Pull ups and women!!

I can not do a pull up for the life of me. So this girl at the gym told me to do 'hanging monkeys". I COULDNT EVEN DO THOSE. What it is is you hold your yourself a little past the bar and hang there. Well once got up I came right back down. I did feel good though bc coming down was controlled. Does any one have any tips? Is it easier with the palms facing out or in?


  • lyla29
    lyla29 Posts: 3,549 Member
    I have the same problem. I can't do any pull-ups either. I'll have to try the hanging monkeys and see if that helps. Right now I've been trying to do modified pull-ups (you can look at youtube for videos on it since it's hard to explain). I still can't do any real ones, and don't do very many modified ones yet but I keep trying. I keep waiting for the 100 sit-ups/100 push-up site to do the pull-ups but every time I look it still says coming soon. Good luck
  • hayhayallen
    YES agree, i hate them! keep trying though but still cant get there!
  • darrenw74
    darrenw74 Posts: 86 Member
    Pull-ups are hard! Some gyms have assisted pull-ups with counter weights, but if you're at home, you can find a small stool or block to stand on and give yourself some assistance with your legs. Think of it as training wheels until you build up enough upper body strength.
  • Amylynn
    Amylynn Posts: 242 Member
    My gym has a pull up machine that lets you add weight that compensates instead of making it heavy. For example: I currently weigh 223 lbs, so on the pull up machine I'll put on 150 lbs meaning I'm actually only pulling up 73 lbs. You can build up your strength & use less & less weight over time til you r lifting your full body weight.

    When I first started using it I could only do 2 sets of 6 pull ups w/all the weight on it (155 lbs). Now I can do 2 sets of 12 pull ups w/150 lbs. Once I can successfully do 2 sets of 15 I'm going to decrease the weight by 10 lbs
  • chrish1981
    I think if someone had a gun to my head and said, "Do a pull up or die", I'd have to die because I CAN NOT do even one!

    I think this might be part of the reason I gave up on p90x. That's LOADED with them.

    I'll just dance the fat off and sub some strength training periodically. That I can do!
  • Fat_Chopper
    Fat_Chopper Posts: 97 Member
    The trick is to just do the negative part to begin with, get a step so you can reach the bar, then lower yourself down, do that 10 times a day and within 2 weeks you will have strengthen your lats, rotator cuffs and biceps to the point you will be able to pull yourself up (positive part).

    They make a great looking back, so try and include them.
  • mizfrankie
    I also could never ever ever do a pull up. Then I did p90x. I can now do 1! haha. But it's incredible that I can do that even. I could not even hold my own weight before. P90X involves a lot of weights, and modified pull ups and pushups. The key to the modified pull up is to use a chair for your feet set in front of you. Put as much weight on your arms as you can while you are pulling up and let your feet have the rest or foot. It is safer to leave one leg off of the chair in case you need to let go. The modified pull ups are really hard too and I at first I could only do 6 at the most. Now I will do one real pull up and the rest with the chair putting less and less weight on my legs as I get stronger.
    Hope that helps your goal!
  • mabella17
    On P90X they show you can do a modified push up using resistance bands. Loop the band around something high, kneel on one knee and pull.
  • lyla29
    lyla29 Posts: 3,549 Member
    The trick is to just do the negative part to begin with, get a step so you can reach the bar, then lower yourself down, do that 10 times a day and within 2 weeks you will have strengthen your lats, rotator cuffs and biceps to the point you will be able to pull yourself up (positive part).

    They make a great looking back, so try and include them.

    I had heard of this but forgot all about it. I'll have to try it. Thanks
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    i LOVE pull ups!! i beat out 10 girls and 14 boys in pull ups, and the ones where you just hold your chin over the bar as long as you can in school once :) i cannot do them with plams facing away though. i always face my palms toward me.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    You can use the different weight machines at the gym to strengthen your arms and back so that pull-ups will be easier.
  • jazzhottie
    Just remember ladies... most women are not necessarily built to be able to do some of those kinds of exercises.

    I'm not saying that we can't or that we shouldn't try, I'm just saying that it is a lot easier for men, because of their muscle structure.

    Even at my slimmest and most athletically active, I was not able to do pull ups. Even push ups were difficult.

    Don't be discouraged if it doesn't come naturally. :-)
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    Just remember ladies... most women are not necessarily built to be able to do some of those kinds of exercises.

    I'm not saying that we can't or that we shouldn't try, I'm just saying that it is a lot easier for men, because of their muscle structure.

    Even at my slimmest and most athletically active, I was not able to do pull ups. Even push ups were difficult.

    Don't be discouraged if it doesn't come naturally. :-)

    that is very true.. otherwise we'd have huge muscular shoulders - and thats not so hot on a chic lol
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    I can't do them either. I have to have a spotter for them. Just hold my feet. Takes some of the weight off of the pull up. And gets me past the mental block that I have with them.
  • Fat_Chopper
    Fat_Chopper Posts: 97 Member
    They are a great "safety" exercise, you can pull yourself out of a pool, into a boat, up and out a window, etc.
  • Fat_Chopper
    Fat_Chopper Posts: 97 Member
    Just remember ladies... most women are not necessarily built to be able to do some of those kinds of exercises.

    I'm not saying that we can't or that we shouldn't try, I'm just saying that it is a lot easier for men, because of their muscle structure.

    Even at my slimmest and most athletically active, I was not able to do pull ups. Even push ups were difficult.

    Don't be discouraged if it doesn't come naturally. :-)

    that is very true.. otherwise we'd have huge muscular shoulders - and thats not so hot on a chic lol

    NO, you do not have the testosterone to get big muscles, my other half does chin up, and trust me a female back with tone is very sexy, she recommends them for support for her bust, as strong lat muscles change the way a bra fits.
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    Might try some Lat Pull downs, gradually increasing the weight until you have reached your own weight.
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    They make bands that you put around the bar. They're extremely helpful.
    I couldn't do one pull-up either and now I can do over 100 (not in a row, can still only do about 3 in a row, but I jump down, shake my arms out and get right back up).
    Look at the bands on this site. The idea is to start on the band that gives you the most help and then work your way up the bands until you can do them on your own.