1 wk in, just getting the courage to post



  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    Oh, and if you need motivation, Check out the success stories and look at the before and after photos!
  • leanandmeanmachine
    Hey Kristen: This is an amazing site. Just continue to log in your food daily and start to exercise, even if its only a walk around the block or something and record that, and watch the weight slowly start disappearing. We are all in this together. We're here tohelp one another. I too have over 100lbs to loose and I know that I will loose them. Take baby steps, don't look at the big number of weight we have to loose, start small with maybe 5-10 lbs gone a month. You are gonna be just fine. I will request you as a friend so that we can motivate each other.
  • tkrepps
    tkrepps Posts: 15
    Hi Kristen,

    I'm glad you decided to post . There seem to be many people on this with great ideas, they've been there, or are where a lot of us now. I just joined yesterday and normally I can last on something new for at least a day or two. I did great all day until late evening and my husband said he was going to Subway. I was good and said nothing for me. He wasn't even out the driveway when I called him and told him to get me a sub. Not just a 6", but the 12. I only ate half of it, but I did not write it in my food journal. I then woke up at 3am to let the dogs out and I went and ate the other half. When I actually got out of bed this morning, I felt guilty, I entered in half for yesterday and the other half for today. I went over in every category yesterday. The thing that I love about the food journal is when you post the food how it tells you what you will weigh in 5 weeks. I didn't like the number I saw so I am going to exercise more today and try to keep on track today. I have to go shopping so I have healthy snacks here. It is hard if all we have in our house are the wrong items. I wish you the best and I look forward to hearing how your doing.

  • lmtrevin
    Hi Kristen!

    Welcome and congratulations for taking this step. I am just starting on here too and I know how hard it can be to share your insecurities and life with others.

    Good luck with your journey. Just being here and starting out is a huge accomplishment! I hope to see you on here while we take this weight loss trip together.

    :) Liza
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    Welcome! You're going to love it here. I'm pretty new and everyone's been really awesome. Add me as a friend if you want!
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I have found this to be such a supportive place. I never would have stuck with this for so long without everyone here.

    The key for me has been meal planning and keeping healthier snacks on hand. That doesn't mean I live on carrot and celery sticks. :) But it does mean I try to almost always have some kind of fruit/veggie on hand, low fat cheese, peanut butter, etc. I plan out meals every week too (suppers -- it helps that I like to cook and have a stash of easier recipes on hand too for tough weeks). I post menu plans on my blog (in signature) and am working on gettting a master recipe list on there too. If I don't have healthy meals available at home, I am so much more likely to just go out to eat and it is so much harder to eat healthier at fast food or even sit down restaurants (though, I do love to eat out so i am learning to do that too!)

    My other advice is just to start with tiny changes and keep adding to it. Instead of lots of pizza, eat a piece and a salad. Or get thin crust instead of regular. Eat breakfast if you aren't now. Track calories.. no matter what. Be honest with yourself, and ask for advice when you need it.

    You can do this! :) Thanks for posting and letting us know you are out there!
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    Hi Kristen! You are doing the right thing and, like so many people before me said, I admire you for taking this step and putting yourself out there. YOU CAN DO IT!! That is the main thing to remember. Get out of your own way. If you don't have a strong support system at home, use everyone on here. Everyone is great with support, advice and helping you reach your goals. Don't get discouraged if you have one bad day or one slip-up; it happens to us all! Just move past it and stay focused on your goals. Good luck with everything and please let me know if I can ever help in any way.
  • ksv123
    ksv123 Posts: 82 Member
    Kristin ~ Welcome! This site offers great support and loads of opportunity to help you to meet your goals. You've taken the first important step - realize that you have an entire community on MFP that will back you up! Feel free to friend me and I'll be happy to encourage you! Karen
  • BrooklynNaomee
    Congratulations on making such a huge step. Like others have posted its not easy sharing all of this info with others, but we all know what you are going through and we aren't judging. What is so great about this place is that since we all have that one thing in common, its easier to post these sort of things because who knows better than what you are going through than others who are going through it too? Its a great place to find motivation, encouragement, new friends, new ways to make better choices.

    I read another member write something about "keeping your hands busy" Which was what I was going to say. "Keep your mind and hands busy." If you eat out of boredom well then find something to do. :-) Come by here and read other peoples "brain dumps"! LOL You'll find out that we really ARE out there. That we all need advice and a place to vent and a place to come to where you should feel comfortable.
    I'm the type of person that after a week I get discouraged and bored, so by making it past a week I will be totally impressed with myself! But this place is fun, helpful and the ppl are great!

