
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Saw this somewhere else and can't stop laughing!

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Cynthia, you are right, that is really a hoot! Is that a dog or a fox?

    JB, if you want to use two breathrite strips, you just roll them real tight and shove one up each nostril. :bigsmile: My hubby completely stopped snoring when he got a CPAP machine, and I pretty much stopped when I lost some weight. Not the only snoring is from the dogs, and that's just cute.

    It was COLD here this morning. 42 degrees when we went to swim at the Y. I know it's October, but somehow I wasn't ready.

    I'm at the studio waiting for something to dry, so thought I'd read the posts and add today's joke of the day. Not funny, if you ask me.


    After drinking, Men talk unnecessarily, become emotional, drive badly, stop thinking, and fight for no reason.

    Women can do all these without drinking!


    Have a great Saturday!

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    sitting here waiting to get dressed to go to this shin dig tonight... will see if I can get someone to take a picture..
    soggy and wet here today but wont dampen the spirits tonight is about fun, friendship and raising money for a great cause...:heart:
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,868 Member
    Good Morning ladies. Well mine did not start out the best. I have been really stuggling with some depression and eating is out of control. Doing alot of praying this morning for a new start. I really had a hard time getting up to come to work this morning.

    Sue--Congrates on the 98.82 miles for last month. That is fantastic.

    Heather--Sounds like you are getting alot of steps in. I just love hearing about everything you are doing. Sounds like you had a very nice birthday and dinner.

    Rita--Pray things look up soon, I am not sure what is going on as I have been having problems lately also. Trying hard to think postive.

    Carol--How scary about DS getting hit by a car. Glad he is ok.

    Syliva--I understand about the cats and DGD. I do think the little things mean so much to them and makes them feel like they are important. My DS tells me I act like alittle kid with the grandchildren. That is alright. I want them to remember me wIths good memories and laughs. You are giving those children what they need and that is time with you.

    Welcome Debbie--Glad to have you join us.

    Katla--Glad to hear DH is home and resting.

    Margaret--Congrates on winning the Gas card.

    Joyce--So glad you have found a church you are comfortable with. We are looking at different churchs right now as acouple months ago the one we have been members of the last 10+ years sent letters out wanting everyone to sign up for direct deposit for offering. So that our money could come to church when we can't. I guess if they care more about my money then me I need to find a change. So we have been attending acouple others. I do believe God puts us where he wants us and when he wants us there.

    Patty--Glad things worked out for DD and the house.

    Meg--Great news on cutting back on metformin. I am hoping I can do that soon also.

    Well I am feeling some better this afternoon. Know I only got about 4 hours sleep last night by my fitbit, so early to bed tonight.
    Ladies hope you are having a good day and remember we are not in this alone.
    Blessed! Vicki GI NE
    October Goals

    1. Log everybite--Good & Bad
    2. List 3 postives each day
    3. Start work on 3 Christmas stockings for new grandbabies.
    4. Drink more water
    5. Live life in the present, There is nothing that can be done about the past.
  • MoochieRama
    MoochieRama Posts: 71 Member
    Hi BarbieCat, from Atlanta.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Meg, I remember when my Metformin was cut down to 1 pill. Celebration time.

    Vicki, I just make sure that if I miss a Sunday then the next time I am there it is made up. the church needs to trust God that He will provide.

    Had the dog walk today with my daughter. Lunch was grilled hot dog and chili and drink. The chili is an old family recipe and she made it in an old cast iron huge round pot like you would see in al old western or Little house on the prairie. Soft drink was part of the ticket but I took bottled water. the person looked at me like I was weird to ask fro water. But I was able to refill the bottle to have for the walk. Between all the walking around and actual walk I got about 5,000 steps in. Last year we went to a walk and it was in another park that had a lot of trees next to the roadway. This one didn't so the dogs weren't as tempted to explore as much. My problem was that the dogs explored so much that it took away from the walk. This time we walked a good pace. Michelle's dog is a good size full blooded boxer and is an alpha dog. He didn't get along with the German Shephards or a pointer that was there. One of her friends has 2 full blooded Siberian huskies that are so beautiful and so well mannered. They had a costume contest for the dogs and she dressed the female in a tutu and angel wings. There was another huskie/lab mix that had a bra and grass skirt on. I couldn't hardly get my legs and feet into the car when I went home.

