being going to gym for 2month and havent lost any weight



  • nzrocketman0
    many things just dont add up here for me.
    give us at least your height/weight/ age stats and how many calories consumed daily.
    profile says 55 llbs to lose.
    no way a personal trainer is working towards YOUR goal.
    sounds like a weight lifting fixation without prioritising weight loss imo.
    are you taking supplements to bulk up too?
    my first two months of gym/ diet resulted in 26llbs weight loss.
    too huge a variance for something not be very wrong from your targets.


    I am 172cm Male weighing at 100kg currently. I'm not taking any Supplements. I don't really want to bulk up that much. I just want to look good for my wedding. I've opened my diary up but only posted 2 days.

    Trainer said I should think about taking some protein supplements
  • nzrocketman0
    Open your Diary.

    You may be eating "healthier" while still eating too many calories.

    The person literally signed up today. I suspect the healthier = too many calories still.

    OP, get a food scale, log for a month and then report back.

    I had to make a new account as my previous one got wreck when using fitbit. was giving a extra 3000 calories to work with ontop of my base. No one could tell how to fix it so had to deleted and recreate account

    Oh ok.. The issue that we still have, we don't know what you were eating and how much. We can always start with some basics such as, do you use a food scale?

    I've opened my diary up but only posted 2 days.
  • milliondays
    milliondays Posts: 27 Member
    Get Fit In The Gym

    Lose Weight In The Kitchen
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    many things just dont add up here for me.
    give us at least your height/weight/ age stats and how many calories consumed daily.
    profile says 55 llbs to lose.
    no way a personal trainer is working towards YOUR goal.
    sounds like a weight lifting fixation without prioritising weight loss imo.
    are you taking supplements to bulk up too?
    my first two months of gym/ diet resulted in 26llbs weight loss.
    too huge a variance for something not be very wrong from your targets.


    I am 172cm Male weighing at 100kg currently. I'm not taking any Supplements. I don't really want to bulk up that much. I just want to look good for my wedding. I've opened my diary up but only posted 2 days.

    Trainer said I should think about taking some protein supplements

    Well, there is no need to take a protein supplement unless you are struggling to reach your protein goals. Also, an active man should not be eating 1200 calories.. in fact, it probably should be almost double that. But before we can look at real number.. do you use a food scale?
  • cw106
    cw106 Posts: 952 Member
    many things just dont add up here for me.
    give us at least your height/weight/ age stats and how many calories consumed daily.
    profile says 55 llbs to lose.
    no way a personal trainer is working towards YOUR goal.
    sounds like a weight lifting fixation without prioritising weight loss imo.
    are you taking supplements to bulk up too?
    my first two months of gym/ diet resulted in 26llbs weight loss.
    too huge a variance for something not be very wrong from your targets.


    I am 172cm Male weighing at 100kg currently. I'm not taking any Supplements. I don't really want to bulk up that much. I just want to look good for my wedding. I've opened my diary up but only posted 2 days.

    Trainer said I should think about taking some protein supplements

    protein is an easy fix.add more chicken/ turkey breast,tuna,greek yoghurt and eggs to your diet.protein shakes at a pinch.

    i have very similar starting stats to you but am 2x your age.
    eating 1600 decreasing to 1400 cals daily plus 25% back of exercise cals.
    all cardio.swimming,squash and treadmill.100 mins daily.
    diary is open, maybe not the best but working for me.
    others giving great advice too.
    psulemon is trying to help by being methodical from beginning of process.follow that process thru and you will get better answers.
    good news is you have lost weight on diet only b4, as have i,so you know you have time b4 march to achieve goals.
    i would be stressing your concerns with trainer asap.
    g luck.