I don't bulk them up unintentially. Can someone please give me some advice? It would be greatly appreciated! Thanks everyone!

    Lose more fat.
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    I'm another with 16" calves - I do have some boots that barely zip over them, but it's rough. I imagine they'll stretch some if I wear them enough, but damn it's annoying. I believe they'll get a little smaller with some more weight loss, but I have my doubts that they'll ever be 'normal' - genetics *smh* :huh:
  • fraghag
    I have big calves as well. 15.5 and 15.75" (left side is the larger one). They are solid tissue, not soft. I also have underdeveloped glutes. I mean, the glutes are plenty large, but very little of it is muscle. I think I have used my calves to compensate for weak glutes. For example, when I climb stairs I notice that all the spring of my step comes from my calves and not the glutes. Since noticing that I have made more of an effort to work on glutes but it isn't exactly a fast process. I'm hoping that over time my glutes will become stronger and I will use my calves less.
  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    Mine are large as well, and even though I've lost 45 pounds since 2011, my calf measurements are still the same (one bigger than the other). Most wide calf boots are still too tight. I have found Arturo Chiang boots at Dillards that fit, though. I love them!

    I do carry a bit of fat at my knees, above and below, and I think that is part of my issue with finding boots. It's just the way my body is because I've always had pretty fat knees, even at my lowest weight. It may help some folks with bigger calves to go with a boot that is a 3/4 length style. That way you fill it out properly,and it doesn't rock back and forth when you walk...I think it depends on where your calf is the widest.

    Oh, and embrace them, because they look awesome in pumps, wedges...the higher the better!
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Any custom boot makers to speak of?

    I could imagine the challenge in finding decent midcalf slouch boots.
  • WickedPineapple
    WickedPineapple Posts: 698 Member
    I also have big calves, 14.5" at 5'1". I've lost the majority of the weight I need to lose and I've been running the last 6 months (walking and elliptical regularly for 2 years before that). Since my first calf measurement, I've lost maybe an inch. I've definitely lost fat in my legs, but it's been more from above and below my knees and a bit from my thighs. Some of us are just thick. (I have thick arms as well.) Learn to love it. I know Mr. Pineapple does! :drinker: