Weight Watchers

I am currently tracking my daily food and physical activity here as well as on Weight Watchers. Is anyone else doing the same thing or have counted points in the past? Which do you feel is better?


  • MrsKAddy
    MrsKAddy Posts: 52 Member
    I've done weightwatchers before and prefer the counting calories instead of the point system. I guess I feel like 1300 calories is WAY more than 22 points. It's purely physiological I know! :wink:
  • Juliane_
    Juliane_ Posts: 373 Member
    I count both on and off. However, I use the old points system (Momentum). The new plan just does not work for me. The days I log my calories in is because I want to SEE how many calories my points translated to.
  • sweet_girl
    sweet_girl Posts: 14 Member
    i've dont both. Personally, i prefer to count calories because in the long run it teaches you to idenitfy which foods contain how many calories as opposed to the point system
  • ereeners
    ereeners Posts: 14 Member
    I was doing both at first and when I ate my daily allowance of WW points, it was WAY over my calories according to MFP so I started just using this website and I am seeing better results.
  • hollybear1280
    I've been doing WW, and I joined this site today. It's interesting to see what everyone has to say, and the comparisons between the two.
  • appleshells
    I have had more success counting calories than doing ww. I lost weight with ww but I always felt like I was on a diet. Counting calories seems more of a lifestyle change and easier to maintain.