low tdee, trying to lose weight?



  • samammay
    samammay Posts: 468
    115lbs is a lot different than 100lbs

    Its still unhealthy. Its a solid 15 pounds or more under what your doctor suggested you weigh.

    Please, seek professional guidance.
  • typicallystrange
    i just wanted to lower my body fat % to below 19%
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Gain muscle then and start lifting.
  • samammay
    samammay Posts: 468
    i just wanted to lower my body fat % to below 19%

    That is going to be tough to do in a healthy manner without a) adding weight and b) exercising.

    Read this blog post - it is pretty inspiring and right along the line of what you want:

  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    i used the TDEE calculator at http://iifym.com/tdee-calculator/, and i've used other calculators, they all come up with a similar number.

    stats? um i'm 122-123lbs, 5'7, 21.7% body fat (using a hand-held measure-er thing.. not especially accurate but gives me some idea)

    How on earth do you weigh so little if you eat 1200-1400 calories a day, and still feel hungry, and sit on your backside all day? Do you do any exercise?

    As others have said, get lifting if you want to lower your body fat percentage. You definitely don't need to lose weight.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Gain muscle then and start lifting.

    what? you can't gain muscle without lifting...

    To the OP...we are the same height and as of my last recorded weigh in I am 147.7lbs...I wear a size 4 (Canadian size 4)

    I lift weights at least 3-4x a week...not sure of my BF% atm but it's coming down.

    Just a little perspective for you...you don't need to weigh 110lbs to be "small"

    ETA: when I started my TDEE was 1995 it is now 2267 and I work in an office at a desk but still manage to get in 10k steps without exercise most days...
  • typicallystrange
    i have been lifting for 6 weeks, (and using heavy weights, to the point where i can't do another rep, focusing on negatives as well)
  • typicallystrange
    i tried to eat 1200-1400 calories a day but that normally turned into 1500-1900, 6 weeks ago i started to weight train once a week, but before that i did practically no exercise and and at the moment, i'm 5lbs off the highest weight i've ever been
  • typicallystrange
    Just a little perspective for you...you don't need to weigh 110lbs to be "small"

    thank you, i'll keep up the weight lifting and stop trying to lose weight
  • typicallystrange
    i just wanted to lower my body fat % to below 19%

    That is going to be tough to do in a healthy manner without a) adding weight and b) exercising.

    Read this blog post - it is pretty inspiring and right along the line of what you want:


    haha, actually i've read that article before, but i think this time i'll pay it more heed, thank you
  • JustFindingMe
    JustFindingMe Posts: 390 Member

    Didn't see her last response.

    Carry on :flowerforyou:
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    You need to EAT a LOT of food, and continue to lift weights!
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    i just wanted to lower my body fat % to below 19%

    That is going to be tough to do in a healthy manner without a) adding weight and b) exercising.

    Read this blog post - it is pretty inspiring and right along the line of what you want:


    I loved this read

    I've been wanting to lift, but I'm just too damn scared to try to ask someone at my gym. So intimidated.

    Maybe..one day....just maybe
  • funchords
    funchords Posts: 413 Member
    This thread is confusing. I think this is a normally-weighted OP who wants a lower body fat percentage, but hasn't expressed why. Am I reading this correctly?

    If so, please explain what you're trying to accomplish in real-world terms, aside from the statistics. Are you trying to be healthy? Do you have some flab or skin that you're trying to get rid of? Does it just sound like a cool goal? What made you choose 19%?

    You said you are with a computer all day and sedentary. Do you not want to be more active? Are you looking for small steps you can do in the same room as the computer? Can you do floor exercises such as pushups or do you want to focus on exercises you can do while sitting?

    All that said-- OP if I were you, I'd start over with a new message that expresses what your goals are, what is currently going on, and what you desire your solution to look like (everything I'm asking above). That way you can get better and friendlier advice. This topic entitled "low tdee, trying to lose weight?" is just going to miss attracting the right kind of advice.
  • samammay
    samammay Posts: 468
    i just wanted to lower my body fat % to below 19%

    That is going to be tough to do in a healthy manner without a) adding weight and b) exercising.

    Read this blog post - it is pretty inspiring and right along the line of what you want:


    I loved this read

    I've been wanting to lift, but I'm just too damn scared to try to ask someone at my gym. So intimidated.

    Maybe..one day....just maybe

    Dont be scared of. There is nothing to be scared of. They are just plates and bars. Ask one of the trainers for a quick intro and then have at it. Google a program called "starting strength" or "stronglifts 5x5". Either one of those are perfect for a beginner.

    Alternately, there is a book that many love called New Rules of Lifting for Women.

    As for anyone at the gym you might be intimidated by... dont be. They just want to do their own thing. By and large, the guys in there are going to be more impressed that you are trying than anything. You dont have to be good at it... you will get the respect by trying to get better.
  • wkwebby
    wkwebby Posts: 807 Member
    i just wanted to lower my body fat % to below 19%

    Then you need to be eating at a minimum at your maintenance level (which is great since you're hungry all the time anyway) and start lifting weights.
  • wkwebby
    wkwebby Posts: 807 Member
    i tried to eat 1200-1400 calories a day but that normally turned into 1500-1900, 6 weeks ago i started to weight train once a week, but before that i did practically no exercise and and at the moment, i'm 5lbs off the highest weight i've ever been

    Once a week is not enough to make significant muscle gains. You should be weight lifting a couple of times a week to see any type of progress. Do not focus on your weight as much as your body composition. Your height and weight don't match up with someone who is overweight. Your body frame also comes into play with weight. Since you are close to an "ideal weight" for your height, you should solely focus on that body fat % and do away with the scale. Focus on your personal goals like running a certain distance, etc.