Do you ever have a break off KETO?

Hi All,

I've been attempting a keto diet and managed to remain strong for just 10 days (although i managed to lose half a stone in that time ... probably mainly water).

However today i have broken!!

Does anyone ever break from a keto diet for one day and then hop back on it?

Although today has tasted amazing ... Cookies and sarnies :D I am feeling really pants that i've given into my cravings and i'm hoping someone out there might have some advice on how to keep the cravings at bay? It doesnt help that my Husband eats pizza's/chocolates/pancakes/nutella/beers etc infront of me!!!

Lotsa love, Hannah xx


  • ElliieMental
    We seem to be in the same boat!!! I also broke a little on my second weekend and mostly because of husband and son eating all the devil's food around me.

    The sooner you get back to it the sooner you'll get back in to K. I managed not to gain anything but I hadn't lost on my second week either which is just pathetic really. Getting back on it this week and I can only recommend a break every 6 weeks - from my previous experience.

    Eating LC is second nature to me now however I do find I go over on carbs just on healthy things alone, broccoli, avocado and my soya yoghurts all put me up to 50g each day. Because of this I am aiming for low carb rather than keto but not sure if that's why I am craving junk!
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    No breaks really, but would preface that by saying I am not doing ultra-low carb, just about 50g net carbs a day. Also getting closer to my goal, or perhaps it may have been the duration of my dieting effort, carb refeeds have been useful on occasion (although terribly boring!) to get the movement on the scale going again.

    If you're an athlete, or a quite an athletically active sort, something like cyclical low-carbing makes a lot of sense, eating low carb on your non-training days, and eating carbs on the days you then do train. Also, others restrict carbs for before and after workouts, and eat low carb all other times.

    For the regular, non-athletes (myself included), I would say if you're having difficulty sticking to it (or any diet plan really), you may have jumped in too heavily, too fast, and just like an elastic band, the pressure of such changes result in an inevitable rebound or slippage. When I was starting low carb, I treated it like peeling an onion, removing the carbs in layers and over a few weeks, starting with the superfluous junky carbs (alcohol & added sugar), before getting down to the healthier carbs that I just needed to restrict a little (potatoes/ grains/ etc). This approach definitely helped me get from 150- 200g starting to the 50g I ended up at for quite some time, without any rebounds/ slips. Its all gone so well actually that I'm now working on reversing out of my diet slowly, both in terms of my calorie deficit, and my carb level, both of which I am focussing on, until I am out of my weight loss fully.

    Hope some of this helps :)

    Edited to add: by the way, if its just the one day, perhaps you can treat it as a refeed ;) When your glycogen stores are so low from low-carbing, much of the carbs you eat on such a day go first to refill those glycogen stores first :)
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    Yes I took a break from it about three years ago and funnily I now have a fantastic relationship with food, my body fat percentage has dropped by half (over 30% to 15-18) and I GET TO EAT WHAT I LIKE (just smaller portions).

    Guess I'll be going back on it soon.

  • Reel81
    I am feeling really pants

    i'm going to start using this phrase alot :laugh:
  • candyvader
    I've been doing Keto for 6 months. It takes a good 2-3 weeks or more to really become keto-adapted so taking a break after a couple weeks is doing you no good. To really be in the fat burning mode you need to be eating high fat, moderate protein and very low carb. I was watching a Youtube video from Dr. Steve Phinney about his own keto diet and he said even if you have been in keto for some time, taking a cheat day will set you back and you will have to re-adapt for a week or two. See if you can't set house rules about them eating in front of you. This is your health and you have to take charge of it. They are eating a "fad" diet that is addictive, because it is addictive it is hard to break with.
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    If you're the type of person that gets nasty "keto flu" symptoms when going into and out of ketosis, then taking a break is probably a bad idea because you're just setting yourself up to feel miserable for a few days. If you only managed to make it 10 days before dropping the hammer on some cookies, I'd probably reconsider whether you really want to do a ketogenic diet. You certainly don't have to do such a diet to lose weight, but it can be helpful for some people. That said, it's not helpful for everyone.
    Yes I took a break from it about three years ago and funnily I now have a fantastic relationship with food, my body fat percentage has dropped by half (over 30% to 15-18) and I GET TO EAT WHAT I LIKE (just smaller portions).

    Guess I'll be going back on it soon.

    This is akin to me hopping into a thread about vegetarianism and saying "DAMN THAT STEAK I HAD LAST NIGHT WAS GOOD!" What's the point? You don't eat keto, that's great. Not sure what that really adds to the discussion though.
  • philwrightfitness
    It takes at least three weeks to establish keto some can do it in two weeks some four or five .... Lyle macdonald recommends an occasional break however I would recommend that you wait until your weight loss has stalled then maybe a week ...remember keto doesn't work for everybody
  • myfitnesspale3
    myfitnesspale3 Posts: 276 Member
    3 weeks, I don't think so. Just several days of very low carb, 30g or less per day, is enough for me to see increased ketones. It's only difficult to actually keep hidden carbs out of the intake. They sneak in with processed foods and dairy. Even protein bars are poorly suited to low carb.
  • LeonCX
    LeonCX Posts: 862 Member
    I'm truly sorry you broke down. I know what that does to the psyche. Preach time: Restrictive diets like keto have dismal success rates. It is an indisputable fact, sorry. Lifestyle change diets are much more successful Wishing you the best.
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    I'm truly sorry you broke down. I know what that does to the psyche. Preach time: Restrictive diets like keto have dismal success rates. It is an indisputable fact, sorry. Lifestyle change diets are much more successful Wishing you the best.

