The infamous SCALE!!

What is everyone's thought on weighing yourself everyday? I personally try not to weigh myself as it drives me mad if I see either no weight loss or a little weight loss. I will tell you that I did weigh myself twice this week and am a little discouraged, but I know that I'll lose as long as I keep up the hard work.



  • BehindBlueEyes988
    I just had a topic along these lines, haha. from what I've seen and heard, they say about once a week is good, but more isn't necessarily bad. just don't get so discouraged you stop. and be sure to weigh yourself the same time everyday, preferably in the morning to get the most accurate reading
  • colonelangus
    A scale is but a scale, a data point, a transient moment on the road to weight measurement.
  • missmmaynes
    missmmaynes Posts: 79 Member
    Don't do it!!! Weighing yourself every day will drive you crazy!! I am to the point where I have to only weigh myself once a month because when I get frustrated I eat because "it doesn't matter anyways" in my mind. Put it away for even 2 weeks and then after the effort you've put in, you should notice a difference, even if it is little! Good luck!
  • Tuckersn
    Tuckersn Posts: 149
    I weigh every morning . . . I can keep an average that way and each week average it out. If there is a loss in those 7 days, it'll show. :0)
  • brocflores
    Omg are you reading my mind :0/ I'm going crazy over the same issue. I was weighing myself once a week now it's 2x a week. This week I've already seen a gain and Tuesday is my weigh in day and I'm already depressed and feel like just blowing it and starting over tuesday. I'm NOT gonna do it! I'm gonna get back on track tomorrow for sure!!!! I'm gonna weigh in once a week again to prevent this from happening. Also I'm gonna start measuring myself not just go off of weight. Sometimes you won't see lbs drop but you will see inches fall off!!! Don't give up girly! Your doing AWESOME!!!!!!!