great losing all this weight

You know what is great losing all this weight, besides the health benefits of course? Being able to go to a mall and nobody noticing you.
Before, I would see people laughing or telling a friend next to them to look at me as I walked by and I had to make like I didnt notice. You expect that in grammer school, but these are teens and adults. And it does hurt.
The only good that came out of it, is I think it made me a better person, as I think everyone that knows me, would say I am the most caring and giving person they know. I suppose that's because I felt like I had to be nicer than most, so people would be nice to me and accept me because of my weight and not judge or ridicule me. So in a way, it made me a better person, I suppose. Unfortunatly, our society depends on looks alot, Lets face it, if a fat 50 year old guy and a cute 18 year old girl come in for a job, you know who 99% of the time will get it. I guess thru the years, I maybe was to critical on myself.

Even today, I see alot of people on here, that are not happy with their bodies, and I look at the pictures, and say, they are not happy? They look fine to me. So I guess everyone is critical and we see ourselves different than others see us. So I guess another thing i have learned, is not to be to critical on yourself. Things that may upset you about yourself or your body, others may not even notice or care about. Anyway, I know this is not Dr Phil, but in away, I suppose this affects alot of people in here. I see so many girls with their inspiration is to look good in a bikini. Now if you want to wear one, why shouldnt you? If you are ok with it, do you really need to please the world with your decision? The person making fun of you probably has their own issues. Maybe they are short, or have acne, or their teeth are not perfect. Everyone has issues, and its sad that people make other people feel bad. And heaven forbid a person with mental issues or someone that lost a limb pass by. I imagine they must be some of the strongest people around, dealing with that almost everyday. Well, thats why I love My Fitness Pal. We are all in the same boat, going thru the same things. Some of us are farther along only because we maybe started sooner. But even to the people that maybe just joined, we don't look down on you, because we were there too, just starting out and know its not easy, but also know you can do this if you want it bad enough.Let's face it, there are not many George Clooney's and Brad Pitts in this world. Most of us don't look like them. But you know, at this point, with losing all this weight, I am very happy being myself and walking in the mall and the only comments I hear now is" good morning and a smile". That's all I ask for....