    I'd recheck the facts. People who lose significant amounts of weight, regardless of how they lost that weight, have dismal rates of success. Calling it a nice warm, fluffy term like a lifestyle change diet – whatever that is – doesn't change that.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I'm truly sorry you broke down. I know what that does to the psyche. Preach time: Restrictive diets like keto have dismal success rates. It is an indisputable fact, sorry. Lifestyle change diets are much more successful Wishing you the best.
    What lifestyle change diets are you referring to?
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,967 Member
    I'm truly sorry you broke down. I know what that does to the psyche. Preach time: Restrictive diets like keto have dismal success rates. It is an indisputable fact, sorry. Lifestyle change diets are much more successful Wishing you the best.

    I've lost almost 50lbs. That's dismal? Hmmmm.... I can do this the rest of my life easily. Keto isn't a diet; it's a lifestyle. A way of life. On maintenance, you eat like this, too, just a little more carbs. I don't cheat. I don't feel the need to. You know what was dismal? My success on other eating plans! I was a terrible carb addict. I had 90 pounds to lose after 16 years or trying plain CICO. Only 4 months of keto, and I've lost this much. Healthier than I've been in a long time. More fit. I get to eat lots of tasty food. Sounds like a win.

    Keto....cuz BACON.
  • JustFindingMe
    JustFindingMe Posts: 390 Member
    I am feeling really pants

    i'm going to start using this phrase alot :laugh:

    Is it a saying? I thought it was a auto-complete thingy lol
  • LeonCX
    LeonCX Posts: 862 Member
    I've lost almost 50lbs. That's dismal? Hmmmm.... I can do this the rest of my life easily. Keto isn't a diet; it's a lifestyle. A way of life.

    I also lost around 50 pounds on low carb. About four different times. Not knocking it if you like it. Sure it works. I first tried Atkins in 1974, when most commenters here were in diapers.:laugh: I'm just referring to long term success RATE. Meaning, the ability to stick to a regimen of giving up so many food choices. Happy you could do it and happy it works for you!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I've lost almost 50lbs. That's dismal? Hmmmm.... I can do this the rest of my life easily. Keto isn't a diet; it's a lifestyle. A way of life.

    Not knocking it if you like it. Sure it works. I first tried Atkins in 1974, when most commenters here were in diapers.:laugh: I'm just referring to long term success RATE. Meaning, the ability to stick to a regimen of giving up so many food choices. Happy you could do it and happy it works for you!
    Many people here have been dieting as long as you...(off and on). and yet they're still trying too... including the many many who return each day saying they "fell of the [MFP lifestyle] wagon" and regained all the weight when they stopped logging. Those weren't Keto or low carb folks, by and large (this time, anyway).
    90+ % of people who lose weight regain it REGARDLESS of the approach. Why cherry pick Keto? Because YOU didn't like it?
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    I've lost almost 50lbs. That's dismal? Hmmmm.... I can do this the rest of my life easily. Keto isn't a diet; it's a lifestyle. A way of life.

    I also lost around 50 pounds on low carb. About four different times. Not knocking it if you like it. Sure it works. I first tried Atkins in 1974, when most commenters here were in diapers.:laugh: I'm just referring to long term success RATE. Meaning, the ability to stick to a regimen of giving up so many food choices. Happy you could do it and happy it works for you!

    Please don't take this the wrong way, as I'm just being straight with my answer, but that you've failed in the long term and regain the weight is on you, not the diet. Blaming the diet rather than yourself, and thinking some double "lifestyle change diet" is going to fix all your problems is just nonsense. How do you not eaten a caloric surplus after stopping at kittens, you simply would not regain any fat. Plenty of people cut using low-carb diets and still control their weight after they're done.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    keto diet for the rest of my life.

  • philwrightfitness
    Yes but on Average , in most scientific studies two to three weeks, however, if you've been on keto before you can establish keto quite quickly, remember some people find it difficult to establish keto at all, you're one of the lucky ones ????
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Hi All,

    I've been attempting a keto diet and managed to remain strong for just 10 days (although i managed to lose half a stone in that time ... probably mainly water).

    However today i have broken!!

    Does anyone ever break from a keto diet for one day and then hop back on it?

    Although today has tasted amazing ... Cookies and sarnies :D I am feeling really pants that i've given into my cravings and i'm hoping someone out there might have some advice on how to keep the cravings at bay? It doesnt help that my Husband eats pizza's/chocolates/pancakes/nutella/beers etc infront of me!!!

    Lotsa love, Hannah xx
    Why do something that is obviously un sustainable for you. How about just eating normal foods at a calorie deficit? Just an off the wall idea
  • Hatchetqueen
    If you're the type of person that gets nasty "keto flu" symptoms when going into and out of ketosis, then taking a break is probably a bad idea because you're just setting yourself up to feel miserable for a few days. If you only managed to make it 10 days before dropping the hammer on some cookies, I'd probably reconsider whether you really want to do a ketogenic diet. You certainly don't have to do such a diet to lose weight, but it can be helpful for some people. That said, it's not helpful for everyone.

    This is exactly what should be paid attention to because when it comes to dieting not everyone can work with set diets, I loved doing keto when I did but my entire life has revolved around my diet including certain things with like every meal that I couldn't have on a Keto diet and while I found ways to get around it and deal with it, I just couldn't keep up with it because I missed foods that were just normal everyday things in latin foods.
    When you're dieting you just need to find the balance that works for you, the key is always moderation, and like he said if you were only able to make it for 10 days you might want to try to see what other balance of foods might work best for you. If you're not satisfied with your diet you likely wont be able to achieve your goals.