Ladies around 5'10" to 5'11" - What are your goals?

Hi Ladies, 

What are your weight loss goals? What is your goal weight? Do you have fitness goals? Just curious about the tall women or there. I am 5'11" 

Please feel free to add me! I am looking for supportive friends! I have some great ones now! 

My starting weight was about 275-280 lbs. My current weight is 234 lbs! My first weight loss goal is 190 lbs. Then, i will aim to land between 170 and 155 lbs. Hoping to get there via fitness goals more so than focusing on the number on the scale. What about you all?


  • RachelAngel01
    RachelAngel01 Posts: 77 Member
    I am ultimately shooting for 150, but that might not be realistic. I've never been under 170 in my adult life, even when I was "thin" back in the day. I'm at 210 right now, started at 247. I am 5'10". I am focused on getting under 200 right now...I am so close, but still so far.

    I've lost almost 40 pounds and I haven't dropped a clothing size yet...things are looser, but I can still wear all my big clothes. I think that's the most annoying part about losing weight when you're tall!
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    Originally, my ultimate goal was 180. But I need to get to about 170 to be considered a healthy weight in BMI terms. However... I'm still keeping that flexible, keeping in mind genetics, muscle to fat ratio, etc. I've still got a long way to go, so I'm not getting too attached to some arbitrary number. We'll see how it goes when I am closer. (I'm 5'10", btw)
  • nicolemviolette
    nicolemviolette Posts: 105 Member
    I am also 5'11". I have already reached my goal of 145 pounds, and am now just trying to tone up. feel free to add me!
  • waluouija
    waluouija Posts: 61 Member
    I'm also shooting for 150, but like Rachel, I don't know if that's a realistic goal for me. But I'm still going to try! In my freshman year of high school I was around 170, so if anything I want to weigh less than that, because I still considered myself to be a little chubby back then. I feel like 160 might be a better weight for me to achieve, but ultimately I'm just going to kind of see how this all pans out. If I still feel like I have room for improvement at 160, I'll continue until I'm at 150.

    As far as fitness goals though, what I really want to be able to do is run a mile without stopping. I never ran as a form of exercise until about 5 months ago, and I'm very slowly getting better at it. And I kind of want to figure out some goals for the weight machines at the gym I go to. I kind of fluctuate with how much I'm lifting/whatevering (lmao I'm so good with gym lingo, let me just tell you). I feel like if I kept better track of how heavy I'm making the weights instead of being like "hmm, this is heavy but I don't feel like I'm about to rip my own arms off, so this is probably good," then I'll probably notice improvements more. And noticing improvements makes me want to do stuff more. I'd like to want to do stuff more, y'know?

    Anyway, I'm 5'10-ish and I started at 240-ish. I just weighed myself a few minutes ago, and I'm officially a pound and some change under 190. So I'm halfway there, which is cool.
  • hannah_d1989
    hannah_d1989 Posts: 57 Member
    Hi there,

    I am just over 5'10 and weigh between 167 and 170. I would love to be about between 152 and 155. I have been trying to get there for sooo long! Seems almost impossible for some reason! I suppose it isn't about the weight so much for me though, I have the stubborn tummy fat and inner thigh fat, just want to get rid of that and drop 1 dress size and I will be happy!!!

    Good luck with your weight loss goals :)
  • TallGlassOfQuirky
    TallGlassOfQuirky Posts: 282 Member
    I am 5'10" and was once 294 pounds. I got down to 155, but I was a little too thin.
    My original goal weight was 180 and that's okay, especially considering what my body has been through in the past year and a half (spinal cord injury and permanent nerve damage and a weak left leg, loss of range of motion in my foot and ankle resulting in a permanent limp, two surgeries, chronic severe back pain only partially relieved by meds and a spinal cord stimulator), but I would like to get back down to the upper 160's again. I think that's my ideal weigh, but keeping off over 100 pounds for over three years is still pretty good.
    I was in the low 170's for two years, but a couple of months ago I was put on a new medication that is well known to cause weight gain, so it's a struggle.
  • lovelycurves2014
    lovelycurves2014 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm 5'9" and my goal is to be between 140-155 I haven't fully decided yet
  • CariJean64
    CariJean64 Posts: 297 Member
    I am ultimately shooting for 150, but that might not be realistic. I've never been under 170 in my adult life, even when I was "thin" back in the day. I'm at 210 right now, started at 247. I am 5'10". I am focused on getting under 200 right now...I am so close, but still so far.

    I've lost almost 40 pounds and I haven't dropped a clothing size yet...things are looser, but I can still wear all my big clothes. I think that's the most annoying part about losing weight when you're tall!

