MFP and calorie tracking while pregnant?

Hey all! I was feeling tired, unmotivated, and all around awful a few months back and stopped MFP. Then found out I was preggers! Now that I'm through the morning sickness, exhausted phase I'm starting to think about my diet and exercise again.
It has been shown that giving pregnant ladies calorie goals and of course some appropriate exercise leads to healthier babies and an easier time losing weight post birth. I've started walking and doing prenatal yoga but have been thinking about starting some tracking while I move through pregnancy to keep on a healthy weight gain as I've already gained some extra in the first trimester because carbs seemed to curb my nausea. Oh, and just to clarify, I'm not talking about cutting calories, I'm talking about making sure I stay within 2000-2300 calories daily.
This is my first baby, so I thought I would get some advice from seasoned MFP moms out there? Good idea, bad idea?


  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    I am not a mom. I do wish you and your baby well. Logging and keeping track of where you are is a great idea.
  • msheldon88
    msheldon88 Posts: 71 Member
    This is my second and I did my fitness pal with my first all the way through! It's totally worth it and makes you feel amazing all the way through your pregnancy!
  • horses1jessi
    horses1jessi Posts: 49 Member
    I'm trying to figure it all out with you. Not a first time mom, I have two lovely teen daughters.. But I did not workout when I was pregnant with them and gained way to much, lost it but still. Don't want to make that mistake again!!
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Honestly I wish I knew about MFP when I was pregnant. It would have helped.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Congratulations!! We can be in this together!

    Carbs and salty things calm my nausea, so crackers galore for me!
  • daniellie23
    daniellie23 Posts: 30 Member
    I worked out and track my calories on MFP my entire pregnancy. Talk to you doctor first about working out though. I was already active before I got pregnant and I continued to exercise throughout my entire pregnancy starting from week 1. Every woman body is different, like I said talk to your doctor first.
  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    Great idea. Wish I had thought of it with my first, instead of gaining 60lbs. With my second, I was a lot more careful and only gained about 19 (though, I was quite overweight to begin with at that point, having not lost all the weight from the first).

    Just make sure that you're not restricting yourself (speak with your doctor regarding appropriate calorie and weight goals for the different stages of your pregnancy), make sure that if you choose to keep active that you don't start anything new that you weren't doing before you were pregnant (walking and such is always fine) (edited to add a caveat - obviously this doesn't apply if your doc gives you any restrictions), and make sure that if you have a day where you're STARVING or you have a moment where you MUST have a milkshake that you don't stress and you roll with it. Pregnancy is a wonderful time. It's a fantastic idea to do your best to have a happy and healthy pregnancy and baby; you'll be glad you did. But, pregnancy hormones can be hell on your body and your mental state - once in awhile a "happy and healthy" pregnancy can only be achieved through a giant burrito :laugh:. As long as you're overall doing well, you can (and should) absolutely allow yourself some treats here and there.

    Good luck!!
  • irisbuen
    irisbuen Posts: 99 Member
    Great idea! Currently at my 33rd week here as a pregnant mom and I'm expecting to give birth sometime late Oct to mid Nov. Was advised by OB to lose weight for normal delivery. Not sure if I should go for no epidural but want to try.

    I say go for it. I had been using MFP since 2012 but stopped and I wish I used this when I knew I was pregnant at 1 month! I wasn't eating as healthy but made up for it after my ultrasound on 3 months. I had been taking maternal milk (Anmum is the brand) because I started 102 lbs and told I was underweight. So I have to gain and drink that. Now I'm at 134 and told to only gain 1 lb a week until delivery --- which is hella hard! 3RD TRIMESTER MOMS OUT THERE, WERE YOU FEELING THIS OR HAD YOUR OB TOLD YOU TO DIET TOO?! :'D

    Anyway. I'm aiming for 130 in 4 weeks. I still get on cheat day on Sunday but try to get as healthy food as I can on weekdays. Add me so we can stay on top of each other's progress. Congrats on the pregnancy too!
  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    Great idea! Currently at my 33rd week here as a pregnant mom and I'm expecting to give birth sometime late Oct to mid Nov. Was advised by OB to lose weight for normal delivery. Not sure if I should go for no epidural but want to try.

    I say go for it. I had been using MFP since 2012 but stopped and I wish I used this when I knew I was pregnant at 1 month! I wasn't eating as healthy but made up for it after my ultrasound on 3 months. I had been taking maternal milk (Anmum is the brand) because I started 102 lbs and told I was underweight. So I have to gain and drink that. Now I'm at 134 and told to only gain 1 lb a week until delivery --- which is hella hard! 3RD TRIMESTER MOMS OUT THERE, WERE YOU FEELING THIS OR HAD YOUR OB TOLD YOU TO DIET TOO?! :'D

    Anyway. I'm aiming for 130 in 4 weeks. I still get on cheat day on Sunday but try to get as healthy food as I can on weekdays. Add me so we can stay on top of each other's progress. Congrats on the pregnancy too!

    I'm not sure if you'll see this, but......Wait wait wait, what? At 134 pounds and 33 weeks pregnant your doctor told you that you need to LOSE weight before delivery????? Are you 3 feet tall?? Unless you have a medical condition of some kind that you didn't mention (and even then, I can't think of a single one that would make this make sense), that concept is literally insane. Your BABY is gaining a half pound per week at this point, for crying out loud...and you're supposed to lose on top of that??? That's downright dangerous for you and baby. PLEASE get a second opinion or something.
  • kelbelle3
    kelbelle3 Posts: 1 Member
    maybe kg??