weight training routine options

Just looking for some opinions on the pros and cons of weight training options.

I'm a bit short of time for adding extra exercise to my normal week.
I've got a routine here, say it's a shoulder and back day with 12exercises total on it. 6 of the exercises are compound or major muscle exercises and say 6 are for smaller stabilising or specific small muscles.

Would I be better to do 1set of the whole routine, or 2sets of the compound exercises?

I'm arguing with myself pros and cons for both!
I spend most of my time doing sports like squash or volleyball, and have recently been doing 3 x 30min interval sessions on Cardio in my work gym.
What do we think?
Thanks! Lynsey.


  • engodwin
    engodwin Posts: 516 Member
    Have you looked into Strong Lifts 5x5? It's three exercises, three times a week - takes less than 30 minutes (or so) to complete - if you're short on time I would check it out.
  • lynseya83
    lynseya83 Posts: 84 Member
    I'm just a bit limited equipment wise for that I'm afraid! I've got a decent set of dumbells at home ( but no space for a bench) and at my work gym it's got a fine leg press, but no squat pack or bench for bar bells - only a dumbell bench.

    I did start it before but after two weeks I couldn't clean and press enough on to my shoulders to give me a workout on my legs!
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    Would I be better to do 1set of the whole routine, or 2sets of the compound exercises?

    It depends - what is your goal?
  • lynseya83
    lynseya83 Posts: 84 Member
    Multi goals if poss! Muscle gain (and fat loss) as well as avoiding injuries while playing sports- over the last while I've torn my calf muscle ( still painful!) , done something tennis-elbow esk to my right arm and have a weaker knee on one side where I dislocated it! So really general body health and to strengthen muscles/tendons etc from the rigours of things like volleyball!
    Not asking much am I? ;-)
  • loulamb7
    loulamb7 Posts: 801 Member
    Since you have multiple goals I would consider All Pro's Lifting Routine. It's a full body workout that attempts to balance muscle and strength gains. It's a 3 day program that shouldn't take more than 45 minutes.

    Since you only have dumbbells you might want to look at this post http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/902569-barbell-routines-when-you-only-have-dumbbells

    I also only have dumbbells and have been using this program for about 4 months. I suggest starting super light until you have good form. Good luck.
  • alereck
    alereck Posts: 343 Member
    I only have a total of 2-3 hours a week to workout and I like to change up a bit or I will get bored. I say that it depends on your goals and what you are trying to achieve.

    When I first started I focused on compound exercises but I've moved on to isolation now that I want to work on specific muscles. One is not better than the other in my opinion. But like I said I get bored easily so I've gone back to some compound exercises to see if I can improve my back side, this is what one of my days looks like:

    Day one - Supersets - 3 x 10 - shoulder/arms butt/leg exercises I do 3 x 25
    Stiffleg deadlift
    Barbell shoulder press
    Hammer curl

    Db quickbacks
    Db curl

    Barbell glute bridge
    Skull crushers
    Lateral raises

    Calf raises
    Face pull
    Cable curls

    On the other day I do back/chest and also the same butt/leg exercises

    But like they say, the only bad workout is the one that didn't get done, so just do what makes you feel good. Good luck.