Scale issue..

Tomorrow is my weigh in and quite honestly I don't think I have lost anything. I think the problem is my scale! Most scales fluctuate so much it's hard to tell if you actually lost. I get a different reading every time! When I was doing WW a couple years ago I would think I didn't lose, but it was nice to use their scale and know that I had even if the scale at home didn't reflect it. I guess I could go to a store like GNC where they have a scale to weigh yourself. Any suggestions?


  • 1wendyrn
    A group of us from work were having the same problem. We all weighed at home individually then went to a weighin site for a contest our state is doing and weighed on the same scale. One girls scales at home were weighing 2# over, another 2# under and yet another 10# under!! I bought a cool set of scales that show wt., BMI, hydration, Bone Mass, % fat loss, etc... and took them to the site. We checked to make sure they were accurate with the pro set and now only weigh in on those scales weekly. That way we know at final weigh-in due in April, our results will be accurate with theirs. Best of luck at your weigh in tomorrow! :)
  • alba_merula
    alba_merula Posts: 15 Member
    Mine is not that tragic, it works with a "give or take a pound or two" attitude. So I step on it three times every time I want a number, and take the average.

    It can be discouraging, but also it helps not taking it too seriously. The thing I COMPLETELY trust with telling me the changes in my looks is my jeans. :smile:

    Edit: I could always buy a new scale, of course -- it's just that I don't feel the need.
  • bstiver
    bstiver Posts: 57 Member
    What kind of scale do you have? I use to have that problem with my old scale (the last time I tried dieting and exercise). When I started over this year I began with a new scale and i love it. I have a digital one and you can set it up to remember weights so it call tell you how much you have lost or gained. I'm pretty sure its pretty accurate because there was only a few pounds different than when I went to the doc's the other day (I was wearing clothes and a light jacket),
  • Moop87
    Moop87 Posts: 71 Member
    I have a Health-o-meter scale. A while back I worked at a manufacturing company where we shipped stuff out all the time. I always used their scale. :smile:
  • YassSpartan
    YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member
    Tomorrow is my weigh in and quite honestly I don't think I have lost anything. I think the problem is my scale! Most scales fluctuate so much it's hard to tell if you actually lost. I get a different reading every time! When I was doing WW a couple years ago I would think I didn't lose, but it was nice to use their scale and know that I had even if the scale at home didn't reflect it. I guess I could go to a store like GNC where they have a scale to weigh yourself. Any suggestions?

    I totally understand what you mean. I posted this a few days ago, maybe it will help you to not feel bad