Weight loss and the Gym - need help, please.

FutureMsFit Posts: 21 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello! I'm at day 28 of my weight loss journey. I've already lost 14 lbs...horray. I'm confused about building muscle and losing fat. My starting weight was 240. I'm currently at 226.4. I have been going to the gym about three days a week for an hour to an hour and a half.

I eat around 1280 calories a day...I'm doing really well, but want to keep doing really well....

I'm doing 3 sets of 15 of the following things...

Inner thighs on the abductor 40 lbs
Outer thighs on the abductor 40 lbs
Chest press 40 lbs
Abdominal press 40 lbs
Lateral Squats with the Kettlebell 10lbs
Leg Press 80 lbs

I walk on the treadmill 3.2-3.5 for usually 30 minutes, rowing machine(just started today) level 9 for 20 minutes...sometimes I will throw in 10 minutes on the bike or the elliptical.

I carry weight in my hips, glutes and thighs...I'm losing weight but it's not there, it's all above my waist...

Does anyone have any suggestions? Do I need to work out more? Is there any other exercises for the back of your legs and glutes? Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!!


  • forever28
    forever28 Posts: 374 Member
  • I've had great results with heavy squats, deadlifts, hamstring roll ups and the dreaded lunge! Good luck!
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Well, I just recently lost 10-3/4 inches in 3 weeks from doing chalean extreme DVD set. She loves bowler's lunges, and squats, and regular lunges. Apparently that is key, cuz most of my inches have come off from hips and adductors. She works me out hard. We don't do sets. One very hard set for each body part, to the point of tears, try to get 12 in. Make the weight heavy. DO your squats with weights as well.
  • aling01
    aling01 Posts: 163
    just curious...what does "BUMP!" stand for?

    as far as working out, if you want to lose more and a little faster, you need to not just walk on the treadmill. you need to be sweating.

    try the elliptical if your knees hurt like me...and do interval training or you can do hills on the treadmill just so its a bit more intense then you are use to.

    if you can run, try sprint/run for only 30minutes...first 5 and last 5minute will be warmup/cool down then in between...sprint/jog for 1 minute and walk for 1 min.
  • Try bumping up the incline or speed on the treadmill and try adding exercises where you stretch your lower body muscles. If your gym offers classes you may want to add a yoga or pilatites class.
  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member
    You're not necessarily going to start losing weight from the same areas you're focusing on for weight lifting. I am like you in that most of my weight is carried in my butt and thighs, but I've lost from my arms and waist the most so far and just now starting to lose in my butt.

    The goal of lifting is to gain muscle all over your body, especially in large muscle regions like your legs and back, and your body will start using that muscle to burn more calories and help you lose more weight. Just hang in there..it'll start coming off your problem areas before you know it!!
  • BlueEyedMomma88
    BlueEyedMomma88 Posts: 558 Member
    just curious...what does "BUMP!" stand for?

    BUMP means they r bumping the thread up to see what others wrote.. Basically a way to bookmark something.. U can go back on ur profile and just click it and itll be there..
  • You may want to drop your reps a little...it will NOT bulk you up.

    Also the weight will come off where it wants to. Not where you want it too....

    Targeting area will not target the loss of fat. A full body workout is the most efficient way to lose weight. Also it helps to do your measurements once you sart to weight train/. You may gain weigth and lose inches due to muscle being more dense than fat

    Hope this helps
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    You cannot spot reduce so you will eventually lose everywhere. Just keep up the hard work.
  • BlueEyedMomma88
    BlueEyedMomma88 Posts: 558 Member
    You cannot spot reduce so you will eventually lose everywhere. Just keep up the hard work.

    Exactally what I was gonna say.. :wink:
  • I do Zumba on my WII and it is amazing! I carry most of my weight on bottom too and my legs are slimming down like crazy! I just had my 2nd baby in a year and a half so I wish it would help a little more with that but the legs is a definite plus! I have lost 41 pounds since the first week in december.. Hope that helps a bit. The more cardio you do the more you'll slim down and weights will bulk you up..
  • aling01
    aling01 Posts: 163
    Well, I just recently lost 10-3/4 inches in 3 weeks from doing chalean extreme DVD set. She loves bowler's lunges, and squats, and regular lunges. Apparently that is key, cuz most of my inches have come off from hips and adductors. She works me out hard. We don't do sets. One very hard set for each body part, to the point of tears, try to get 12 in. Make the weight heavy. DO your squats with weights as well.

