Anyone Secretly Enjoy Running?



  • HornedFrogPride
    HornedFrogPride Posts: 283 Member
    If you love running, tell the world! No secretive running love allowed! I love running and it ain't no secret!:wink:
  • keithm138
    keithm138 Posts: 46 Member
    Its no secret with me I love running , its became a passion of mine and I'm totally addicted. Any runners please feel free to add me as a friend.
  • pangepange
    pangepange Posts: 49 Member
    I just came back in from a run. :) Currently training for my first half-marathon on the 19th! Not so secret that I am totally in love with running. I'm so glad I finally found an exercise that works for me.
  • ugh i wishhhhhh someone please tell me the secret to secretly enjoying running! ;P really
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    I don't run all that much anymore, although I do run to the gym and back (only a mile each way). I quite love it, though. It is the only cardio that I actually enjoy. I don't do as much cardio these days since I usually devote my time to lifting, but I still really enjoy my runs to and from the gym. I used to run quite a bit more, and on a rest day if I want to do some cardio it's definitely a 3ish mile run.

    I'm just so slow :( so very, very, very slow...
  • sweatgagirl
    sweatgagirl Posts: 12 Member
    I enjoy running. Sometimes my knee or shin bothers me but I keep going. I did a biggest loser 5K in Panama City, FL and had fun time. Especially when I was surprised to come in third place in my age group.
  • beachgirl172723
    beachgirl172723 Posts: 151 Member
    Love love love love.......
  • Thank you to everyone who responded to my topic post! I was overwhelmed to see how many responses I've gotten. I tried to inbox everyone a response, if I missed you, please send me a message and let me know!

    I do tend to be secretive about my enjoyment of running, in regular every day non-race life, I don't find many people who share the same interest in running that I do!

    So, it's great to see so many people who enjoy the sport of running for a variety of reasons!
  • ferocityturbine
    ferocityturbine Posts: 110 Member
    I love running! Although I have only just discovered my love of it - I always expected to hate it. I've just completed C25K and can't wait to sign up for my first 5K and then to start working on improving my speed.

    What I wish I could do now is find something I love doing on the days I can't run... I like to try and be active every day, but do grumble at the days I have the use the elliptical instead. If I could run every day I would :D
  • jim_just_jim
    jim_just_jim Posts: 148 Member
    I love running, but also walk / hike / bike / swim and ski. Anything to keep moving.