I feel cold all the time now does anyone else?



  • TakeOne
    TakeOne Posts: 345 Member
    Thankfully, wearing lots of layers is very stylish :laugh:

    Yep..very true..lol
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    I found an article by a nutritionist that addresses this issue

  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    If you have cold hands and feet but the rest of you is OK, get tested for thyroid issues and circulatory issues. Good luck, I hope it's nothing serious.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Yes, definitely. I feel like I've been cold for the last three months. I lost the bulk of my weight during the warmer months and was completely unprepared for cold weather. Normally I love the winter because the cold was always my preference. But this year I feel like I've just been cold for three months. I didn't/don't have any actual warm clothes anymore cuz I got rid of everything that no longer fit and didn't even have a warm jacket that fit until the end of November.
  • sugarshakes
    Totally same here!
  • live2smyle
    live2smyle Posts: 592 Member
    Not me. I managed to time my weight loss perfectly to coincide with hot flashes! :tongue:
    Hahahaha luvs it :laugh: