I give up

merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
So I've been at this just over 3 weeks--trying to make better food choices, exercising every day (maybe 1 or 2 days off in that time, every other day I did SOMETHING), watching my calories, etc. I've even started forcing myself to eat breakfast.

It's just not working. It worked briefly--I had lost 7 lbs at my 'peak' (about a week ago), and now, despite the fact that lately I have been working harder than ever since then (since that was a really motivating weigh-in)/watching my food intake more closely than ever (even the rare 'bad' food I have factored in, calorie wise), and I've gained 2lbs back and lost 0 inches. 0. What's the point? I drink a TON of water (20+ glasses/day), am down from like 10 sodas/day to 1 a week, down from a bottle of wine a night to a glass or two a night or two a week (with the calories factored in). I no longer eat mac and cheese as a major food group. I know I still eat the occasional lean cuisine or canned soup (yes, sodium, I know, but I feel like I drink enough water that that should be moot), but I've been making much more of my own food (less sodium/preservatives/processing/whatever else). My diet is no longer strictly carbs. I feel like I'm trying really hard and getting no results. 0. If anything, I'm getting the opposite. I'm so frustrated.

I'd be fine if I was weighing the same but losing inches, but when NOTHING is changing--what's the point? I enjoy diet coke, wine, cheesesteaks and mac and cheese. If it makes no difference either way, why bother trying?


  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    You give up????

    After 3 weeks? Come on pull yourself together.

    Stick with it. Weight that has piled on over months or years doesn't just disappear in 3 weeks.
  • jessieinblue
    jessieinblue Posts: 287 Member

    I looked at your food diary for the past couple weeks, and with some exceptions, you are not eating enough. You need to eat back at least some of your exercise calories so that you are taking in at least 1200 calories a day *after* exercise. Otherwise you are literally starving your body, and you will not lose weight.

    Please read this post for an excellent explanation:
  • brittlynne3579
    brittlynne3579 Posts: 217 Member
    I agree with Jessie....I noticed two things about your diary...

    You have ALOT of leftover cals. Are you exercising as well, causing even more cals to be leftover? Gotta eat them, no matter what. A few left over is fine, but you have a good bit.
    I also noticed quite a few days you were over on your sodium. Be careful, that can make you retain weight more than you can imagine.

    Just takes time but you WILL get there!!!
  • myukniewicz
    myukniewicz Posts: 906 Member
    do NOT give up.
    you can do this, there is no reason to throw in the towel after only three weeks.
    things like this can take time, weight loss is different for different people. some people can loose it quickly, were others it takes a little longer.

    just stay positive.
  • Hey, I agree with the comment above. You are not eating enough, and as you are doing so much exercise your body is probably going into starvation mode.

    Try working some healthy snacks into your diet, like fruit or a cereal bar in the morning and afternoon. Or even have two (slightly smaller than normal) lunches during the day. You need to let your body know that it will get fed regularly and that it doesn't need to hold on to all the fat stores.

    Don't give up - it is hard, and it takes a while to work out what works for you - so keep trying different things until you find something that works :)
  • Don't give up! You can do this! You didn't gain it all in a few weeks....so it isn't going to come off in a few weeks. I have been here for 3 weeks (maybe just a tad longer) and I have lost 5.5 pounds. Focus on your good eating habits and your exercise. I didn't look at your diary...but someone mentioned about more calories. Also make sure you watch your sodium intake and drink lots of water.

    We are all here for you. Add me as a buddy and we can motivate each other :)

    (oh...and I try not to weigh myself too much because I get very upset if the numbers are not changing. It is all about how you are feeling)

