weight training at home

I've been hearing such fantastic things about weight training for women and really want to give it a shot.

What can I do from home without a weight rack? I have no room for one and don't feel comfortable with one in the house having two young children. How far can I get using dumbells?

I've not got the confidence to join a gym ATM especially not when my main interest is weights so was thinking if I could start from home and gain some confidence then join the gym.

How is cycling for cardio? I'm an absolute fitness novice!!

Thanks in advance :)


  • There are dumbbells were you can adjust the weight with disks (I got a set, ideal)
    And look into calisthenics, strenght training using nothing but your own bodyweight and a little space
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    If you are a complete fitness novice try things like

    You are your own gym
    convict conditioning

    or visit


    Start with bodyweight training and then work your way up to weights and resistence training.
  • battybecks
    battybecks Posts: 147 Member
    I'm using Body By You, which is by the same guy who wrote You Are Your Own Gym (mentioned above). It's the one he wrote specifically for women (there's no difference in how men and women gain muscle, but the workouts are tailored for people with less time in a week, which apparently is the feedback he got from women using YAYOG - they had less time). £0 mins, three times a week. No equipment needed, apart from chairs, tables, doors, and yourself. I'm about six weeks in and much stronger (and more muscly) than I was before. I would highly recommend it!

    I was (and still am, let's be honest) the kind of person who couldn't do push-ups. At all. The book starts you off doing them against walls, and your work your way down - hip height - knee height - until you can do the proper ones. A peek at the end of the book shows one-handed push-ups and all sorts - but I'm not there yet!
  • battybecks
    battybecks Posts: 147 Member
    Sorry - above was meant to say 30 minutes, not £0 minutes!
  • bounceoff
    bounceoff Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks all!
    I'll check out all of the programmes mentioned.
    Sounds like any of them could be a good starting point for me before joining the gym.

    How much do I need to worry about calories etc at this stage?

  • Glowiie1
    Glowiie1 Posts: 85 Member

    How much do I need to worry about calories etc at this stage?

    Calorie intake is far more important than exercise. No matter how much you work out, you have to take in fewer calories than your burn or the weight stays where it is.

    That said, working out is definitely something you should do for overall health, fitness, and weightloss. Good luck!