Slimming Down

Hello everyone!
I just have a question about, as the subject suggests, slimming down. As far as my progress I can see my body becoming more toned. But it seems like my body isn't getting smaller (my thighs and arms is primarily what I am talking about). It's like i'm staying the same "bulk" if you will rather than my arms or legs slimming down. I do lighter weights as to just tone instead of bulk up and I do 1/2 an hour of cardio before every workout (5 days a week). I don't eat an excess amount of protein or carbs. I'm actually a vegetarian and I eat pretty healthily.
I would just like to hear what other people's experience with this is, what I might be doing wrong to achieve the goals I want etc.
Thanks! :)


  • z_bra
    z_bra Posts: 79 Member
    Eat less. Exercise is for fitness.. If all you care about is being slim then eat a deficit
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,715 Member
    Contrary to popular belief, light weights don't "tone up" muscle better than heavier weights. It's the other way around. And bulking up happens on a surplus with an influx of testosterone, which if you're female and in calorie deficit, ain't gonna happen.
    Your shape is your shape and if you're just losing weight, you're just going to be a smaller version of your current shape. You want to enhance your shape, then you have to use resistance that is challenging and keep the reps under 12.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    You need to give it more time. Three pounds isn't really enough to see much difference if you have 25 to lose.

    When more weight comes off, you'll start seeing the difference. :)
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Your body will not change shape, at least not until you lose a considerable amount of weight/get down to a lower BF%. You will take up less space but you will not get "long, lean yoga body muscles" if you weren't built that way.

    I've lost 50lbs, and my "problem areas" (thighs, back fat, stomach) are still "problem areas". The problems just got smaller. And the more you have to lose to reach a healthy weight, the longer it takes to see results in the mirror.
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    I agree. Lift heavy weights so you max out about 10-12 reps. You won't get bulky, just toned. It is super difficult to add mass (especially for women), and if you're not eating at a surplus, it's not going to happen. What will happen is that you will get muscle tone.

  • TMoneyHomeSlice
    Thank you all :) I never really thought that about heavy weights but since it's been explained it completely makes sense! I will definitely give heavier weights a go. Thanks all :)