

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member
    Did 1-1/2 hr of the "10 Pounds Down" DVD today. Tomorrow's plan is to do a DVD for the bosu.

    After exercising bought gas then went to lunch with the Newcomers. Had grilled chicken sandwich without the bread and steamed mixed veges, just water to drink. Came home and finished stringing the popcorn. Then had dinner now here.

    katla - prayers that you can bring dh home tomorrow. I'm sure he's very disappointed. Update: so glad you're picking him up

    Patty - I was a bit concerned about the chapter 3 test because I really don't have much of an interest in suppliments, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that it really wasn't all that difficult. Maybe I didn't do it right...lol! When the new CEO of the Y came here, he started this thing where the branch that earns the most money above their goal for the children't fund gets this milk bottle with their name engraved on it. It's intesresting, when he first got here his main focus was on this one branch, and they've never once won it. The branches that have, he hasn't put as much effort into. Wonder why he doesn't put his money into the branches that support the Y?

    Beth - wish I'd gotten that survey. I would find it interesting. But you're right, it probably is nothing as good as Lesley is getting

    robinschealb - welcome, come back often

    Heather - I really like steel cut oats. Glad you enjoyed them. Sounds like you're having an awesome time. Happy birthday

    mrsmuckster - hearty welcome

    Rita - sometimes it's a nasty cycle, our body doesn't want to exercise but we feel worse if we don't. Been thinking lots of you

    Satia Renee - what a very pretty name you have!

    gmajacque - great start. You'll only go up from there!

    My eyes, for some reason, are really burning, so I'm sort of skimming the posts, probably not replying to everyone I'd like to, tho. My apologies to all

    Debbie - welcome! Tell us about your diet plan.

    Kathy - welcome back! I wish you all the best in your classses. Be sure to let us know how they're going

    Lesley - I'm sure you explained to your doc that you did not refer that woman!

    Auggie - welcome and congrats

    Margaret - so many times I've entered drawings to win gift cards but never seem to. How wonderful for you!

    Meg - so when is that ark going to be finished? You're not the only one who didn't realize we had a draft.

    Michele in NC
  • dinaesia
    dinaesia Posts: 54 Member
    bumping to mark my place.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I meant the above post for moeggep. I thought when I hit reply that it would have her name somewhere in the beginning of my post. Shows how much I know.

    I got two things accomplished that I wanted to do. Went to AAA to get my triptic for our vacation and did laundry. That was it. Also at AAA I asked for 2 trip tics since we will be driving 2 cars but I only got one. My daughter, who will be driving the other car sees no sense in one so I guess I will leave it at that. I got my husband, well actually it was for me, a new Tom Tom for Christmas and I still can't figure out how to operate it. I got it all turned on, synced it with the computer to down load everything but when it actually went to putting in a destination I couldn't figure it out. I have put off and put off calling them. So I guess it is time since it is now a little over a week that we leave. We have a Garmin that is many years old, was the basic model so comes with no updates. So highway systems that we had back then is what it shows. I got the Tom Tom because it says llifetime updates. I beg to differ. Some updates are free but anything major you pay for. So I need, really need to call them and get some customer support.

    Katla so glad your hubbie is in his own home now.

    Joyce, Indiana, raining cats and dogs
  • lvsglass
    lvsglass Posts: 90 Member
    Jeannie, I would like to encourage you to let go of feeling down for going out enjoying special time with your family even if it did cause you to bounce up a couple of pounds. Life goes by too fast! One of my "rewards" is looking forward to going out for special occasions with the family and eating whatever I want. I go into it knowing that I will probably gain a couple of pounds but the next day I get right back with my healthy eating and take those couple of pounds back off. ????
    Jolene...Beautiful far Northern California
  • lvsglass
    lvsglass Posts: 90 Member
    Happy October everyone!

    My goals for October are to maintain my weight and increase walking, yoga and lifting weights.
    I have a girlfriend trip in the works and I plan to thoroughly enjoy myself with my friends and good food and then get right back to my healthy eating when I return home.
    Jolene, from far Northern California.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Katla: glad your husband can come home.
    Alison: hope you did take a nap.
    Rita: several of us are “out of it” at the moment. Don’t know why!
    Meg: I didn’t realize there was a draft either!

    I got a good night’s sleep but still feel tired. No wonder, I guess, with all the stuff going on. Right now I’m sitting on the couch after my oatmeal, with two sleeping Border Collies on the floor next to me (I’m babysitting my friend's for a few days after her operation.) They’re both snoring, so I have extra motivation to close my eyes for a few minutes until the painter comes.

    Hope everyone has a good day.
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • Aug312014
    Aug312014 Posts: 32 Member
    ExerMom Thank you!
  • mrsmuckster
    mrsmuckster Posts: 444 Member
    I've been using MFP for a couple of months now and been reading several of the boards. This one seems like a good "fit". I look forward to reading the updates they really are motivating. Will definitely be back. Thanks to everyone for sharing.

