What mix of Cardio and Resistance would work well for me?

I'm at 5'10", 275 lbs. Obviously interested in weight/fat loss, but I don't want to lose a huge amount of muscle in the process if at all possible.

I can generally get to the gym at least 3 times a week - sometimes as many as 5 or 6. About an hour per session max In the past it has been almost all treadmill.

What is the best mix of Cardio and Resistance for someone in my position? Any resistance training I do will be in place of cardio, not in addition to it.

This is in addition to diet changes which have been working well for me so far.


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    The typical beginner's plan is a full-body lifting workout every 2-3 days, with cardio done on non-lifting days. For lifting, it's best to follow an established program. NROL and Stronglifts are popular here.. or have a personal trainer customize a routine for you.
  • jimvic37
    You don't have to loose any muscle mass at all. I subscribe to constantly varied functional movements performed at high intensity and if you do the same you will loose weight while gaining muscle and over all fitness. Now for full disclosure I am a CrossFitter/CrossFit coach. If you are not familiar with CrossFit I highly recommend you look into it. Most CrossFit facilities offer 101 classes although they go by different names. The beauty of CrossFit is there is a trainer with you every time you are in the gym, they program your workouts everyday and you are supported by an unbelievable community!
  • Omanya
    Omanya Posts: 50
    I just recently posted this thread:


    Let me know if it helps!