    ? to you with fitbits. My daughter wants to get one but she doesn't have an actual computer for her internet. She has a Samsung 4G tablet. So if I am right, it won't sync with anything since she doesn't have anywhere to put that doggle or dugle or whatever it's called. I have an extra fitbit I can give her. It has the wrist band and clip but I bought it just because Melody chewed up the charger. But for the life of me I can not find the little thing that synce it with the computer

    Joyce, Indiana
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Hello to All,
    My first water aerobic class went great! I had six women and they all worked hard and responded positively. I really enjoyed it. Now I have to come up with a new routine for next week.
    So, I went to the doctor last night and apparently my thyroid has gotten jacked up and my medicine has to be adjusted. I have been on it for 15 yrs, same dosage but it isn't working as well anymore. I also have to cut down on sodium and was low on potassium. The doctor has put me on a pill to help with the dizziness which he said should go away as the thyroid regulates again.
    Tonight is our dance night and I am really looking forward to it.

    Heather, It sounds like you are having a ball, I loved NY and I love to try new foods as well.

    Sylvia, I love your jokes, they crack me up'

    Yannijannie, I sure wish you were here to dance with me also.

    Joyce IN, I might check out my city website for churches, my issue is I don't really have a religious preference. I was raised Catholic but have past issues and resentments towards the religion. I went Lutheran for many years but although I have nothing against it, I don't have a preference for it either. I really think I'd like to try a non denominational church.

    Well, I wanted to check in and say Hi, I think it's time for a cup of tea and then I'll start getting ready. It has really gotten cold today, I think I'll have to dig out a jacket.

    Good night to all, Patty Cincinnati OH
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good afternoon.
    Chilly here-40`s and snowflakes.
    Cleaned house and made some pumpkin muffins for hubby.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Patty, I would have to check with my daughter as to where in Cincinatti it is located but they belong to what is commonly called a 'seeker' church. It is meant for people who are disallusioned for some reason with church, don't know what denomination they want to belong to but generally want to belong to a nondenominational church. It is called Quest community church. They started in Lexington, ky, opened a church in Frankfort and just recently in Cincinatti. I am Southern Baptist and I have never heard a sermon there that has not been different from what I believe in, they just prsent it in a different way. They are pretty relaxed but don't mind in any way if you want to come in a suit and ite. You just need to know that the person beside you may be in jeans. The person leading worship may be in jeans. I was pleased that the offering 'plate' was a plate but had a big bag connected to it so as it went downt he aisle no one saw what you put in so there is no embarrasment. Everyone is encouraged to take part in a small group. These are the people who will become very close friends, they will be accountable to you and you to them. No, this is not a requirement and may not even be stated. But becuase you are close to them you jsut feel that you have a responsibility to each other. In the main church in Lexington the have a Thursday evening program that helps people deal with problems. My sister belongs to a weight loss group, my son in law belongs to a group that has at one point in his life had some interest in porn, whether intense or just lightly. They also have addiction group and teen group and I am sure other groups. Now I'm not sure if they have this up and going in the new church in Cinci. I know our Sunday paper has a list of churches grouped as to what kind. Nondenomination is one of these categories. Word of mouth is also one way of finding a church. Forgive all the mispelling. I am still tired from the afternoon activities. It all makes me woner if I need to take my wheel chair to Florieda jsut incase we have a rainy day that we go to a museum or aquarium. I don't think I need to rent a motorized mobility scooter.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,601 Member
    Good afternoon my friends! :indifferent: :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia - last night I dreamt I was you. Last week I dreamt I was Katla.:laugh: Am I having an identity crisis? ? ? ? ?