    From beautiful Eastern Washington. :smile:
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Good Morning All, Today I go to the doctor and see what the blood work shows. Hopefully I'll get some answers. Tomorrow is my first water aerobic class, I have my routine down and have practiced the moves. L A Fitness prefers that you instruct from the deck and not in the pool. I prefer the pool but am sure I can get use to the deck.

    Way back in April or May I told you all that my DD and family put a bid on a house in the country. It has a big wrap around porch, a barn, pond and almost 6 acres. Well, they finally got the house. They closed last week and can move in next week. The people who owned it are already moved out as they had closed on their house as well. The previous owners have temporarily left their horses there for a week or two so the kids get to see them every day when they bring boxes over. Everyone is very excited!

    Tomorrow night is the dance at the Moose, a favorite band is playing and a group of us are going. It should be a blast. The band is so good and they play mostly fast upbeat songs that groups of women can dance to.

    Joyce, I moved almost eight years ago and I started looking for another church but I’d go once here and once there, none seemed to fit. And it was easier after a while not to get up and make myself go out on my only morning off.

    Margaret, Awesome when you win something isn’t it. Congrats!

    Heather, Happy Birthday!

    Michele, I am catching up this week-end. I have to finish chapter two and get through three. I’m open on learning about supplements if only to know more about the subject itself. Our Y association has six branches plus the children’s branch which I don’t know a whole lot about. All the branches now allow children but the special one is for low income intercity, a place for kids to go.

    OK, better get to work. My goal this month is to also check in more regularly and keep up with all the posts.

    Take care and be healthy,
    Patty, Cincinnati, OH
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Good morning from NYC,:flowerforyou:

    I posted last night, but lost it.:ohwell:

    The food at Le Bernadin was great. The second course, Japanese white fish with caviar was exceptional as was the fifth, which had wagyu beef in it (a tiny square:laugh: ) which I have never had before. Amazing! We had the tasting menu with all the accompanying wines, on the grounds that this was once in a lifetime! :drinker: :tongue: . Will think about how to pay for it when the bill comes in.:laugh: Also my first time to drink sake. :happy:
    I know it is ridiculous to spend all that money on a meal out, but it is my passion in life.:blushing:
    My only criticism is that the service was not as wonderful as the food. Perfectly fine and professional, but it didn't have that something extra that makes all the difference.

    Now I am 65 I have to act like an old lady - NOT! :drinker:

    Today we are off on a boat trip right round Manhattan. Haven't decided on this afternoon yet. Might walk over Brooklyn Bridge. Depends on the weather.
    Loved the Top of the Rock yesterday. Got lots of birthday wishes from all the bouncy staff and a high five! The lift is like a space rocket with music!

    Love to all. Deb in Melbourne - what a lot you have on your plate!
    Katla - hope DH is behaving himself!

    Heather in Manhattan. USA
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Bump to make my place. I am needed elsewhere in the house and will get back as soon as I am able.:ohwell:
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 468 Member
    Good morning Lovely Ladies,

    Today I did weight training for my arms, cut my leg workout short because of my knee. I walked on the treadmill for about 20 minutes after.

    I have been having pain in that sore knee at night. I'm used to arthritis pain, but having it at night is a new thing. It is a dull ache, just enough to disturb my sleep. Have any of you had this experience? It's been going on for about 2 weeks.

    Heather, happy birthday! I'm glad you are enjoying your time in NYC. We splurge a lot on dinner out, it is one of our favorite things!

    Margaret, congratulations on winning the gas card!

    Mrsmuckster, welcome!

    Katia, glad DH is home, hope he is doing well.

    Patty, I hope your appointment goes well!

    Hugs to all I missed!

    Cindy in OK
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,973 Member
    :flowerforyou: Heather, I am so glad you enjoyed your birthday dinner. As a once in a lifetime event, the cost is no big deal. Once a year we go to a professional baseball game and buy the extra special $65.00 seats and add on the hour drive, ferry and parking, and food at the stadium, the cost is close to what you paid for your dinner. With your love of interesting food, it was a perfect treat for you.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: over 10,000 steps walking the poodles this morning, now I'm off to teach my line dance class. This afternoon we're going on our yearly "date" to get our flu shots.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning everyone! It's so nice to get to know all you new folks. Please tell us more!

    This morning I was at the kids apartment building promptly at 7:15, as usual. Nobody came down stairs. Well, they must be running a little late. After a while it occurred to me that I hadn't seen ANY of the kids I usually see in the mornings. And I hadn't seen any school buses either. Hmmm. It finally dawned on me that my son told me there was no school on Friday because of parent-teacher conferences! Duh! I'm so glad I didn't call upstairs and wake them up. So, I went for a walk on the rails-trails instead. Then came to the studio. About 10:30 my son and the kids came to visit me. Two of the kids are doing great in school. Above average in all the things they measured. The third (the oldest) is below average in everything. I have to find a way to help her more. She was hiding her math homework from my son and not doing it. I know she hates math, but I didn't know she was behind in everything.

