Stay at home mom looking for support

This is my second go at mfp and I did well but life got in the way but I am back and I have packed on some weight and am ready to get it off and get in shape.. My baby just turned one and I need to get fit and show her the right way to be active and healthy.I would like more friends for support and would like to help encourage others as well.
Feel free to add me thanks for reading


  • BusyB223
    BusyB223 Posts: 248 Member
    Welcome back to MFP.... Oh the joys of being a stay at home mom. I know it also can get you in trouble.

    I am Lisa, a native Bostonian. I am preparing to move to VA in a few weeks. Should be packing something and not online but here I am.

    I am wonderful mom, friend and business partner. My only daughter is 27 and she absolutely thinks I am THE BOMB!!! She's right, I am... I truly ADORE her even more. I love to cook, crochet and connect.

    In the meantime, how can I help you make your weight REMOVAL SUCCESSFUL?

    Feel free to add me if you like.
  • ilovejoedirt
    ilovejoedirt Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks ladies friend request and message sent :)
  • dchaouchi
    I stayed home with my kids for a few years. I don't regret it, but I find that I developed a habit of putting everything into them and nothing into me. I never managed to get off the weight for good. Now I feel like I have a better chance; I have gone back to work full time. Still, it is too easy to eat junk because I am in a hurry, and working means there is even less time for exercise. Anyway, we have to take care of ourselves. The kids will be fine - maybe better off - if we take time to meet our own needs. If your child is only one, you have a better chance of setting good habits. Mine got used to me being available every second. That is a mistake.
  • DaBigBadShow
    DaBigBadShow Posts: 1 Member
    Well welcome back and hope all goes well for you. Weight loss and getting in shape is a journey and should be fun. Try taking your 1 year old on walks carrying her should help alot and you get to spend time together which is a plus too.:happy:
  • livelaughloveandfitness
    welcome back! I'm sending you a friend request! Any one is welcome to add me!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I'm on maternity leave (and we get a year off in England) so I'm kind of a temporary stay at home mum!

    My youngest is 5 months old, and my others are 5 and 3. I lost all the weight and more after my 2nd but unfortunately gained quite a bit in my third pregnancy, despite doing everything right, so here I am again!

    I do go to the gym a lot, and we also walk a lot.

    Feel free to add me anyone.
  • pamcris
    pamcris Posts: 47 Member
    I'm a SAHM too and I completely understand you! After I had my first daughter I gained a crazy amount of weight. I'm 5'2" and I was at 210lbs (first pic on my profile 6 months pp). I got pregnant when ODD was 9 months and when my youngest, who is 15 months now, was born, I decided to get back on track and be healthy. It's been a long progress, but so far I've lost 60lbs and I'm only 15-18 lbs away from my goal! It's hard to take care of yourself when you are taking care of babies, but like you said, the better you feel and the healthier you are, the better for your baby too! Hope you can reach your goal soon and keep up with it!
  • muffinsandcakes
    muffinsandcakes Posts: 333 Member
    hey you have a beautiful hair :D BusyB223
    and for the mama welcome :D
  • MarissaPalm
    MarissaPalm Posts: 123 Member
    I'm also a stay at home mom and I agree that we need to show our children the healthy way to live. As SAHM's we have the advantage of being with our children every second of their lives, so why not make the best of it? I'd love to add you as a friend. :flowerforyou:
  • ilovejoedirt
    ilovejoedirt Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks everyone :) I added u all
  • irisbuen
    irisbuen Posts: 99 Member
    Single mom to be here! @ilovejoedirt - will send you a friend request! Hopefully the more social support we have, the better we are at using MFP and succeeding in the program! Feel free to add me but do send a message where you found me so I know which thread you came from.
  • BusyB223
    BusyB223 Posts: 248 Member
    hey you have a beautiful hair :D BusyB223
    and for the mama welcome :D

    Thank you Muffinsandcake
  • mznati
    mznati Posts: 4
    New mom, not as fortunate as others and had to return to work. Definitely need support too and willing to give support :)
  • GenesiaElizabeth
    GenesiaElizabeth Posts: 227 Member
    I'm also a stay at home mom but my girl is in 2nd grade now.. Lol. Add me if you like as well!
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    I am a sahm. My boy is 6 mo old! Crazy how it flies! I have a 11 soon 12 yo and a 6 yo. I have taken to the stroller recently. I wish you were my neighbor then we could play and have coffee and walk and talk! Add me! I love ave alot to lose! I live in va!
  • ilovejoedirt
    ilovejoedirt Posts: 34 Member
    It isn't letting me add u guys
  • Palmetto0208
    Palmetto0208 Posts: 20 Member
    I am a SAHM, too. My 17-month old son is awesome, but I can't figure out how to fit in exercise other than walks with the stroller. I'd love to be added by any of y'all. I have a lot to lose, but I'm 7 pounds down so far. Good luck everyone!
  • marcihaynes695
    marcihaynes695 Posts: 3 Member
    Im a sahm too! 7month old twins (: a 6 y/o and t y/o (: ive added most of you guys! But anyone else feel free to add me
  • kharmon2013
    kharmon2013 Posts: 63 Member
    I'm also a stay at home mom. I live in China, and it is definetly tough staying away from the junk food. I just got to my pre pregnancy size- 25lbs down. Now I'm ready to lose about 75 more lbs. It takes a lot of energy to keep up with these toddlers (mine is 16 months old). Feel free to add me I've got an open diary and log daily.