How to get to single digit body fat?

When losing fat, the lower you get the. the harder it is to burn fat. Once you hit 15%, it gets difficult to lose weight as opposed to 20%. I want to know what transcends a person into the single digit body fat percentage. Is it a careful diet? I know there's patience but how much. I have about 15% body fat. How long will it take me to get 8% body fat?


  • efwolfcub
    efwolfcub Posts: 99 Member
    Single digit body fat is definitely in the way-below-healthy range. you could take up crystal meth or heroin and get there pretty quickly though.
  • slvrsrfr
    slvrsrfr Posts: 45 Member
    Single digit body fat is definitely in the way-below-healthy range. you could take up crystal meth or heroin and get there pretty quickly though.

    Nonsense. Not for men.

    To the OP, you'll get down to single digits the same way you lose weight generally,
    by eating less calories than you burn.

    But, getting that low should be done more slowly i.e. 0.5lb a week, and you might
    want to eat healthier and weight train to keep muscle loss at a minimum.

    But it's not rocket surgery :wink:
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    It is going to get tougher as you lower your body fat %; as your body's natural reaction is to want to hold on to body fat for "emergencies" i.e. when food is scarce. I would say keep lifting heavy, eating in a deficit, and pay stricter attention to your diet. Also keep in mind that reaching single digit body fat is not the end be all of everything...
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    __drmerc__ wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    It is going to get tougher as you lower your body fat %; as your body's natural reaction is to want to hold on to body fat for "emergencies" i.e. when food is scarce. I would say keep lifting heavy, eating in a deficit, and pay stricter attention to your diet. Also keep in mind that reaching single digit body fat is not the end be all of everything...

    sounds like starvation mode

    low body fat % =/= starving yourself. Body needs fat to function, but for men single digit % is attainable while still being able to have healthy enough levels.