    Good luck!!
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    I agree with the above posters - don't give up and eat those calories:) Give it time, it will come off:) And come here for support any time you need it, that's why we are all here:)
  • xxquzme
    xxquzme Posts: 157 Member
    Its a tough journey. If it were easy then everyone would do it. I agree with the previous posters, you are not eating enough cals. Way to many left over. A few hundred cals left over is fine, especially if you are working out. But at times you have over a thousand left. Got to eat some of them back. Breakfast needs to consist of more than a piece of string cheese to be considered breakfast. You have to jump start your day with your breakfast. Keep hanging in there.
  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    Give up!!!!!!! Have you taken your measurements? Have you lost inches? Did you know muscule weighs more than fat? Give up!!! I think not. If I can do this so can you. Weigh and measure yourself only once a week at the same time every week. Drink lots of water and above all, DON'T GIVE UP.
  • Smokechic
    Smokechic Posts: 40 Member
    Don't give up, its not all about the scale. Its about how you feel and how fit you are getting. It has to feel great to know that YOU are getting out and exercising almost everyday. I'd bet that whatever exercise you are doing, it is far easier now than it was 3 weeks ago. I'm proud of you for making these life changes, don't allow the scale to make you feel defeated. It will happen, keep learning, keep exercising, keep eating right, and notice the great work you are doing.
  • lmclaine
    lmclaine Posts: 61 Member
    OMG, I feel the same way today. I was starting to feel good about my progress and my motivation was even getting stonger! No alcohol in 27 days, rarely going over my calorie limit, exercising 4-5 days/wk and it was showing on the scale. Then today, my official weigh-in day, I lost 0 lbs since last week. And to think I showed so much willpower when I really wanted a cocktail, forced myself to walk for a hour in the rain twice, scrutinized every food choice and documented each. I got off the scale and wondered if it was worth it all. Then I realized that I have still lost more than 2 lbs/wk since New Years--which is what my weekly goal is. I am going to try it again this coming week in hopes that I will catch up and that my scale is messing with me. It's so easy to become discouraged when making so many sacrifices for no results but if I don't have success this time with MFP and all the support, I don't think I'll ever lose the weight and will be fat for the rest of my life. I CANNOT give up this time.
  • togden
    togden Posts: 324 Member
    I agree with all the above posters also when are you weighing yourself you know your weight fluctuates throughout the day and I have found personally first thing in the morning after a goodnights sleep and a quick bathroom break gives me the best true weight.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    7 lbs lost in only 3 weeks and you are quitting? Sorry but here is some tough love, THAT'S STUPID!!
  • Dobsaya
    Dobsaya Posts: 235
    I don't think you really want to give up or else you would not have posted this topic. You would have just quit. So keep at it and cut some of that water. 20 glasses a day, wow.
  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member
    I've been at this over 7 months and know people that have been at it for years... you're giving up after 3 weeks? WHY? Make healthy foods and healthy activity your lifestyle! And be patient, I'm sure it took you longer than 3 weeks to gain it :)
  • You give up????

    After 3 weeks? Come on pull yourself together.

    Stick with it. Weight that has piled on over months or years doesn't just disappear in 3 weeks.

    My thoughts exactly! keep it up it takes a lot longer than 3 weeks!
  • benitocereno
    benitocereno Posts: 101 Member
    If your food diary is accurate, some days you're not eating nearly enough. I see you're working out because your daily calorie needs fluctuate wildly, but you're not eating those calories back. You NEED to do this when you're 800+ calories under your goal for the day. You are also eating so little most days! I don't know how you're not completely miserable by now (well, I guess it sounds like you're getting there). You're probably totally wrecking your body's metabolism. Weight loss happens slowly, weigh yourself once a week and work on meeting your goals... you do yourself no favor by undercutting them.

    As for "what's the point?"... you already know what the point is, it's the reason you started this. Don't be a quitter - we all get in ruts, but you CAN DO IT. Calm down, take a step back, and KEEP IT UP.

    If your diary is accurate you need to work on what you're eating still, if not you need to make sure you get granular with your food entries and weigh food. Good luck, you can do it, and stop with the quitter talk!
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    I don't feel like I'm starving myself, though, at all. I'm just not hungry (and often force myself to eat even then). When I'm not eating unhealthy foods, there is just not enough calories in healthy ones, lol. I could easily make up the calories by having a cheesesteak for dinner instead of a chicken breast and broccoli, and make up the calories, but that seems....not to be the right thing to do, lol. Should I be forcing myself to eat when I'm really not hungry?

    And like I said, I drink a TON of water--20-30 cups per day. I know I have alot of sodium (something else I am working on) but I feel like that much water should negate it. Also, I'm not discouraged about the progress/lack thereof, but that it is going backwards despite me trying harder than ever this week to do it right.
  • Keep in mind it has taken years to gain so it's not just gonna drop off over night. I understand your frustration--but think...Are you feeling better because you're working out and making better food choices? If the answer is yes than you can't give up! I try not to weigh myself often--but I do look at the suits I want to wear by this spring and say to myself, "I can do this!" Don't give up...work through it--I love my wine....but love myself more.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    You need to eat more. the only days you came close or went over on your calories were the days you had a drink or two.
    You can't drink those calories in. You will feel much better if you add some healthy snacks to your diet and make sure your are netting 1200 calories not including the 48 oz beer or the glasses of wine.

    Try sticking with it and making those changes, see if you feel better then.
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