So hard

Okay so i have been so bad lately i just cant seem to get in the grove of things food is my absolute enemy, I dont know why i do this to myself my husband loves going out to eat all the time and he doesnt gain a pound but of course when we go out i eat and i gain all the weight and then im so sad for just eating that. I lay in bed and im so sad im not sticking to it and losing the weight that i want it really makes me sad. Every day im like ok tommarow im going to eat good and than i ruin it like always. Can some of you tell me some things that help you stick to it i would love to hear it.


  • loriefolk
    loriefolk Posts: 352
    Don't be so hard on yourself. When you find what's right for you and what make you feel good about "dieting" you'll stick with it! Keep on keeping on :) You can do it!
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 645 Member
    Yes blog your plans, plan your meals a week out. I sit down at the pc on Sundays and plan the whole week, I have not done that the last few weeks because I got thrown of course with some shockingly bad news but I am back now. And let me tell you those weeks I was not on here planning were a nightmare. Talk to people get on the message board. Search terms like "giving up" "want to quit" ect and read what other people have already said to each other. Also I encourage you to look at success stories they are very inspirational. Add friends, email them and ask for help. You can friend me if you like. I am here for you we are all in this together and trust me we all go through it. As time passes you will have more good times than bad I promise.:happy: :happy: :happy:
  • tiffsNEWlife
    Try everything in moderation method. When you go out to dinner if the restaraunt offers half portion go that route. Or if they don't ask for a box as soon as you order. This way you can eat half with the hubby and take the other half home. Try looking up the values on the internet. There so many sites that offer the nutrient values for restaraunts. So you can plan ahead. You could also try working out in the morning when you get up. This always helps me, because I don't want to undo everything that I just did. Either way, find something that works for you and keep with it. You will love the feeling you get when you know you CAN do this!!
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    Okay so i have been so bad lately i just cant seem to get in the grove of things food is my absolute enemy, I dont know why i do this to myself my husband loves going out to eat all the time and he doesnt gain a pound but of course when we go out i eat and i gain all the weight and then im so sad for just eating that. I lay in bed and im so sad im not sticking to it and losing the weight that i want it really makes me sad. Every day im like ok tommarow im going to eat good and than i ruin it like always. Can some of you tell me some things that help you stick to it i would love to hear it.

    Before you go out to eat look at the restaurant's menu online, find out the calorie counts. Safe things in general that you can have in a restaurant:

    Plain salad with dressing on the side, probably a steak but no other sauces, baked potato but measure out the butter, butter is super high in cals - add more salt if your body can handle it to make it tastier on the potato, less butter.

    Those are just suggestions off the top of my head however I would check the menus first online, decide from there. Put those foods into your food diary before you go out, write it down or take your smart phone with you so you know what you're eating.
  • callipygianchronicle
    If eating out is part of your lifestyle, it can be hard to wean yourself. But as another poster said, looking at the menu online really helps you make wiser choices. It’s easy to order that crispy chicken sandwich with fries when you’re hungry and tempted and have no idea what it’s going to cost you in terms of calories, sodium, and fat. But when you look at an online nutrition guide and find out that you’d be better off eating a plain hamburger than that chicken sandwich, you are able to order your meal from a position of power—not weakness. You want to feel strong in your choices, not like a victim.

    And it can also be too hard to make good choices in the moment, when you’re too hungry. So try and eat a piece of fruit (an apple, an orange, banana) before you go out to eat. Iy will fill you up (with slow-burning, good nutrition, and will make you far less tempted to gorge on the wrong things.
  • kdbeaudin
    Thank you everyone i need these kind of things to keep me going i beat my self up about it. Thanks for the advice.
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