    Here is today's joke of the day:


    While taxiing at London Gatwick, the crew of a US Air flight departing for Ft. Lauderdale made a wrong turn and came nose to nose with a United 727. An irate female ground controller lashed out at the US Air crew, screaming: "US Air 2771, where the hell are you going! I told you to turn right onto Charlie taxiway! You turned right on Delta! Stop right there. I know it's difficult for you to tell the difference between 'C' and 'D', but get it right!"

    Continuing her rage to the embarrassed crew, she was now shouting hysterically: "God! Now you've screwed everything up! It'll take forever to sort this out! You stay right there and don't move till I tell you to! You can expect progressive taxi instructions in about half an hour, and I want you to go exactly where I tell you, when I tell you, and how I tell you! You got that, US Air 2771?"

    "Yes ma'am," the humbled crew responded. Naturally, the ground control communications frequency fell terribly silent after the verbal bashing of US Air 2771. Nobody wanted to chance engaging the irate ground controller in her current state of mind. Tension in every cockpit out in Gatwick was definitely running high.

    Just then an unknown pilot broke the silence and keyed his microphone, asking: "Wasn't I married to you once?"


    Have a great day everyone!

    In Kansas, where fall has finally arrived!
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good afternoon,

    Ladies exercise at the gym today; held 3lb. weights for those where I could. Grocery shopping. A couple phone calls finished with more to make.

    Not feeling nearly so sorry for our Ebola patient in Dallas now that it's been learned he flew here after carrying about a patient over there who died of it and lied about his contact. Anyone would want better care if they did get Ebola than the horrific conditions he saw in Africa. Got to wonder if others are thinking the same. Just hoping he didn't infect anyone else. Wondering how the Dr. who had exposure and is hospitalized in Md. waiting to see if he develops it is doing at NIH. I still think the world is going to be very sorry they didn't move faster to contain this. Haven't heard of any more health care teams/journalists being attacked and killed in villages over there other than that group of 8 people murdered about 2 weeks ago in Guinea. There's another possible case at a DC hosp. now too, also a "low probability" one in Georgia and 600 more troops being sent to Africa in addition to the 3,000 already committed.

    Sylvia............Loved the cat joke; especially since I'm caring for a cat of an away neighbor for the next 4 days. Wonder if Sweetie has the same thoughts???? Going down there shortly.

    Margaret...........Congrats on your win!!!!!

    Patty...............Oh, I wish I could come along and dance at the Moose with you!!! Used to go to the Elks and the Vets in Pa. and do the same!! Fun times!!

    Rita..........Certainly hope things turn around for you!

    Cynthia.............So glad your poor dog did not have any additional serious eye concerns. You both have really been through it! Stress does exhaust you.

    Mid-70's, clouds and weak sun with rain coming tonight.
    Stay strong!
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,936 Member
    Checking in for today.Thanks everyone for the support. Yesterday, the Dr. office called to tell me that the hospital has not reached an agreement with the insurance company so they would not take my insurance. Also, the insurance company denied my claim. Today, they called and said that the hospital came to an agreement. We just have to work on the approval for the procedure. I really hate insurance companies!

    Someone mentioned depression causing pain. My problem is the other way around. Pain causing depression. Now the pain is better but my stress levels are high! I know exercise is good for me but herein lies my delima. Every time I try to start an exercise program, some part of my body rebels! I tried the Leslie Sansom walking videos, plantar faciatis set in. I tried curves, my back, shoulder, and hip fought back. Now, all that is better and I have to have surgery!

    I think I am going to get a recumbant bike. Might be my best way.

    I probably won't be on all weekend, so everyone have a great weekend!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy fri.
    welcome all new ladies.:drinker: :flowerforyou:
    today my baby turns 18:drinker: :drinker:
    HUGS:heart::heart: :heart:
  • grammarn
    grammarn Posts: 6 Member
    I am 50 +, and just getting back into MFP. spent the past year+ "backsliding," but I love myself and I know I can(!) Going to get total knee replacement 10/7 so that's a wrinkle in my exercise plans.This board sounds supportive and I'm down with that! I have been vegan for past 6-7 months.
  • grammarn
    grammarn Posts: 6 Member
    Good luck with that! Support is worth its weight in gold, isn't it?
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Thanks to all of you for your opinions about artificial sweeteners. I'm trying to wean myself out of them... or at least realize which ones I"m consuming. Everything in moderation, but real sugar is probably better if I want it!
    Have a happy weekend!
