i'm in need of mini goals

i have never posted a topic on here yet, i have recently came to a 27 pound loss and i have 46 more pounds to go. i really need some mini goals to motivate myself and to feel rewarded. i have support but i guess i would like more from my hubby and family but they all have their own stuff going on too. my friends mean well but they have all gotten their bodies back from having kids so they arent all that much help at this point. the idea of pedis and manicures isnt all that appealing to me. i would love to go clothes shopping but i dont want to have to keep buying clothes are going to continue to fall off lol (tooooo much $) i made myself a deal that i would get my tattoo as a reward. however, i am aiming for my weight goal before summer and my tat appt isnt until october. so not much motivation there either. any ideas would be great :)


  • TheNewDanielle
    Well, let's see... reward yourself for a goal of weight loss each week.. go out and do something you do enjoy instead of buying clothes... i won't go buy clothes yet either.... i'd rather wrap a belt around myself twice as i get smaller. i do a weekly cheat night... like tomorrow, i'm going out with friends ... while i will have whatever is there, i will still eat in moderation... but not be quite so uptight about the calories. that's usually pretty cool. until i've lost 20 pounds, i won't be doing an ice cream cheat night lol (that's my biggest weakness).
  • cakeordeath
    cakeordeath Posts: 229 Member
    i like ot do my mini goals 10lbs at a time. so instead of saying ugh i have 47 lbs more to go you just look at how many lbs you are till you reach your next 10 lbs.
  • westcoastSW
    westcoastSW Posts: 320 Member
    I have mini-goals set up for every 5 pounds that I lose (trying to lose a total of 30 more). I do have mani/pedi as one reward, but others include new running shorts, running shoes, a new pair of jeans (not the whole wardrobe, but a good pair that fits well at that weight), a bathing suit for closer to summer (again, not the whole wardrobe, just a reward), a massage, and a perfume that I've really wanted for a while but have hesitated to splurge on. Other ideas might be a fancy date night/weekend, accessories (if you're into purses, shoes, scarves, etc.), a nice haircut or highlights if that's your bag, or just treating yourself to a day to do whatever you want! Of course looking and feeling healthier is the ultimate reward, but the little things keep me going from day-to-day. Good luck to you!
  • chrysnel
    I've been trying to think of some, too - as I'm not a big mani/pedi/spa person, and yeah - it gets really expensive (and pointless) to buy clothes that aren't going to fit for long...

    How about some 'active' mini-goals? Like going to an indoor rock climbing gym, or scuba diving, or whatever tickles your fancy? I think when I hit 180 lbs, I'm going to go try out rock climbing - I've wanted to do it forever, but am not sure if my knees and arms will take pulling up my weight (I'm at 218) right now, not to mention the climbing ropes and equipment would be digging into my rolls, and nobody needs to see that!! :laugh: :laugh:
  • fantm
    fantm Posts: 87 Member
    I like the idea of breaking it down into smaller goals - 5 or 10 lbs at a time is not as intimidating as going for the whole thing. One of my goal rewards for 150lbs is to have a closet audit done by a professional stylist. By the time I reach that goal, it will be time for some new clothes anyway.

    I asked my husband to help me think of rewards, and to give me some. He said that at the next major milestone (160 lbs) that we'd go to a really nice place here that rents hot tubs by the hour, and has massage as an option. Fun!

    Maybe tickets to a show that you wouldn't ordinarily go to, or go out to see some live music at a club (just drink water to stay on plan :-) ), a trip to a museum, a boat ride somewhere. I guess just think about things you enjoy and want to do but don't for whatever reason.
  • bas27
    bas27 Posts: 61 Member
    thank you everyone for your ideas! i definitely think i can work with a lot that you guys offered :) i guess i just wasnt putting forth the right ideas that "qualify" as a mini goal. i didnt want set too high of rewards but an accomplishment is an accomplishment :) thank you!