Need motivation buddies! :)

Hey everyone,

I'm Kate, I'm 21 years old.
I've been on this site in the past and it definitely helps if you have friends on here to help motivate you!

Anyone can feel free to add me, I'd love to meet new people and share in this experience with you :)


  • komitra
    komitra Posts: 67
    Hi Dear!

    My name is Kanika, and I am from India.

    I am 27 years old, I am also trying to lose some weight nearly about 70 pounds (30-31 kgs), my height is 5'6", and I am married for two years. I have been an over weight child always, and now all I want to do is lose some weight, so that we can start our family :)

    One thing that I have started doing is drinking at least 3 lts of water per day, and having an early dinner. I also try to exercise for about 25-40 mins a day, for a minimum of 4 days.

    Hope this information helps you in some way.



    P.S. I am new to fitnesspal :) hope to have a good time here!
  • gimmedatfork
    gimmedatfork Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks for your advise :)
    I definitely need to remind myself to drink lots of water during the day!
  • Pri_gets_fit
    Pri_gets_fit Posts: 4 Member
    I have added both of you, looking forward to see more of your updates on my news feed. Let's win this together :)
  • avameva
    avameva Posts: 15 Member
    Hey guys! i have been on MFP for a while but i have recently started exercise and food as a holistic thing. I still struggle to eat my number of calories, but a support system helps a lot. I will add you guys and hope to see lots of action. :)
  • leetowle
    leetowle Posts: 11 Member
    Agree that friends help to keep you motivated
  • Hi everyone!!
    I too am in need of some friends to help with losing the lbs! I'm 30yrs, old 5'6, and 235 that's almost 70lbs over weight. It didn't really hit me until someone said. "So when is the baby due." needless to say I had a few chose words for that person. I'm hoping the app in keeping track of me intake and some friendly motivation I (and everyone here) can get health!
  • joeygambucci
    joeygambucci Posts: 16 Member
    Im in !! ... add me for motivation !
  • karicatastrophic
    karicatastrophic Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Kate! I added you. You guys can add me as well I am new and looking for friends to stay motivated with and advice from people who have reached their goal or close to it.
  • GreatGuy07
    GreatGuy07 Posts: 39 Member
    Having support from people with same goals is very helpful, so add up peeps! the more the merrier!
  • jkterrell
    jkterrell Posts: 10 Member
    Hi there! Having friends helps a lot! I have been tracking for 20 days, which I think might be the longest yet for me. I have not lost weight yet but it usually takes awhile for it to kick in for me. Plus, I haven't gained either so there's that at least ;-) Please feel free to add me!
  • lpendleton58
    lpendleton58 Posts: 285 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm always looking to motivate as well as be motivated by others.
  • hayleylouise9699
    hayleylouise9699 Posts: 146 Member

    I'm happy to help anyone and always looking for new buddies to help and support me.

    Please feel free to add me.

  • misswhitney1
    misswhitney1 Posts: 72 Member
    I'd love to add some motivation buddies, too! I will send some requests to y'all :)
  • Herelum
    Herelum Posts: 68 Member
    Me too!
  • SunshineFl954
    SunshineFl954 Posts: 1 Member

    I'm Jessica! 35 years old I live in Ft Lauderdale Florida. I been on MFP 3 maybe 4 years always looking to make new friends that have the same interests as me and motivation buddies. Feel free to add me! jessicaw316 :smile:
  • FR Sent
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    Thanks for your advise :)
    I definitely need to remind myself to drink lots of water during the day!

    Hi and welcome back.
    I went from drinking barely any water to drinking 10 8-ounce glasses a day and it was so easy to do ...
    First thing in the morning ... drink at least one glass of water =1
    With your 3 meals ... drink at least one glass of water +3 = 4
    Feeling like a snack in betgween meals? - drink a glass of water instead +3 = 7
    Taking a vitamin or supplement before a meal? - drink a glass of water with it +1 = 8

    And that's what some people recommend you drink in a day .... I drink 2 glass in the morning and usually have a glass in the evening as well ... and that gives me 10 glasses on most days.

    Recently, I heard some 'authority' say only drink when you are thirsty ... I don't drink any soda-pop and put lemon or lime slices into a lot of my glasses of water during the day.

    Hope this tip helps you to on some days get more water int ...
  • zaynab110
    zaynab110 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm 24yr old and I need to lose 15kgs badly. I used to be v.motivional but due to my inconsistent nature, my weight has increased and now . I have no motivation left..
    I need some positive motivational friends .. Feel free to add me
  • fitaholic718
    fitaholic718 Posts: 19 Member
    There is an app that I use called waterlogged. It's really cool and they have cool offers when you progress.:happy:
  • xphoenixfirex
    xphoenixfirex Posts: 34 Member
    Any of y'all can add me too!!