what do you drink other then water?



  • Mkleder
    Mkleder Posts: 289
    I have a couple cups of black coffee in the morning, but switch to hot tea in the office -- green tea, or lemon ginger on bad throat days.
    Along with water I enjoy reduced sodium V-8, and an occasional juice glass of pomegranate/blueberry juice.

    Sometimes I like to flavor water. Along with the popular fruit flavorings, I will sometimes mix up a cold pitcher of water and add a cinnamon stick, anise star, cardamom seed, ginger root slices, etc. It's a different, spicy kick.

    I now avoid sodas. Maybe it's just mental, but I noticed that even the diet varieties would trigger cravings for their old companions...burgers, pizza, hot wings, etc.
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    I was at the grocery store last night looking for something to drink that's not horrible for me but gives me that sweet taste - I settled for V8 fusion, though some of them are somewhat high in calories they also prove the whole serving of fruit and vegetable so I feel the calories are worth it :drinker:
  • katmandoo122
    katmandoo122 Posts: 2 Member
    Coffee and Diet Sierra Mist. The latter, though, is only to combat oxalate in my diet so as to avoid future kidney stones!!!
  • DangerRanger
    DangerRanger Posts: 327 Member
    kool-aid with half a pound of sugar!!
  • ardnassac
    ardnassac Posts: 18 Member
    For Christmas I got my parents a fruit infusion pitcher. It makes great flavored water and the fruit lasts 7-10 days if you keep refilling the water. We had lemon, and clementine, but cucumber is so good in the summer. It also can do raspberry iced tea. They are pretty cheap on Amazon.com too. I know this is still water but I love it!
  • onvacation
    onvacation Posts: 24 Member
    I gave up diet soda and coffee, so now I drink water and tea and occasional vitamin water.
  • True Lemon and True Lime, it is a great thing to add to your water! It is pure, crystallized lemon and lime. Give you a flavor burst without added sugar.

    I second this suggestion - it is really good in hot or cold water! Or use the real thing and toss a couple of wedges of lemon or lime in your water. :smile:
  • LOVE the crystal light energy. It has a bit of caffine that gives you a good pick up for the day. Plus, who doesn't love strawberry or mango peach flavored yumminess? :love:
  • i drink green tea it helps you loose weight and detoxes your body x
  • bigcurt61
    bigcurt61 Posts: 51 Member
    I like to have a lemon or Grape Propel from time to time to break it up.
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    I drink water with Crystal Light singles original iced tea. I use 32 oz of water with each single. I have 3 per day but I'm trying to cut it down to 2. I'm not a fan of plain water.
    I also like green tea (plain) and chocolatey chai tea with a wee little bit of splenda in it.

    I have one coffee per day (instant espresso) that I make with 1/2 cup of unsweetened chocolate almond milk and 1 splenda. That's my treat.
  • Teerai
    Teerai Posts: 243 Member
    I drink lots of tea but am impatient of having it steep just right for every cup so I boil a whole 2-3 qt pot of water and add just one tea bag when I put it on the stove, letting it boil a minute or two past the whistle. It is amazing how strong one tea bag can be even in that much water.
    If it is too strong I simply add a bit of cool water in the cup.
    I have ready-to-go tea for a whole afternoon that can be re-heated if necessary or set on simmer if I want to keep it at the ready.

    Left over is put in a container in the frig for cold tea the next day.

    My favs are -
    Celestial Seasonings-100% Natural - Echinacea Complete Care Herbal Supplement Wellness Tea
    It has kept the cold bug away for several years (knocking on wood)
    Celestial Seasonings - Chai Tea- Chocolate Caramel Enchantment- which is pretty much amazing even without sweetner

    I also do Sleepy Time and others for an occasional change up.

  • aryaw
    aryaw Posts: 36 Member
    I am mostly drinking water with the exception of some 2% milk here and there and once in a while I will have a nice tall OJ (usually when I am feeling a sugar low) but mostly drink water - I have mostly craved that over anything since my last baby was born in October. Oh and I adore drinking teas but have limited it to 2 times during the day.
  • kool-aid with half a pound of sugar!!

    haha! Sugar rush!
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    I start my day with low sugar orange juice, drink hot tea through out my day, sometimes I buy the lipton green tea citrus packets for my water bottle it has 0 everything just some caffeine. I also like the trop50 blueberry pomegrade juice.
  • sec820
    sec820 Posts: 40
    I will confess...I can't get going in the mornings without at glass of ice cold Diet Coke. Been doing a lot better with the water.
  • I love flavored seltzer water. I buy Canfields or just generic brands....They have lime, raspberry or lemon...Theres no artificial sweeteners, just carbonated water and natural flavors...Still water gets a little boring, so adding the seltzer makes drinking water more exciting :)
  • I am mostly drinking water with the exception of some 2% milk here and there and once in a while I will have a nice tall OJ (usually when I am feeling a sugar low) but mostly drink water - I have mostly craved that over anything since my last baby was born in October. Oh and I adore drinking teas but have limited it to 2 times during the day.

    Your baby is absolutely precious!
  • Anidorie
    Anidorie Posts: 291 Member
    unsweetened tea but add splenda so taht it is sweet! no calories, no sugar, and sweet! or try to get a nice diet soda like coke 0. If you do do juices (which are very high sugar) make sure it is no sugar added (all fruits have alot of natuaral sugar) IN one cup pf no sugar added appple juice you are looking at 29 grams of sugar! IF you are going to do juice, just do soda! okay dont do juice
  • I drink redbush tea, very refreshing and they do honey and vanilla flavours too , all drunk with no milk or sugar and virtually no calories!
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