New girl in the weight room

I just started a gym membership this week and did upper body on Tuesday. That went okay. Then I tried legs yesterday and was so excited to get going but when I walked in I started to freeze up. I've looked around on a couple sites for form and technique but as soon as I got in there I realized I had NO idea what I was doing. I attempted squats with a barbell and all it did was bruise the back of my neck. I did lunges with 10lb dumbbells and tried the leg press but the weights weren't heavy enough and a guy came over waiting for the machine. Out of embarrassment I decided just to leave and do the stair machine before going home.

I am so bummed about this workout. I am hoping some of you might have tips on how to get started? Or maybe a website I can look at? Unfortunately my gym is small and doesn't offer personal trainers. It doesn't have a ton of equipment but enough for dead lifts, squats etc.


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    You can practice the exercises at home, with a broomstick, a weighted backpack, etc.
    Video yourself from the side and review your form.
    There are lots of tutorials on Youtube.
    Which program or routine are you following?
  • Chrisparadise579
    Chrisparadise579 Posts: 411 Member
    Sounds like a great gym to me! all you need is free weights and it very easy to get started. First off I know it is hard but dont worry about the other people there, they were beginners at one point in time too so forget what they say or do. Second if you want to try the free weight exercise start with some light dumbells or just the bar, that will allow you to get some of a workout in but you can practice form, also dont be afraid to use the mirrors there, they are a huge help and even pros use them to check their form, i installed a few in my home gym even. If you need more help feel free to message me.
  • Fitteacherc
    Fitteacherc Posts: 38 Member
    I had the same issue because I'm not great at learning movements with videos and text. I found a "black iron" gym (only has barbell weights) and an awesome coach to teach me the proper form for the squat, deadlift, power clean, press, and bench press. Now, I can train at any gym (I'll probably stay there, though).
  • Jeep_This
    Jeep_This Posts: 819 Member
    You can practice the exercises at home, with a broomstick, a weighted backpack, etc.
    Video yourself from the side and review your form.
    There are lots of tutorials on Youtube.
    Which program or routine are you following?

    This! I went thru some upper body surgery this summer. I started a lot of Stronglifts 5x5 with a broomstick. I'm glad to say I'm up to 25 lb in squats, and 10 lbs with bench press and OH press. But I have been concentrating on form, and realizing, if I am not going to spend $$ on proper equipment at home, I will need to go to a gym (for safety reasons). But because of using the broom stick and an empty barbell, I am confident in what I'm doing, and would be comfortable doing it in a gym. I would watch Stonglifts 5x5 workout A&B on youtube, and make sure my form was correct. If you google Stronglift 5x5 there is a ton of info. You can also try New Rules of Lifting for Women, I got the book from the library, it wasn't my thing. There is also Bodyweight, Body by You. I do this sometimes on the side, but Stronglifts is my main thing.
  • JazzieG13
    JazzieG13 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, I understand feeling "out of place" in the gym. Other people seem to know what they are doing, but you may feel a little intimidated.
    I searched the web for helpful videos (free) that would help me with my form and give me some direction.
    This website: has some good videos that you can use as a reference. I watched a few of the short videos, jotted down key points (i.e., reps, form, weights), and I brought the paper with me to the gym. I was surprised to notice that a small percentage of other gym members also carry a "list" with them as they complete their circuit. Some just want to monitor their progress. Others use the list to be make sure they are tracking their workout.
    Hope this helps ~
  • drich1989
    drich1989 Posts: 95 Member
    Thank you to everyone! This is extremely helpful and makes me feel a lot better about getting in there. There are some great ideas here. I really appreciate your help!
  • KayBallin
    KayBallin Posts: 111 Member
    Congrats on getting in that weight room! I was in your shoes some months ago. Watching youtube videos helped me a lot. I also videotaped myself doing squats to check my form. I still do it every now and then.

    You'll get it. Just don't quit. :)
  • drich1989
    drich1989 Posts: 95 Member
    Taping myself is a great idea! Never would have thought of that, thanks!
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    Ok so you may not be into StrongLifts 5x5, but he does a good job explaining technique:

    I also recomend starting out with just the bar and adding slowly.

    Good luck =)
  • swimmermama
    swimmermama Posts: 526 Member
    Keep at it! It gets easier every time. Has someone suggested The New Rules of Lifting already? I read it before starting and found that it really helped.