At what point did you start buying new clothes?

To all the success stories out there (and success stories in-progress), at what point in your weight loss did you start purchasing new clothes?
I'm starting to feel like things are getting to be too large on me, but I know I would feel wasteful going out and purchasing a bunch of new clothing right now since I plan to lose about 75 more pounds over the next 8-9 months. I'm just curious what other folks have experienced/done.


  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I had to around 60 lbs down, but when you're bigger you don't have to as often. Thrift stores become your best friends :)
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    consignment or thrift stores are good a great idea for interim.
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I needed new pants/skirts after the first 12 pounds, new shirts at 20 I need to bras and panties :bigsmile:

    I plan on taking the pants and skirts to a tailor when they get too big :wink:
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I had to around 60 lbs down, but when you're bigger you don't have to as often. Thrift stores become your best friends :)

    This exactly. And clearance racks.

    I strongly recommend buying a FEW affordable new pieces as soon as you start noticing your old stuff is baggy or not as flattering. But do not go out and buy a whole new wardrobe for the first size down. I kind of learned from a mistake made with took me 60+ lb (a combination of pre-MFP weight loss and my initial losses here) to get from 22 to 20, so then when I hit size 18 pretty quickly I thought "oh this is probably where I'll end up" and having not been at that size in years, I figured it was safe to go buy 18s and a few 16s...but that quickly turned into replacing my entire wardrobe, only to need smaller clothes VERY soon after.

    Now I'm in 10-12 which I didn't expect. It's a good problem to have...but the point is, buy a FEW things that fit you at each stage...all the way through your weight loss ;-)
  • dfranch
    dfranch Posts: 207 Member
    I didn't get any new clothes until I'd list 35-40 lbs. I was swimming in everything I wore. I've spent hundreds on clothes that fit for about 3 months and I need to replace again.
  • ironsun
    ironsun Posts: 30
    I work in a professional environment, so I try to look as put together as I can. I buy clothes every time I go down a size. I try to be cost conscious, shopping in clearance racks and ebay for secondhand suits. I hear management say all the time that appearance does matter and they do notice those things.
  • OneGoodBean
    OneGoodBean Posts: 48 Member
    Well, I haven't lost anything this go around yet, but a few years ago I lost over 100 pounds as I went through cancer. I had gotten rid of all my big clothes at the time since I was finally small for the first time in my life. That backfired after I got better and gained it all back--and then an additional 60 pounds. So, luckily as I lose weight, I can just fit into what I've dubbed my "cancer clothes." :P I'm actually excited as they are cute stuff but I haven't worn in quite some time.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    When I needed them!

    I can now get belts, so that's a huge help. As long as the shorts aren't actually falling off, I'm good. I should be wearing 14s, but am still in the 16s, lol.

    I buy some new. If I wear them 3-5 times and they're still in great shape, I sell them on eBay. Then I use that money to buy others on eBay. Anything with a snag or fading or whatever, I donate to battered women. Those women (and their children) frequently start over with nothing but the clothes they're wearing, so anything at all will come in very handy.

    Please remember battered women when getting rid of plates, silverware, chairs, alarm clocks, etc. the locations are kept as well hidden as possible, but a priest or rabbi can generally assist with getting items to the women who need them.

    Used stuff isn't as good as new, but when you have NOTHING, it sure comes in handy. :)
  • asia1967
    asia1967 Posts: 707 Member
    Clothes swaps with friends and family if possible is also another alternative. That is what I did, going to spend, spend, spend on all new clothes when I hit my goal.
  • amcook4
    amcook4 Posts: 561 Member
    I had to around 35-40 pounds lost, my pants were falling off of me and I was having some near mis nip slips on my top. Both of which just made me look, and feel frumpy, plus isn't very good in a professional environment. So I hit up the thrift stores and bought a few good pants and a handful of tops, for less than $100. Once wearing clothing that fit me, I felt so much better and was motivated, because I looked a lot better. Some people will hold off as long as they can, but I like to look put together and am buying new things (especially pants) for every size.