    Great day despite the POURING rain this morning. Clear again now. We walked to Grand Central in the rain and adored it. I sneakily suggested that we have a look at the Oyster Bar (been on my bucket list for years) and persuaded DH to have an early lunch there. Had Cotuit from Cape Cod, Hama Hama from Washington State, and Lady Chatterly from Nova Scotia, (my favourites). DH had battered clams and lobster. What a great place! You can have an inexpensive sandwich if you want.
    The departure board said Stamford, New Haven, Poughkeepsie. Is Stamford near you Alison?

    I will try to post a photo of me st the station.

    It was still raining so we got the subway to the American Art museum, but the queue was ridiculous so we went on to the Guggenheim where we have fast track tickets. What a shambles! They were setting up a new exhibition so much of it was out of bounds, including the ramp, so we weren't pleased. Nice pictures though.
    Then we walked up 5th Avenue and came across the National Academy of Art. Popped in to see a couple of good pictures then went on to the Museum of the City Of New York. Excellent! ! ! ! Saw a short film and a couple of exhibitions, including an amazing dolls house and more Tiffany jewels.

    By which time the sun had come out. We csught the bus back to the American Art, but the queue was just as bad, so we ended up at the National Library and bought terrific souvenirs, including a calendar with old posters of New York.

    Soon to go out for our meal at last night's venue. May have lobster.:blushing: :drinker: Home tomorrow so it's our last fling. Burnt off 503 cals walking about.

    May wear a dress. Very rare for me.:laugh:

    Heather in NYC.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Joyce, if your daughter's tablet has wifi I don't think she needs the dongle. I sync to my ipad through wifi. I still have not found a use for that dongle that came with my fitbit.

    Heather, that's funny! I can't tell you how many times I've wished I was you!

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good Saturday evening all!!!!

    Long day after a short night. Up just before 7 so I did get 3 hours decent sleep. Met a friend at 8 and went to an hour and a half of a super yoga class. Met a woman there whose DD is going to a neighboring college very close to where my DD went.........we had a lot to talk about; her DD is majoring in English Lit. Then the usual bunch of us breakfast buddies went to the local "biker bar" for breakfast; quite the change from IHOP!!! The food was good but my poor PT Cruiser looked a bit out of place and I held my breath when leaving scared to death that I would hit one of the gorgeous big bikes and send the whole row down. By then it was 12:30 and I had to head over to another town to help time a 5K............got home late afternoon and started cooking. DD is on her way home from her weekend and hasn't gotten lost yet so progress has been made there!

    Meg..........Wonderful that your diabetes med was cut, good luck on those blood sugars!

    Michele and Rita...........I'm in the "we hate insurance co." club too. Ours is being changed back by DH's company to Anthem BC & BS and I am sooooooo happy. Optima has been less than good.

    Tracey........Congrats on that stair badge!!!! And welcome! I have a cousin in the Perth/Smith Falls area on Lake Rideau; don't know if it's close to you.

    jb...........Love the doggy icon and your blog and a very Happy Birthday to you!

    Cynthia.......LOL! Fox or dog?????? Sorry about your dogs' buddy.

    Sylvia........Funny joke!

    Heather........I think you are seeing a LOT more of NYC than most; hope your last night is fantastic!!!! Thanks for sharing through your pics.

    Patty...........Have fun at your dance tonight!

    Early bed tonight.
    Stay strong!
    mid-Atlantic, where we had the most gorgeous day!!!!
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Just wanted to pop by for a quick hello! It was horrible weather for volunteering at recycling drive. I had the foresight to wear my winter coat and gloves since it was rainy, cold and windy but wore gym shoes instead of boots. My socks and shoes were soaked at the end of the two hours. Hopefully won't get sick! Tried a new recipe for baked chicken nuggets for dinner. Substituted eggs and a teeny bit of olive oil for the butter and came out yummy and I stayed under for the day! Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Going to get de-clutter tomorrow no matter what!!!

