Looking for buddies

Hi all, here I am back yet again....now at the heaviest I've ever been. I'm depressed , my self confidence is going down the drain . Today I rejoined a gym, I'm getting married in 11 months want to feel beautiful.
Looking for motivational buddies for support , thank you


  • AKNMHunt
    AKNMHunt Posts: 168 Member
    I am getting back on the wagon. I moved 6k miles and put back 10lbs on and I feel disgusting. My clothes don't fit well and there's no way in hell I'm getting more, and bigger ones at that. Starting food tracking this week and 30 Day Shred next week.
  • michellebutler73345
    What's the 30 day shred I'm interested !
  • jemma2016
    jemma2016 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Michelle - I just got back on MFP. Congrats on your wedding next year! It's great you joined the gym. I recently joined the gym and go to the classes they offer. I find going to the class pushes me to workout more than if I were doing it on my own. I'll add you as a friend and we can motivate each other! My goal is to not fall off the wagon this time and get in shape before the holidays.

    Anyone else looking for a MFP friend, feel free to add me as a friend too!
  • michellebutler73345
    Hi Jemma
    Thank you for your message and yes please do send me a request. I'd love to hear what classes you prefare .
    Thanks for the congratulations too ! I do not want to feel bad about myself on the day, will work hard this time !
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    Michelle the 30 days shred is a workout video by jillian michaels. I have done it and it will kick your butt but is worth it. It can get you into shape. it has 3 levels of exercise. and the workouts are about 30 min long.
  • AKNMHunt
    AKNMHunt Posts: 168 Member
    I love the 30DS. I might skip level 1 though, it was kind of boring, but it has been several months since I've done anything remotely related to exercise.
  • kirstyjade92
    Hey Congrats on getting married next year, I to am the heaviest ive been and have been using MFP for 23 days and have lost almost 2kg so slowly but surely, my goal is to shift 25kg altogether and get down to 65kg then ill think about another 5kg, great youve joined a gym! I love using gym equipment im lucky enough to have a few things in the garage i can use and theres tons of youtube workouts to watch and give ago. I started the 30day shred a while ago but i found it to hard, I guess my downfall is when i feel pain i stop.
  • Livaid101
    Livaid101 Posts: 2 Member
    Congrats on your upcoming wedding.. I am joining our community gym today... Got 50lbs to loose.
  • michellebutler73345
    Good morning all, hope you have a great day. Thanks so much for all the replies. We can do this !!!
  • kookooman333
    kookooman333 Posts: 5 Member
    Congrats on your upcoming wedding! I just celebrated my first wedding anniversary. I've been steadily gaining weight for the past 3-4 years. I'm close to my heaviest weight ever, which truthfully isn't too horrible, but I have a small frame and even 5-10 pounds really distributes itself poorly. I'm trying to lose about 15-20 pounds. I've lost a few (a couple before starting this website and then a couple since starting it). It feels like it took SO long just to lose a total of 4 pounds. I am beginning to accept that my body is changing as I approach 40 (in a couple months). The only thing that really keeps me on track is making exercise "fun." I walk, run, bike, hike and do yoga, and occasionally go to the gym. I try to do something physical almost every day, with "big" exercise 4-5 times a week. Eating only 1200 calories a day has me really bummed but truthfully, I'm never hungry. It is taking a long time to sink in that this is a life change and a lifetime commitment. I'm just not 20 anymore. Good luck everyone!