biggest loser game for wii...

bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
i have the wii fit and the original ea sports for the wii....i like the ea sports much better than wii fit for EXERCISE...wii fit is fun to play with the kids but i dont get a great workout like i do with the ea sports one.....does anyone have the "new" biggest loser game for the wii???i think they came out with a new one just recently and i'm wondering if i should spend the money on it...the commercials during the show for the kinect console we dont have for xbox looks great but i dont know if the wii one is "as good"....
other suggestions for fitness for the wii besides what i already have??? i have a pretty good schedule for working out with a mixture of lots of things, walking, spinning, treadmill, elliptical, weight training class, swimming....i think i do pretty good mixing it up so my body doesnt get used to one thing but i thought maybe i could do something "fun" on the wii occasionally with the kids and still get a workout cousin has the just dance game and i thought that would be fun to play sometime too...

thanks in advance for your comments/suggestions....


  • RedfootDaddy
    RedfootDaddy Posts: 274 Member
    I'm also interested in hearing other people's experiences with the Biggest Loser game. Right now the two that we use are Just Dance (it's a wicked cardio workout) and MyFitnessCoach. MFC is like Wii Fit but higher intensity and all on the honour system. She really gives me a good workout, I was sweating like a sweaty thing this morning after half an hour and just about dead after forty-five.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    does noone have advice or comment about this??? or did it just get lost in the fitness/exercise thread shuffle....please comment if you have any info..
  • internetgal22
    I recently bought biggest loser challenge for Wii. I use it along with the balance board. Its a great work out. But sometimes i get the impression that its not picking up my movements correcty. Either that or Im doing it wrong. :)
    Have fun with it, cause it can be intense sometimes.
    I wanted the Kinect xbox one, that one actually reads ur body movements.
  • AngelUK1985
    AngelUK1985 Posts: 84 Member
    I got the biggest loser game the other week (the yellow box one) and im convicned tis trying to kill me lol i went intermediate boy was iw rong i should of picked easy.... anyway its ok but you need to have time to log on every day as unless you dont want to be elimnated you need to log in your daily calorie intake etc only been on it a few times as not had much time lately but i have heard good things about it and people losing weight (this is the yellow boy game not the newest one thats a blue box i think?) anyway also i have just dance thats a good game its fun and time flys when you play it, bit hard though but whot akes it seriously and it gets you up and moving my friends lost weight using that and she says just dance 2 is even better.