Fall/winter is the best time to lose weight and I'm excited

Seriously. You go into the winter a fatty mc fat fat wearing jackets and sweaters and all kinds of baggy stuff and then (after a few months of not seeing yourself) you take all that off and notice "hey. 40lb lighter spring me looks damn good!"

I'm day dreaming about this right now. About the day I realize "it's warm outside finally. I think I'll wear a t shirt and shorts to the park" and I go, but notice the difference in how I feel. Not feeling like my giant moobs are sticking out and and my gut isn't hanging out and I can sit down on a bench or bend over without my crack showing itself. Just feeling like "I did it. I stuck to it all those months and I feel great and this is the reward. Time to buy some new summer clothes and go swimming without embarrassment!"


  • JustFindingMe
    JustFindingMe Posts: 390 Member
    I fantasize about this too! I imagine myself all frumpy and overweight in the winter wearing baggy clothes (as i have done since I gained weight) and then summer arrives and I run out onto the beach, rip off my sweats and reveal a super toned and tan version of myself.

    me 2 :smile:
  • myrtlebeachgirl123
    I loved the "fatty mc fat fat" part LOL!! I'm with you all on this!! I've turned everything around this year alone and have successfully lost 49 pounds since January (soooooo close to 50!!!) ;) I started out at 216 and am currently 167........My goal weight is 145 so if I was about to get there by Dec/Jan.....tone up more Feb/March.........then by the time it got warm in the spring I could rip my huge hoodie/sweatshirt off and be like BAMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!! :):):) I want this to be the first summer I wear a bikini in over 10-12 years!! And I want to be confident in wearing it too.........not just barely getting in and sucking in all day and just to throw a cover up over it...I wanna be like jogging on the beach in a bikini doing cartwheels..........well.....I can't do cartwheels but you get the picture!!! We've had 100000000000000 winters filled with thanksgiving, halloween, christmas, holiday parties, weddings, new years, overeating and gaining weight........................LETS MAKE THIS ONE FALL/WINTER DIFFERENT THIS YEAR!! See all of you in the SPRING!!!!! :D
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    Haha, you're a better man than I then - I have a great weakness for all that warm, comforting winter'ish food, lol. Add in plenty of warming drinks with a kick, and the colder weather is to guarded against when it comes to food, personally speaking, lol

    All that said, I've lost weight during all seasons, winter included, so go for it :-)
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    I'm more likely to gain during the winter as I LOVE turkey day and yummy holiday meals.
  • HipsterWhovian
    HipsterWhovian Posts: 195 Member
    I'm definitely looking forward to winter food! Soups, stews, chilli, curry, mashed potato, pies...now I'm hungry!
  • iecreamheadaches
    iecreamheadaches Posts: 441 Member
    Fall just makes me WANT to be healthier. Like I WANT to go outside and go for a walk through the woods with my daughter. I want to be in the fresh, fall air and crunch all the dead leaves on the sidewalk. (this is satisfying in itself for some reason). My only qualm is, the holidays make it a little harder, but I suppose if you stick to a strict 1200 calorie diet for the week leading to the holiday, it should leave room for a little overindulgence. Or good self control, but lord knows I cant help but eat 3 servings of broccoli casserole (which despite it being broccoli is COMPLETELY unhealthy lol).

    Fall makes me happy, and happy me is a more motivated me. I KNOW I can lose the weight, I've done it before (before being hideously derailed and giving up hope completely).
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    when i lost a significant part of my weight, it was during the winter so i was wearing all my old clothes, layers and bulky clothes. when spring came, i got a few new outfits (that fit) people were like WTF happened!? lol. i was like a butterfly.

    eta: however, i love all things warm and comfy, including foods. creamy soups, homemade breads, especially pumpkin bread. speak to me of moderation and i will punch you.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I like the colder seasons because it encourages me to be more active to stay warm. I find warmer seasons like Summer makes me lazy. When it's too hot I tend to want stay in the shade and just not do much because of the heat.
  • nicoleagafitness
    nicoleagafitness Posts: 100 Member
    I completely agree! I'm super excited to lose inches and see the results in a bikini. I am going to try to plan a honeymoon 10 year anniversary trip with my husband that we never had. It will feel great taking pictures together on the beach in minimal clothing! No cover ups the entire time. I just hope I can pull it off.

