Dropping sizes?

I just started here on MFP and I am loving it! I have lost 10 lbs so far in the past 3 week ! I have not seen big changes yet but am looking forward to them! I am just curious about how much weight people lost before they actually noticed and maybe dropped down a size.


  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    It will depend on how much you have to lose. When I started I had 55 pounds to lose. I started seeing changes somewhere between 5 and 10 pounds lost and that's when I dropped down a size.
  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    You know, I'm feeling the same way. I've lost a total of 14 lbs and still in all my old wardrobe. I have pulled a couple of things out of the closet that haven't been worn in along time, but have yet to retire anything yet. I don't know what bothers my more, the fact that I can't fit in my 10's yet or the fact that I was POURING myself into these 12's at 14lbs heavier :noway:
  • annie_p
    annie_p Posts: 319 Member
    Hey there and welcome! Looks liek we have very similar goals/starting weights. (Feel free to add me!)

    Let's see...I've lost almost 26 lbs so far. I don't know that I would TECHNICALLY go down a size, but I haven't really tried yet either. The big thing I noticed was a pair of my pants, that should have fit going by size but didn't, FINALLY fit! And they fit great! It took about 2-3 months before I could put them on(and had to wear a hoodie cuz of the HUGE muffin top), and then a few weeks ago I was able to put them on without a hoodie and look fantabulous!

    I will give a little disclaimer though...from mid-late September, until end of December, I really didn't do much as far as working out or tracking my calories. I still watched what I ate, but I will admit I was probably over my calories many days. So, if you stick with it and work out consistently, stick with your calories and what not, you should have quicker results than me!
  • cindyco1
    One thing Ive noticed is that I may not go down a size quickly, but my clothes start to feel more comfortable.
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    As you've maybe noticed from my status, I've lost 12lbs so far. I haven't dropped a size but my pants have more room and I've had to use a belt so my crack wouldn't show. Lol! I think it just really depends on the person's shape.
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Yeah I think it all depends on how much you have to lose. I started at 179 and I am now at 161 and I still havent dropped a dress size and ive lost almost 20lbs....your height matters too!! my sister is 5'1 and if she gains/loses 5 lbs she changes a dress size. I am 5'5 and almost 20lbs lighter and I'm still in the same size!!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    The first pants size went at 10 pounds, but they were not tight to begin with. It has been about every 20 lost that I "retire" a size. I am comfortable now (-50) at 4 sizes down, and can get into the next but not comfortably. I am a pear shaped gal, heavy thru the hips and thighs. Even when I was a teen and weighed 135 I wore size 14/16, and had to have all my pants altered for a much smaller waist. Everyone is different.
  • chicabean420
    chicabean420 Posts: 173 Member
    Yeah I think it all depends on how much you have to lose. I started at 179 and I am now at 161 and I still havent dropped a dress size and ive lost almost 20lbs....your height matters too!! my sister is 5'1 and if she gains/loses 5 lbs she changes a dress size. I am 5'5 and almost 20lbs lighter and I'm still in the same size!!

    Same, I just lost 20lbs and I'm JUST squeezing into a smaller size. I can't wait to have some wiggle room in this size though!
  • Erica9903
    Erica9903 Posts: 156
    I have lost 17 pounds since Dec 30th and I finally broke down and bought a new pair of jeans and a couple of new work pants. I actually needed them after about 10 pounds but I carry tons of butt, hip and thigh weight and I wanted to wait until I could come down in those areas too. My pants always have to be a bit bigger in the waist to accomodate those ares but not at this time. Hopefully by toning I will be able to buy jeans that fit properly in most areas, lol. Good Luck!!
  • monica208
    monica208 Posts: 229
    I think it really depends on your body and your shape... I have lost 12lbs and still can't fit into any of my pre-preg clothes... I am able to squeeze into one pair of jeans but the muffin top is out of control... I'm hoping when i lose a total of 25lbs those jeans will fit more comfortably... also after having my second baby my body is totally different so that will also affect it
  • Raquel1275
    Thank you guys for all the info! After having 3 LARGE boys ranging from 8.15lbs to 10.6 lbs they have totally messed my body up! At 10 lbs lost my pants fit better but are not yet falling off! I will just keep doing what I am doing and I am sure I will get there!