    Kathy in very chilly IL
  • MollyMamaBear
    MollyMamaBear Posts: 6 Member
    Hello beautiful Ladies :heart: :flowerforyou:
    I have been idle in posting. I use my cell phone for MFP and can not view my groups for some reason.I do keep up the Jan though .:flowerforyou: :wink:
    Still reading and catching up.
    Hugs all around.
    October Resolutions
    1:Move.(With all my health issues I keep getting told soon I will be immobile-fool you doctors.)
    2:Smile more.
    3:Be mindful of others.
    4:Get to the YMCA and sign on.
    Molly is now chilly WV
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Just a quick pop in to save my place and to say I'm still alive!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: I spent an hour and a half working in the yard and almost three hours riding the exercise bike. I checked a video out of the library and rode the bike the whole time I watched It ("Paul Williams---Still Alive")

    :bigsmile: Jake fixed lunch---one of his favorites---hot and sour soup with tofu, onions, and cauliflower.

    :bigsmile: We continue to have beautiful weather---sunny, but cool enough that the dogs want to walk for a really long time.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washingtonsmiley-happy093.gif


    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT>
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did 1-1/2 hr Jari Love Revved to the Max DVD. Tomorrow I'm planning to do Rodney Yee's Yoga Burn DVD

    Tracy - sending virtual chicken soup, lots and lots of it. I honestly believe that when we exercise, we don't get as sick. Vince is (to me, anyway) constantly getting sick. I'm not, and I'm the one who exercises.

    Heather - I just love reading about your trip. Sounds wonderful. That decoration sounds so cute!

    Deb - what is peri-peri oil? Never heard of it. Maybe its something you can get only there? dh always checks online to see if he can do a repair before calling in someone, so I totally get where you're coming from

    CynthisT60 - it's good to take some time off, helps your muscles rebuild themselves

    alison - why are you responsible for the other man's mistake? He should have measured before ordering the windows to be sure that they'd fit

    Well, we're going to be leaving in a few to go to the Hallmark ornament debut. Vince wants to be sure to get there early.

    Came home and made these apple pork chops. One of the reasons is because a neighbor gave me some apples so I wanted to make something out of them and give some to her. Actually, I'll probably finish the rest.

    then made quinoa frittatas to take to Mexican Train this Tuesday and some apple zucchini muffins (to use more of her apples), then church, now here.

    jb - I make list upon list upon list of things that I need to take with me. I also usually start packing about a week before we leave. Loved your blog entry, I read it the other day.

    Sylvia - I agree, the joke was not funny

    Patty - I KNEW your water aerobics class would go well. For the life of me, I certainly don't understand why they don't have more water classes at the Y (not swimming, but exercise classes). Probably because swim lessons bring in revenue and classes don't.

    Joyce - I never heard of a collection "plate" with a bag attached. What a neat idea!

    Kathy - I'm so sorry you didn't havae good weather for the recycling event. What a bummer! I hope you don't get sick, too.

    Molly - I like your attitude of wanting to fool the docs. And you will.

    Michele in NC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today has been a good one. At the studio I came up with something I think I'm going to like. Can't be sure till it's glazed and fired, but it seems promising. Then went home and cut two mats for that big picture for over the mantle. I've been dragging my feet because I've never done mats that big before and wasn't sure I could even remember how. I have not cut mats in about 15 years. But they came out great and hubby's photo of Mt Ranier looks fantastic! Tomorrow I will clean the glass and put it all together. It'll be good to get that project finished and up on the wall. Hubby is getting impatient.

    Then we came out to the lake. We walked the dogs over the dam and back, then hubby brought them back to the cabin in the van while I walked back. It was such a beautiful day for walking! Made grilled chicken and salad for dinner, then hubby went walking with me to finish my last 4,000 steps. It was so nice to have company. It's easier to walk without the dogs. There are too many dogs running loose out here, plus, they have to sniff every rock and blade of grass which slows me down. I like a pace of about 4 miles an hour.