    I love winter food, but by that I mean brothy hot soups, sweet potatoes, turkey, things like that. I love summer foods too though. I think the hardest part of winter is baking gifts. This year, I'm going to try to find some healthy treats to bake or just skip it.
  • funchords
    funchords Posts: 413 Member
    Not to mention that "unveiling" of your slimmer bod to your friends and coworkers as you shed the winter clothes next spring...

    I've already lost 55+ but plan to lose another 30-40 lbs. this winter.

    Nobody wants to see a 52 year old guy running with his shirt off -- so don't look. I'm doing this for me.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    So jealous! I'm a mess in the winter. I get blue, want to sleep all day, want to eat all holiday cookies and meats and cheese :(
  • SlimMe37
    SlimMe37 Posts: 133 Member
    I agree! Plus exercise is easier in the winter as you want to warm up lol Nothing worse than exercising in the heat!
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    This is such an awesome winter post. All I think about normally is slipping, falling, and breaking my neck, or the three vacation days I burned trying to get back up North when all the flights were grounded, or being snowed out on the road ways trying to get to the gym. Or braving the roads anyway and almost slamming into people who insist on riding their brakes on slippery icy roads. Argh!!!

    Oh wait no, calming soups, fire places, warm weather, surprise body, yeah... that does feel good :smile:
  • westendcurls
    westendcurls Posts: 252 Member
    Summer bodies are made in the winter :love:
  • shireeniebeanie
    shireeniebeanie Posts: 293 Member
    when i lost a significant part of my weight, it was during the winter so i was wearing all my old clothes, layers and bulky clothes. when spring came, i got a few new outfits (that fit) people were like WTF happened!? lol. i was like a butterfly.
    That's truly awesome!

    Let's not forget that your body does burn more calories when working and exercising out in the cold. Even mild cold (roughly 64 degrees F) causes non-shivering thermogenesis (NST). So you're rewarded even more for exercising outdoors!
  • BaldheadSlick
    BaldheadSlick Posts: 51 Member
    I'm with you there. It's hard to do as my activity level seriously decreases, but come March when the weather starts to get warmer and I know it's not necessary to drop a ton of weight, it's well worth the effort.

    Plus, it shows people that a New Year's Resolution is really made months prior, not because it's Jan. 1st.
  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    I recall thinking the same this time last year. Before my only casual clothes were a pair of old 6xl sweat pants that i wore all year round, even during the AZ 110+ heat summers. This year though it was so nice to go outside in the yard or errands wearing 13-15" inseam shorts and Dri Fit Uppers.

    I am more of a cold season person which over the year i been buying late fall/winter clothing so i can not wait to start wearing them when the temp drops. Just need to build some type of fashion sense lol.
  • rebwrite
    rebwrite Posts: 2 Member
    I love this optimistic post! I agree, we can all look super cute in the winter in our baggy clothes and super cute in the spring summer in less clothes. Also, there is lots of good food to take advantage of in the winter like lentils, squash, etc. that are filling and speak fall.
  • lisainpotown
    lisainpotown Posts: 18 Member
    October through December is the hardest part of the year for me. It's harder to get out and get active, and I have less time. The kids have activities, and I am a professor with the most obligations in the Fall semester. The holidays are very challenging! I am just hoping to lose about 5 pounds and not gain any the whole time.
  • MsHarryWinston
    MsHarryWinston Posts: 1,027 Member
    Awesome post! I suddenly feel full on motivated for fall/winter, yaaaay!