    One thing that I keep telling myself is KEEP MOVING. I live in Germany and we don't have regular commercials like we are used to in The States. Instead we have commercials made by soldiers and their familes (AFN tv, not regular German cable) and they are really big on making "fitness and health" commercials. They have helped me to remember that as long as I'm moving its better than sitting and vegging! So even if you are cleaning your house you are burning calories. JUST KEEP MOVING. Doesn't say that you have to kill yourself exercising at the gym, right? as long as you are up and moving you are doing something good for yourself. Start slow, and work your way up.

    We are all here for you, girl! Proud of you for joining and posting!! God Bless! And good luck!
  • DawnReneee
    DawnReneee Posts: 2 Member
    Hi BethAnn, I'm new too. What are Vitatops and the other item you mentioned? Thanks!
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Hi Kristin!

    Welcome! You will find that this is a great site. Lots of inspiring people on here!

    Remember we all have slip ups from time to time, the important part is not to give up! You can do this!!!!
  • tgburkert
    I am so proud of you for posting! Friend me, if you'd like, and we can cheer one another on.
  • binkybaby1
    binkybaby1 Posts: 188 Member
    Welcome aboard Kristin! What a great first post! We all need support now and again. This place is a great source for support. I have found that logging everything I eat and drink helps ALOT! I'm sometimes shocked by how many calories are in things and how many are not in other things. Its truly an eye opener. I ask myself "is it worth it". Is that pizza worth the way I'm going to feel afterwards? It really is all about changing your prospective. I agree with not keeping any of the bad foods in the house. If you have to go out and it get it then its that much harder. Put your favorite good foods in the house. If you love popcorn then make sure you have the healthiest popcorn in the house for those moments of weakness that we all have. One of the hardest things for me was lunchtime at the office. I usually ran out for lunch. Some of the changes I made were bringing a lunch, when I had to buy I looked up the nutrition of the food before I went out, and only having $ 5 a day in my wallet to make sure I didn't order anything additional. It's about time being broke helped me out...lol..

    My daughter (24) and husband (40) are also doing this. As a family we are all excited and learning together. Good luck to you and if you'd like please add me as a friend. I really enjoy the support and giving the support.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    This is a post that I put on another thread. I think it may help you get started.

    "I once heard a very wise person say that she was just one cookie away from being 300 lbs again (she was about 150 lbs at the time). I thought that statement was a little drastic at the time. However, I have come to realize the truth of it. I followed a very rigid eating plan to lose the weight after my 4th child. But when my baby turned one, that piece of birthday cake that I ate quickly turned into 20 lbs gained. I know now that if I don't keep control of the food, it will control me. That being said, i find the thought of eating healthy for the rest of my life to be a little (okay, a lot) daunting. That's why tomorrow has become my best friend. I tell myself that I'm going to eat healthy forever, so I will enjoy one last day of treats today. Unfortunately, today has lasted for several months.

    So my new mantra is "For Today". I will not think about eating healthy tomorrow (until tonight when I plan tomorrow's food). I will decide to eat healthy "for Today". When I get through today, I will recommit tomorrow, and the next day and the next. Hopefully, when I've chosen the right enough times, I will forget to have to choose, it will just be my life. "

    I really try not to think of it in terms of forever. I decide every morning to get through "Just for today." I hope that helps.
  • snowness
    Hello Kristen! Welcome! You'll do great and be fine. When I feel like doing something that doesn't quite fit in with my new eating habits here are a couple of things I do.

    1. Find something to do with your hands, or get away from the TV. I read, I crochet (it makes me sound old, I know, but I'm only 26 I swear), I make jewelry, crossword puzzles, color or play with my daughter. Or get an exercise DVD and do that.

    2. Go online and read some success stories, it's super motivating.

    3. COOK! It takes up time to cook a healthy meal, so you're fighting away that boredom hunger while making yourself something healthy. Go online, or get a healthy cookbook and start trying some new recipes. Healthy swaps for your favorite take-outs are a good start.

    It sounds like you're on the right track. I just joined too, I've already lost 60lbs, but needed some extra motivation to keep going and this website is definitely helping. Good luck to you!

    This is brilliant! I fully agree with these tips and think they will help you a lot!
    Welcome to MFP. The people here are amazing and always willing to help you when you need some. If you would like feel free to add me, I would be happy to be friends and help out whenever I can :)