    WOW that's awesome! i'm kinda scared to try that DVD only cause my knees are really bad and sometimes it hurts to do any lunges.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    You can't "spot lose". You can work on toning up certain areas, but where fat is distributed/lost from depends on genetics. If you carry most of your weight in your butt/thighs, that is the first place it goes onto...and the last place to come off of. Take measurements and keep working on toning and building muscle. It will work itself out in the end.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    Well first off, awesome job! If you keep working hard you will drop everywhere. Have you thought about running? Thats great for legs :D Also I would say to follow some of the leg workout suggestions people have posted.
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    As someone who has lost weight several times over the course of the past 12 years I've gotten to know my body and how it reacts to weight loss. I'm in the military so I stay fairly active and exercise is done in alot of places when it's not meant to be exercise, outside of the gym in most cases. I know that the fatness of my face will not begin to go away until I get to the 240lb level. From 250-275 my face isn't really affected, above that, yes, below that, yes, but not in that range.

    I first lose it in the lower torso, then upper torso, then face / legs.

    Everyone's body just reacts a little bit differently. Just remember that the more weight you lose, the easier the exercise will become and you'll start to lose it in other places as well.
  • Go to bodybuilding.com and search for a 12 week program. It is free and it tells you exactly what to do here is the one I am doing now

    It is awesome goes over everything from food to weights to cardio for FREE

    Hope this helps keep up the good work.
  • ajwall3
    ajwall3 Posts: 187
    First of all congrats!!! GREAT job so far! My advice (which is limited) would be to bump up your cardio. The more you burn it will slowly melt off all areas... you just have to keep at it! I have had good success doing Slim in 6 by Beach Body. They work your legs and arms... well all of you honestly! But it's cardio and resistance training... she makes you squat practically every move so you are REALLY working your bottom half. Your calorie intake is great and seems like you are moving and working hard - so I would say just keep with it. The more you do - the more results you will see! Try ramping up your cardio! Good luck and keep it up!!!!:smile:

    Edit: Oh! And if can swing it : I would try to hit the gym more throughout the week, maybe aim for 5 or 6 days/week instead of 3 or 4. :)
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    It seems you're working based on misinformation. Understand that all the training you're doing on your lower body will NOT make things smaller. Only losing fat will make things smaller. The good news is that you're sticking to your diet, so the fat loss thing will take care of itself.

    So am I saying you should stop lifting weights? Definitely not! But you need to get a more balanced plan that will work your whole body. Forget those hip machines. They aren't helping you. Squats and leg presses will work the hip ab/adductors plenty, and in a more natural way than pushing your legs in or out. ALL you need to do for your lower body are squats and leg presses.

    To that you need to add more upper body exercises that will build both usable strength and better muscular shape (what people call "tone"). Usable strength is important because it will make everything you do easier, as well as helping you avoid injury. You are currently going to the gym 3 times a week and doing the same workout each time. There is no reason to change this, you just need to switch up what movements you are doing. Along with your squats and leg presses you need to add something for your chest, shoulders, and back. Stick to pushing and pulling exercises, as these will get your arms as well, with no need to do specific arm exercises. Here are a few ideas;

    chest press (the is a good exercise and will continue to work for this purpose if you want to keep using it.)
    bench press (don't be afraid of FREE WEIGHTS, the will be more beneficial in EVERY WAY compared to machines.)
    dumbell bench press
    pushups (you can start on your knees)
    assisted dips

    overhead press with machine, bar, or dumbells.
    upright row

    pull downs
    assisted pullups
    bent over rows with bar or dumbells

    You should do one exercise from each of these lists every time you workout. You can either do the same workout every time, or choose a different one from the list each time. If you keep it the same each time, switch it up after about a month to make sure you keep progressing.
  • AbbyCar
    AbbyCar Posts: 198 Member
    I've always heard that you lose fat from your "problem" areas last. Or at least it seems that way because those areas have more fat to lose than others:tongue: For instance, I have the opposite problem you do, I lose fat very quickly from my legs, arms, chest and it seems as if it takes forever to see a noticeable difference in my belly(very apple shaped). I'm still losing from my belly, it's just not as noticeable because I have more fat to lose there than other places. So keep plugging away!
  • Sorry but weight will not bulk you up unless you are taking steroids, women do not have enough testosterone in their bodies to develop like a male even with using the heavies weights. All women should train just like a man that is what gives us the best results. Do the research. I do not mean to be snobby about it but I have researched so much on the subject and others should do the same.
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