    Oct 4th totals:
    Steps, 10,596
    Distance, 4.42 miles
    So far, so good.

    I hope everyone has a great evening!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,601 Member
    Well my lovely ladies, I can officially say that if you ever come to NYC and want to splash out a little then Keens Chophouse is the place to go.
    I had the lobster. Only my second "live"lobster ever. Wonderful! And the creamed spinach again - my favourite. DH had halibut with octopus. Great! And an amazing Kentucky bourbon.
    Very happy lady!

    We came back to the hotel because we needed to check in and print our boarding passes for tomorrow. Then couldn't be bothered to go out again. So here I am talking to you.:flowerforyou: :heart:
    I am very aware how lucky I am being able to do all this. Be assured I do not take it for granted. I am very conscious that some of you struggle to make ends meet and that was my position for quite a few years. I am resolved to give a bit more to my usual Christmas charity for the homeless this year.

    Got to decide how to spend our last day. We leave for the airport at 5pm. Harlem? Downtown?
    It is wonderful that DH , who was so reluctant to come and doesn't really like cities, has loved our holiday. New York has something for everyone. It helps that it is on the water. He loves water. And great art. And architecture. I am happy that he is happy. He is scared of flying and managed that OK. He isn't a fan of expensive meals, but tolerated that for my sake and found some of it amazing! I am blessed.:love:

    Bye for now. Heather, happy in NYC.:bigsmile:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Heather so glad you have enjoyed such a small part of our USA.. I hope you can leave it wiht joy and leave a small part of your joy behind.

    Sylviam thanks for the info about using the fitbit with just the samsung. Michelle is a finder. She found this fit bit at her dog park. She out up a notice on their bulleten board but no one claimed in At work when she cleans the industriel dryers she found several hundrends a week and then the change she turns in about every other month and it's usally about $2 -300 . So if your guys works at a company that does their cleaning for them please tell them to clean thier pockets. It they don't, some one at the cleaners is getting a good taxfree pay day. She is going to Panama City Beach with about $300 extra cash and knowing Michelle will not spend much of it. I wish she would save it for a year or two and see what it could give her towards cutting down on her job and getting into vet school. Or at least vet tech. But it's kind of hard being single, a crappy house which needs constant upkeep, and go to school also. I don't believe in the lottery but I admire Charlie saying that Michelle would be his first recipient, all expenses paid so she could keep her dogs and go to school The dogs do not come over here. They come to play in our big back yard and to tease my cat at the kitchen door but do not get inside. My furniture is to precious to me.

    I still smell like wood grilled chili! Charlie was going with me to the lunch only until he herd I paid $10 for it. He thought it was a little crazy until I told him it was all going towards ACA, another chance for animals, not Affordable care act!!! But the ticket had two pieces to it. So I took the other ticket and asked if I could get a carry out and they said I could. So I got a good size bowl of chili, a grilled hot dog an some fixins for him for lunch tomorrow. He was very appreciative although Michelle was rather disappointed she didn't know what that second ticket was for. She could have gotten her a meal for tomorrow. I tell you, kids just have to listen to their Moms more. There were several kitties I just wanted to pick up and hug and put in my jacket the whole walk but they weren't offering any one to get them out of their cages and pet them. My friends beautiful full blooded husky who was dressed up as a ballerina didn't win the costume contest. Some one came in at the last moments and registered and got 1st prize. Oh but those two were gorgeous. The male was long haird and had the kind of alpha personality h would have made a wonderful led dog in Alaska.

    Going to be in the 30's tomorrow so I guess I get to wear some of my new fall clothes!!!

    Going to add a victory for my daughter. She had almost quit smoking when she got divorced. So for the last 2 years she has been trying to conquer it again. In April she went to the e-cig. She hos now quit. She had a arguement with her boss and was so upset she bu,,ed a cigarette from some one and had throw it away, she hated it. So from the cost of the cigarettes and then the e-cig she was now saved about $1000 a year and feels better and ins healthier. She knows she needs to work on the diet again.

    Joyce, Indiana