Hello all!

Hello to everyone in MFP. I just loined this AWSOME site this week; I tink this is a great site for somone like me, who use to rarely work out, and ate a lot of sweets, and junk food i.e. fast foods. I do not need to lose much weight, however I want to get down to my ideal weight, and most importantly learn how to eat correctly, and healthy!. I just started exercising this year, thanks to my Best friend-workout buddy Lisa; it's always good to have someone with you for motivation.! So thanks MFP.

And hope to meet new people in the community.!

Have a great day all.




  • majikal6
    Welcome to the community!!

    Congratulations on taking the steps to a healthier you.

    The support and motivation here is great as are the people. Feel free to friend me if you like. :)

    I wish you much success in your journey.

  • chris1132
    You sound like you're on about the same track as me! I joined last week and I am looking to lose a few and just generally be healthier and more active. Good luck to both of us! :)
  • lisaharvey217
    Awwww. We will get there Nicole. We just gotta keep motivating each other and make this a long term goal. To a healthier, happier and to our jeans fitting looser 2011 :)
