Hello All

I actually joined here last year but did nothing with it. Well now I am determined to lose this weight.
I am 35 and to be perfectly honest I've never had an issue with my weight until about a year ago. An increase in the dosage of one of my medications caused me to gain 60 lbs! Unfortunately I can't change the medication as it's working really well for me. Hopefully I can change the weight. The actual diet part should be easy for me as I really don't eat much and for the most part I eat healthy foods. My biggest problem is that I sit on my butt all day long and get very little exercise. I also have Fibromyalgia and Sciatica which makes exercise difficult and painful and as if that weren't enough my weight gain has given me Asthma. In other words, the exercise bit is going to be my biggest challenge. My husband and I just got the Kinect for the Xbox 360 and a fitness game to go along with it so I'm hoping that I will be able to do that!
Anyhow, I'm just looking for some support and advice along my new journey.


  • Jilly78
    Well good luck..I have a hard time getting moving when I get home after work..I did use my wii tonite and it was fun, and my 6 & 7 yr olds did it with me.
  • jeanneisfat
    Every little bit helps... it's great to see your smiling face on here. Maybe start off by just walking more?