Get fit for Glastonbury 2015!

So I've managed to get tickets for Glastonbury 2015 and as this is the first time I've been I've decided that I really need to get my stamina and fitness up so I can really get the benefit of enjoying the time I'm there!

Anyone else going next year and fancy a wee fitness challenge to get us the stamina to enjoy it?


  • tiggsnanny
    tiggsnanny Posts: 366 Member
    I've never been, don't like mud :ohwell: lol I'm sure you will have a great time xx
  • PrincessMissDee
    PrincessMissDee Posts: 183 Member
    I'm going - I've been 7 times before but i'm still SO EXCITED. What kind of fitness are you aiming for? I've been injured for a year after last year's marathon so am working my fitness back up now (hope to be feeling pretty strong a looooong time before Glasto though!).
  • Cladf
    Cladf Posts: 60 Member
    Thanks Tiggsnanny- although yeah, I could do without the mud in an ideal world :D

    PrincessMissD - mainly just needing to get my stamina up! Just bought a FitBit so going to try to slowly increase how many miles I'm walking daily so that I don't end up passing out from sheer exhaustion next year! Thinking it just gives me a great excuse to properly fire into being healthier and losing some weight!
  • sloseph
    sloseph Posts: 157 Member
    i got myself a coach ticket on Wednesday :) it's going to be my first time, done lots of other festivals before but Glastonbury has always escaped me

    i've got a pair of waterproof trousers that i've never been able to fit into, my goal is when the mud and rain arrive i'll be able to slip them on with ease :)

    plus i need to work on my stamina to prepare for all the walking