So happy to be with MFP....

Hello everyone,
i have been doing quite well since coming back to MFP, however last night and today really off the wagon, have had pizza, did no exercise... marriage recently broke down and we separated 3 weeks ago. Have been really low today, was on the verge of ordering a takeaway, then checked all of my messages of support with my friends on here. Reminded me of all of my hard work, no take out for me, and back to diet and work out tomoro,goes to show support really does work!! Still quite new and looking for more friends, so add me and i promise to support you :) WE WILL DO THIS!!


  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    So sorry you're having these troubles. :(

    Just remind yourself often that YOU are worth this. You deserve to be strong and healthy no matter what else is happening in your life. Wishing you easier times ahead lizzie14115 :)
  • lizzie14115
    lizzie14115 Posts: 77 Member
    Thank you so very much!...yesterday was tough, but i got there in the end and today i feel much better :smile:

    Determined to stay on track and do some exercise, always feel better after some cardio.

    Will be tracking all calories again, remain determined to get fit and healthy!!
  • mjst_2014
    mjst_2014 Posts: 133 Member
    Hi Lizzie,

    I am sorry to hear of your troubles, you are a strong woman and your being here already proves that.

    I have sent you a FR and hope to help you stay healthy and achieve your goals.
  • lizzie14115
    lizzie14115 Posts: 77 Member
    Thanks, and i have accepted..
    Today going really well, thank goodness i didn't have that takeaway :smile: :smile:
    Hope everyone else having a great day too x
  • jannthompson
    jannthompson Posts: 23 Member
    I'm sorry to hear about your recent struggles. Try not to let someone else control your happiness and take it one day at a time. Sent you a request.
  • lizzie14115
    lizzie14115 Posts: 77 Member
    Thanks so much, and have accepted :smile:
    I can be rational and understand whatever i feel is normal, and i am mostly strong and determined, but do still have days like yesterday, where i am overwhelmed by sadness....that's when i am likely to come off plan.....but thankfully, i didn't and have MFP to thank for that.
    Back to feeling positive today
  • Darkhawk1969
    Darkhawk1969 Posts: 1,419 Member
    Always happy to make new friends, but l come with a word of warning

    1. I log daily
    2. If you dont log in for over 10 days, your gone
    3. I like to have a laugh
    4. I speak my mind
    5. l flirt
    6. I live in the North East (UK)

    If after that you think you would like to get to know me better, send me a request with a message,

    Are you brave enough lol
  • lizzie14115
    lizzie14115 Posts: 77 Member
    Wey aye man!
    hope that's right lol
    I worked in the RVI as a staff nurse many years ago, and just loved "the toon".
    Please feel free to speak your mind with me, i can take constructive criticism.
    Would love to be friends with you,
    Catrina x