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Afterwork workout vs dinner



  • hoyalawya2003
    hoyalawya2003 Posts: 631 Member
    I usually do a greek yogurt before I leave work; coincidentally my commute is an hour, but I agree with pp's that you don't have to wait that long if it is a light snack.
  • burtonvdp
    burtonvdp Posts: 19 Member
    My trainer had to move my calories around so that roughly 3/4 are gone before dinner. I found this worked out well because I now can go before or after dinner and not have to worry about being starving or too full when I work out. I have been mixing up my times during the week because of family life and I find no hunger difference between the 2. My last snack is around 3:30 to 4:00 pm and the earliest I work out is 5:30 (start) and the latest is 10:00.

    Snack is either some cottage cheese, yogurt, Nut bar, or strait almonds.
  • ishepelska
    ishepelska Posts: 59 Member
    Why does your snack have to be 1 hour before your workout? Is it something that you have learned from experience, or is it a rule that you read somewhere?

    That seems to be an agreement on most fitness resources I read. I sometimes do HIIT, so eating too close to workout doesn't seem like a good idea.
    If you haven't tried eating and immediately working out, give it a shot. Have some easily digestible carbs (sports drink or a banana) and then start. See what happens. Keep notes in your workout log. You'll figure out what's best for you.

    Thanks. :smile:
  • ishepelska
    ishepelska Posts: 59 Member
    I usually do a greek yogurt before I leave work; coincidentally my commute is an hour, but I agree with pp's that you don't have to wait that long if it is a light snack.

    One thing that I found I can't eat before exercise is yogurt.....
  • ishepelska
    ishepelska Posts: 59 Member
    My trainer had to move my calories around so that roughly 3/4 are gone before dinner. I found this worked out well because I now can go before or after dinner and not have to worry about being starving or too full when I work out. I have been mixing up my times during the week because of family life and I find no hunger difference between the 2. My last snack is around 3:30 to 4:00 pm and the earliest I work out is 5:30 (start) and the latest is 10:00.

    Snack is either some cottage cheese, yogurt, Nut bar, or strait almonds.

    I wonder, when do you go to bed when you start your workout at 10? Right after?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I usually have an apple and some almonds in the car on the way to the gym and i eat dinner afterwards...I'm not sure where you're getting this whole wait an hour thing...I could see that after a big meal, but an apple and a handful of almonds has always been fine for me.
  • Elsie_Brownraisin
    Elsie_Brownraisin Posts: 786 Member
    I eat little and often at work, last snack at around 2.30-3pm and then go the gym at 5.30. I then eat over half my daily calories in one meal or one meal and a snack in the evening. I know this is not how a lot of people would do this though!

    If I run or swim, being too full makes me need the loo and if I'm swimming outside there's nowhere to poop. Well, there's everywhere, I guess. But it's not socially acceptable.
  • dieselbyte
    dieselbyte Posts: 733 Member
    Hi all,
    My first post here; I am nervous. :embarassed: :))))

    My question is to all 9 to 5(6)ers who exercise after work. How do you plan your meals and snacks so that you don't start your workout super hungry?
    I don't like it but I tend to plan my workouts around my meals :angry:, and it has happened on several occasions that I had to make a decision - eat and skip a workout or workout with nausea and low energy. If I need to run some errands after work, I come home hungry. Snacking, waiting up to 1hr, and working out after brings me too close to bedtime :ohwell:.
    Anyone else has this problem? Solutions?

    Unless you divorce youself from the notion that you need to eat at least 1 hour before you workout, you'll always have a problem. There are no hard and fast rules of when you should exactly eat pre or post workout, regardless of the "fitness resources" you've read. Experiment for yourself. Meal timing for athletic performance is personal preference.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    work fasted.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I work from 7:30ish to 4:30ish with an hour for lunch. I eat a snack about 2-3 hours before I workout, usually a protein bar, that with some water keeps me pretty satiated for the rest of the afternoon. I prefer to workout on an empty stomach. I get home, let the dogs out and change into my workout clothes (btw, I workout at home), I workout for about an hour or so, depending on they day, I may take the dogs for a walk, take a shower and because I pre-plan my meals, I'm usually eating dinner around 7 pm. Regarding errands, depending on what it is, I can do most of my small errands on my lunch, including some light grocery shopping. It helps that I live only 2 miles from my office. I also have a very flexible schedule and a lot of vaca time, so I am able to work through lunch and leave early or just take a quarter day if I have something to do after work and still want to squeeze in a workout.

    ETA: I read this sometime ago, not sure if its true, though sounds pretty ridiculous, but it basically stated that you can not gain weight if you eat within an hour after you workout. Of course there was science behind it, could just be some that bro science I hear so much about, but hey, if it convinces you not to wait an hour to eat, then sure it can be true.
  • ishepelska
    ishepelska Posts: 59 Member
    I work from 7:30ish to 4:30ish with an hour for lunch. I eat a snack about 2-3 hours before I workout, usually a protein bar, that with some water keeps me pretty satiated for the rest of the afternoon. I prefer to workout on an empty stomach. I get home, let the dogs out and change into my workout clothes (btw, I workout at home), I workout for about an hour or so, depending on they day, I may take the dogs for a walk, take a shower and because I pre-plan my meals, I'm usually eating dinner around 7 pm. Regarding errands, depending on what it is, I can do most of my small errands on my lunch, including some light grocery shopping. It helps that I live only 2 miles from my office. I also have a very flexible schedule and a lot of vaca time, so I am able to work through lunch and leave early or just take a quarter day if I have something to do after work and still want to squeeze in a workout.