    Edit to add that I have basic sewing skills, and a sewing machine, I've taken in some of my favorite, easier clothing, mostly maxi skits.
  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    At first from friends...

    But after I got to a point where I was the same size as them I bought them when I needed when my other stuff was too big...

    However what I didn't do was replace my whole waredrobe...I purchased a few pieces at winners or old navy on the cheap and that was it...

    Until this last shopping which I have worn a new outfit everyday for 2 weeks and still have 2 dresses I haven't worn yet and that included new shoes, boots etc...but my next size up are looking a bit shabby but I can still wear them but the one's I bought before just too big...
  • BramageOMG
    BramageOMG Posts: 319 Member
    25lbs, 40lbs, 50lbs... I just donated stuff I bought 6 weeks ago. I didn't care.

    Note: I just piece-mealed it.. No full new wardrobe. YET
  • persistentsoul
    persistentsoul Posts: 268 Member
    I still have piles of might fit one day clothes and clothes that did fit until i got too big for them. I shal just work my way back through all my old clothes and just buy a few things when really need to.
  • mom2_4gr8kids
    I only shop on clearance racks right now. I didn't need anything smaller until I lost about 20 lbs, now I need new clothes about every 10 lbs. I think I am more willing to wear clothes that fit now, instead of trying to hide my lumps in over sized clothes.

    I went to Wal-Mart and Target, I got a bunch of t-shirts on clearance in couple different sizes. I am now in the smallest size I bought, so I'll be shopping again soon! I really need underwear and bras now, they are getting ridiculously big. Losing weight is exciting, but expensive!
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    I bought a belt, and just kept tightening it more. I knew I was going to lose many sizes (from a tight 24W to size 10, 8 in some styles) and did not want to kept spending the money.
    The first time I went shopping for clothes, I had lost over 80#.
    I will remember this for the rest of my life. It was the Sunday before Labor Day 2012. For the very first time in decades, I bought a pair of jeans that were not a plus size. I remember thinking to myself "I will never be able to zip these up". The same thought went through my mind for each size smaller I bought.

    It is a great feeling to see your efforts paying off.
  • SteampunkSongbird
    SteampunkSongbird Posts: 826 Member
    2 days ago. I've lost almost 2 stone, and while I was reluctant to buy new clothes, I felt fatter than ever in lots of my older stuff because some things had become baggier than I'd expected them to by this point, and they hung on me in a very unflattering way (and hid the fact that I have a waist now!) I personally struggle to accept it when I make accomplishments, and so I kept telling myself that I was just imagining how loose my tops were, even though my mum and fiancé could see that my shape was being obstructed by my oversized clothes. So I finally decided to let go; I set aside some things for the charity shop, and bought myself a few new tops, all of which were two sizes smaller than I would've bought in the past, and from a shop that typically sizes things on the smaller side to boot. So basically, the best time for me to buy new stuff was when I was ready to let go of the physical self I wasn't happy with and accepted that I have succeeded in making positive changes, which can be a hard thing to do for anyone.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I'm slightly addicted to shopping, so I never stopped...I've gone down to a 32 B and a small/extra small shirt though so I think I can keep buying tops. Really should wait on pants and dresses until the last 8 pounds are gone.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    At every change of season, but only bottoms (and bras, obviously). And I bought everything a bit small. It's only last Fall that I bought new shirts, and they still fit (although they are a bit too large). I bought tight jeans then too, and they also still fit, although they do fall a little now... but I've only lost 20 pounds in the last year, so I've only lost 2 sizes.

    Basically, the only clothes I only wore for a season are the shorts I bought last Summer and a couple bras I got a year ago.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    When my old big clothes didn't fit anymore .. or really when I looked ridiculously stupid in them. It was about 10 months into my journey.