Turbofire or T25 results?

Hi I am trying to pick between these two to finally get serious about getting into shape :smile: I have heard lots of great things about both programs but want to see which one will get me better results in the end. Anyone here with results/experiences from these two? Thanks! :happy:


  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member
    For my money, I'd pick T25.
    While I enjoy TurboFire, it's not a workout I would do everyday. T25 is a workout I would gladly do daily.
    I just find T25 to be a better and more enjoyable workout.
  • TheKidd2013
    TheKidd2013 Posts: 60 Member
    I love T25 its great, I love it and its one you can do daily :)
  • Mad4282
    Mad4282 Posts: 171 Member
    I have done both, had good results with turbofire, but T25 results were amazing! I am on the last week of Gamma, have lost 35 pounds and 4 dress sizes (also, I am not a beachbody coach and I don't do shakeology or anything like that). I think part of the success is that T25 is short and I can do it early in the morning, which means I was less likely to ever skip a workout. If time is an issue or you just like the idea of getting it done quickly but pushing yourself, I would go with T25. Good luck!
  • infinikitty
    infinikitty Posts: 440 Member
    I did T25 and LOVED it...25 minute workouts weren't bad to be able to fit in, even with double Friday's. I am doing a TurboFire/PiYo hybrid now and I like that, too. Tried TurboFire when I got it last spring, but definitely wasn't physically fit enough for it. Lots of cardio...T25 prepared me for it and now I can handle it. It ranges from 10 minutes to 45 minutes, so the schedule does vary a little more than T25. I would say to start with T25 because it's definitely one of those ones that builds, and as others have said it's definitely one you wouldn't mind doing every day. Good stretch, too.
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    I have both and have completed t25 loved it and had really good results. Turbo fire is one that is too much cardio and uncoordinated moves so I only got 3 weeks in (Zumba is my go to for that much cardio). T25 is short enough that it was just right on the cardio and loved beta were weights were added. I agree with Jeremywm turbo fire isn't one I do everyday I use it on occasion.
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    T25 work outs 6 days a week.

    An average of 1886 cals, 70g carbs/day.

    Weight: down 1.3kg

    Body Fat: down .5%

    Bust: same measurement as start

    Waist: down 3cm

    Hips: down 2cm

    Bellybutton: down 4cm

    In the middle there these measurements all went up (thanks, shark week!) but I tightened the screws for the last week/10 days in respect to my diet - I was very mindful of not going over the weekly calorie goal which I had been doing previously.

    Pretty happy with these results - especially around the mid section!

    I am pretty bored of the T25 Alpha now so doing the Jillian Michaels 6 pack in 6 weeks as of 1 September.
  • mom2nicknat
    mom2nicknat Posts: 56 Member
    I have never done TurboFire but I completed T25 so I can give you my opinion on that.

    When I started, I was not in great shape and the workouts were difficult. I definitely sweat a lot and felt like I got a great cardio workout. I did not see any visible results after completing the program nor did I lose any pounds or inches.
    I am currently doing a boot camp-type program and lost 5 inches in the first three weeks only working out 3 days a week vs. daily with T25.
    If I can't make it to the gym or my boot camp I would probably do T25 just to get some exercise in but I don't feel like it's body changing. But, that is just my experience.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I've done workouts from both programs. Your results are going to be completely dependent on your diet, not the program. Both programs are enjoyable, both will help burn calories. You'll get more resistance work with T25. But if you don't have your diet in check and eat at a deficit, you're not going to see the pounds and inches come off. Just giving you fair warning, we see a lot of posts around here where people are upset that they are not seeing results doing a specific workout program that touted as a big calorie burner, and it's because they are eating more than they think.
  • I've only done Turbofire and LOVE it. I feel like I get such a great workout and sweat my BUTT off! Great results also. Losing weight constantly.
  • Markdjones83
    Markdjones83 Posts: 852 Member
    I've done workouts from both programs. Your results are going to be completely dependent on your diet, not the program. Both programs are enjoyable, both will help burn calories. You'll get more resistance work with T25. But if you don't have your diet in check and eat at a deficit, you're not going to see the pounds and inches come off. Just giving you fair warning, we see a lot of posts around here where people are upset that they are not seeing results doing a specific workout program that touted as a big calorie burner, and it's because they are eating more than they think.

    I just did 4 weeks of T25 gamma and didn't see a ton of results, but as she said I am probably eating slightly more than I am logging because I am not weighing all my food. That being said, I am feeling stronger and better working out. and I really don't have any weight to lose, but I enjoy the intensity for 25 minutes.

    Edit: I am just now starting another 4 weeks with the hybring schedule and we will see how it goes!
  • mimiteh35
    mimiteh35 Posts: 486 Member
    So which did you end up going with? I've done TF, almsot 2 full rounds (I'd say 2 weeks shy of it, lost my focus) and lost a total of 20 pounds between the two. I DID NOT the diet because I bought it used off someone who did not have the diet plan because she lost it, so it was just using MFP and not eating as great as I probably should have, so was still very pleased with my results. I can see biceps muscles now and my quads/hamstrings/glutes are loving it. I just bought T25 and want to start it soon, but trying to make myself finish Jillian Michaels' 30 day shred first (its so hard to keep from getting bored doing the same workout for 2 weeks straight) and I am also trying to do the Couch to 5K program, alternating the two.

    One thing that I did struggle with on Turbo Fire was the time, some days I don't have 45-60 minutes in one setting to squeeze, so the T25 is looking to be a great fit in that aspect, so I can't wait to try it.

    Just wondered what you decided and how you're doing so far with it! :)