    ETA: I read this sometime ago, not sure if its true, though sounds pretty ridiculous, but it basically stated that you can not gain weight if you eat within an hour after you workout. Of course there was science behind it, could just be some that bro science I hear so much about, but hey, if it convinces you not to wait an hour to eat, then sure it can be true.

    It's nice to have a flexible schedule like that. I tend to stay late at work, because I always feel I should be doing more :). And I, too, workout at home.
    As for eating within an hour post-workout: yes, I believe it is the best time, since that's when you get that post-workout burn. I love freshly prepared meals, though, so often spend that hour cooking.
    BTW, my question was only about pre-workout snacks.
  • ishepelska
    ishepelska Posts: 59 Member
    Now I am curious what the responses would be if I just asked "how long do you wait before starting a workout after a snack?" :wink: :tongue:
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    I wouldnt worry about the waiting but its obviously to give time for it to settle and it to get into your system. A banana isnt really going to upset your stomach, but it makes sense to eat it a bit before you are exerting yourself. I eat mine on the way to the gym either 1h before or maybe 30mins. If its breakfast then its normally an hour + before.

    Would you have difficuly consuming some carbs reasonably before work ends?
  • s_pekz
    s_pekz Posts: 340 Member
    I am super hungry when I get home from work so its always dinner first. I am a big fan of soup for dinner so that sits nicely for me. If I have something else I either wait a little or I don't and just go to the gym. Depending what I eat sometimes I feel a little sick after a good run but it doesn't bother me too much. I just kind of work through it knowing I wont actually puke.
  • burtonvdp
    burtonvdp Posts: 19 Member
    My trainer had to move my calories around so that roughly 3/4 are gone before dinner. I found this worked out well because I now can go before or after dinner and not have to worry about being starving or too full when I work out. I have been mixing up my times during the week because of family life and I find no hunger difference between the 2. My last snack is around 3:30 to 4:00 pm and the earliest I work out is 5:30 (start) and the latest is 10:00.

    Snack is either some cottage cheese, yogurt, Nut bar, or strait almonds.

    I wonder, when do you go to bed when you start your workout at 10? Right after?

    Usually I get to the gym by 9:30. Im home by 11pm.... When I go there at 10pm I'm usually home by 11:15pm and in bed by around 11:30. By 10pm the gym is pretty quiet and I can get it done fast. Anything earlier and I'm waiting for machines.... Its about a 15 minute drive home so I usually only need another 15 to 20 minutes to calm down. I've been putting on the most relaxing music I have for the drive home and use none busy surface streets so I'm pretty mellow by the time I get home.
  • burtonvdp
    burtonvdp Posts: 19 Member
    Now I am curious what the responses would be if I just asked "how long do you wait before starting a workout after a snack?" :wink: :tongue:

    Honestly if its just a snack I dont worry about it. As long as I'm comfortable while doing my routine I dont give it much thought. After a meal I just wait long enough to not have that full feeling while doing cardio. I go 5 days a week so my diet as far as calorie intake has to be pretty spot on and I try not to under eat too much.
  • KeepGoingKylene
    KeepGoingKylene Posts: 432 Member
    here is my schedule and i workout right after work (pretty intense workout)

    7/730 breakfast
    10 snack
    230/3 snack
    5 to 6 workout
    eat dinner when home so 630/7

    works great for me, the afternoon snack i always make sure has a decent amount of protein. my tummy is then settled by workout time, but i am also not hungry or faint so am able to workout.
  • EMTFreakGirl
    EMTFreakGirl Posts: 597 Member
    I don't have a 9 to 5 but I have some of the same issues. Most weekdays I am the only Paramedic available in my rural Montana community. I don't like to go out on calls all stinky and sweaty, but I have when needed. I tend to wait for those that do have day jobs to get home and have their dinner and become available responders before I work out so for me it's usually workout around 10 pm then come home, shower and try to get some sleep. Probably why I am nocturnal and suffer insomnia. Small price to pay to ensure that I am available if my neighbors need me, and while the others are slaving away at their 9-5's I get to experience the joys of the nap. (I have NO qualms about responding with bed head.) :bigsmile: As to working out early in the morning, besides the fact that I am NOT a morning person, it would be WAY TOO early. Those with the 9-5's can't respond after about 4 am or they won't make the call, the trip to the hospital and back, the paperwork and still make it to work on time so most days I'm "on" starting at 0400. To fit a workout in before that is just not humane, to me. I am happy any day I get to the gym, late matters not. I try to have a good energy mini-meal about an hour before, yogurt and a protein drink, usually. Best of luck to you!
  • ishepelska
    ishepelska Posts: 59 Member
    Thank you, all!
    I guess I'll just chill :)).
    Or try to work out closer to bedtime on days when I NEED to eat as soon as I get home (if my neighbours don't start complaning, like that one time I was showing my cardio routine to a friend at 11 pm)
  • hortensehildegarde
    hortensehildegarde Posts: 592 Member
    were I in that situation I'd just eat while running errands