
Just introducing myself...I recently joined this place (it's free! it's free! holy chocolate cookies with icing on top, it's free!) (are sugary food references a bad idea?).

My name is Amy, I'm from Atlanta, I have a 2 year old little girl, and if I could quit my day job I'd travel all over the world and write about it. I have other things I could tell you about myself, all the stuff that motivates me (like fantasies of Gerard Butler bringing me fruity drinks on Fijian beaches), but I know you have things to do.

I'm only now introducing myself because I wanted to be sure I could actually commit (I'm so BAD at that) to filling out my food/exercise journals here for at least a week before I pulled anyone into my FitnessPal friendship web. But I did it--success! So I think I'm good to go.

In addition to the friendship-making I see here, I really like this place on the account of I have yet to see any over the top snark and put downs--most everyone seems so friendly and supportive here. Far more productive to our purposes, I think.

I'd love to have fitnesspal buddies to support and encourage on this weight loss/getting fit journey we've all embarked on here.

In conclusion: hooray for people on a health kick!



  • ceciliah9
    Hi there! So nice to meet you! I love MFP too! It's such an awsome site!:smile:
  • adriperez
    Welcome to MFP. I started myself beginning of this year. And I have the same problem with commiting to a weight loss. I have been logging in every meal, and have been successful with my calorie intake. Its really amazing to find out how many calories you are actually consuming, so I think it is very important that you log in every bite. That will definately keep you on track.
    Having to record everything makes it feel as though you have someone to report to on your diet.

    Well Good luck!!
  • katiepool129
    Hi there, wecome! Good luck on your weight loss journey! Feel free to add me for support and encouragement, i find it really helps seeing how others are doing too! :)