    I'm 5'10" and shooting for 150, as well.

    I lost about 50 pounds before I *had* to wear a smaller size. I've gone down another since then. I sure wish this whole process could go faster! :-)
  • Davali
    Davali Posts: 225 Member
    I'm 5ft 10 and would like to get to 165. Currently 221, and short term under 200 would be fantastic!
  • loribethrice
    loribethrice Posts: 620 Member
    I'm 5'9½. I'm down to 151.6 right now, but my goal is 140. I started at 204. I went from size 12 jeans to size 8 and I'm hoping to get into at least a 6.
  • I'm 5"10 maybe a little under, I want to lose 20kg I've already lost 5kg since april this year, i'm hoping to lose 10kg by jan :)
    I'm finding it quite difficult though I do 2 PTs a week and eat pretty good but I cant stop snacking :x
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    I'm 5 ft 9 - Ok a couple of inches shorter than you guys

    I'm 147lbs at the moment, my goal is to be 140/142lbs

    So a little bit too lose..

    Really we shouldn't worry to much about the scale when we get near to our goal - More about how we feel in our clothes & look : )
  • becclesbecca
    becclesbecca Posts: 68 Member
    I'm 5'11" and 157 and I am just a couple of pounds off where I want to be. I got down to 147 a couple of years ago and my periods stopped for about 8 months. I was a healthy BMI but it was obviously too low for me as I weigh heavy and I am quite lean. Weight isn't always the best indicator of size and health but I am just as guilty as anyone else as being influenced by what it says on the scales.
  • Hi
    No fitness goals because of health problems... just logging calories. I'm 5'10". Highest weight I've gone up to was 225 lbs.
    At moment am 190.5 lbs. My goals are to get to 182 lbs - haven't been that weight for a long time. Then adjust my goals when I reach that weight... probably to get to 168 lbs next. Then see how I go after that.
  • Daytonsmommy
    Daytonsmommy Posts: 162 Member
    Hi there -

    I'm 5'11 and currently teeter between 150 and 156 but haven't been too strict with my diet/exercise for awhile.

    My goal is usually around 145-147 which is where I feel most comfortable. Anything lower than that is way too difficult for me to maintain and quite frankly just doesn' look good on me (in my opinion).

    More recently though, I've been trying to focus more on feeling healthy and enjoying life (in moderation). The better food choices I make the better I feel so its starting to fall into place more naturally without my needing to hit a specific number.

    In any case, good luck with whatever goals you have!
  • csec6pak
    csec6pak Posts: 54 Member
    I am 5'10" and many years ago I weighed 202, then got down to 151. It was impossible to maintain that low weight and looking back at pictures of myself, I was too skinny. I eventually settled around 160.

    I've had 2 kids since then and ended up at 195. I am now down to 175 with an ultimate goal of 165. But since I'm close to my goal, the weight loss is going very slowly. I am now focusing more on fitness goals than weight. I want to be able to do "real" push-ups and pull-ups, and I want to eliminate (or at least minimize as much as possible) the hanging skin from my c-sections.
  • KimJohnsonsmile
    KimJohnsonsmile Posts: 222 Member
    5'11" here. Highest weight (that I can't blame on pregnancy) was 187. Was mid-170's when joined MFP. Lowest on here was 160.4.... damn that .4! :) 160 was pretty comfortable for me; I felt good and felt lean and strong. Right now I'm yo-yo'ing between 163-167, but need to buckle down and get back into a regular exercise schedule after a broken toe put me on the sidelines for a bit.
  • Jesssamesssa
    Jesssamesssa Posts: 116 Member
    Well, Im 5'9" so Im sure I dont count....BUT I want to comment. My starting weight was 179. My Goals is 155ish. But even that changes daily. I am building muscle and leaning out so Im starting to think I will end up being like 165lb and a size 6! Im 170ish right now and a size 6-8.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I am 5'10, never been overweight, but I tend to look podgy at the higher weight range for my height due to build, I suppose.
    I am about 136/137 currently, and aiming to get back to 131-133 where I feel most comfortable.
    I also like to keep my bodyfat fairly low, which is where it naturally lands when I train anyway. I was around 12% earlier this year.
    My fitness goals are just to continue to work on muscle definition and cardiovascular fitness as I have COPD so working my lungs hard helps with that.
  • sandylion
    sandylion Posts: 451 Member
    I'm 6", and very 'stocky', as in my shoulders and hips (the bones not the cushion) are really broad. I am aiming for 167lbs, or 76 kgs as we Canadians like to say it :)