
Hi everyone!

I'm Nicole, and I'm new to this..........I have always fluctuated in weight and have always had somewhat of a struggle since I've been young. I see some people who seem to be able to eat anything and their body never changes... I couldn't be so lucky :P On the contrary, I have always had to watch my weight and exercise alot. I have lost a lot of weight over the years and am trying to lose much more to get down to where I will be healthy and comfortable. I workout (try to 5 times a week) and thought it might be easier to keep track of food using this program. I've heard great things from friends on the program :)

Just wondered if anyone has any advice for me? I'm new to this, any suggestions? Advice would be greatly appreciated.



  • karljp
    karljp Posts: 30 Member
    Welcome, just start logging all of your excercise and everything you eat into MFP and the site does everything for you. You can see if you are not eating enough, or too much based on your goals. It has helped me make a lot of changes, but going out to eat is nerve racking now as I am always worried about calories:-) Just be realistic so that it can be sustained for the long term. My first week I lost 5 lbs, so I hope it continues and I am looking forward to getting to where I can maintain and increase my calories some in a day.
  • Paige1108
    Paige1108 Posts: 432 Member

    Welcome to MyFitnessPal (MFP). This is a wonderful first step and one I would recommend. I hope you have a great journey and find health and happiness in the process.

    Some generic advice, I like to plan my day in the morning or the night before. This way if I'm faced with that "tempting something" I can remind myself "I had a plan for today, just stick to the plan". But if I do choose to give into that temptation I also know how it fits into my over all day and what I might need to do to lessen the blow; like walk the dog again. My dog loves MFP.

    And don't assume those people you see eating "anything they want" are eating "anything they want". 3500 calories equals 1lbs for everyone, there is no genetic magic carpet ride, for anyone. Those habits will either catch up to them in the end or they are eating well 90% of the time so they can let loose the other 10%, when you see them.

    Best of luck and welcome.
  • nicoleannette
    Thank you both for the advice! I feel welcomed already! =) I have started filling out foods and drinking lots of water.... I like the idea about "pre-planning"...I'm sure it will help motivate me to stick-to-the-plan.

    Thanks again!!
