WW points...

Moop87 Posts: 71 Member
Anyone out there doing WW? I was curious how the points tally up to the calories allowed to lose wight on here.


  • HelenTheKitchen
    They are pretty on par with each other. I find they are at least.
  • Shawnalee0703
    it completely depends on what you are eating. When I was doing WW and trackig calories my calories fluctuated each day and my points stayed the same because of the varience or fat, fiber and calories in each thing you eat. WW is still an excellent way to be away of what you are eating. it just does not really take into account the percentage of fat, protein and carbs. I had a lot of success with ww and do not regret doing it. But i am now in more of a detail and specific journey that requires me to pay closer attention to certain things.

    WW is going to be a good healthy calorie cut and will vary your calories one day to the next.... don't worry there. :) Keep it up!
  • purple_power61
    purple_power61 Posts: 59 Member
    I'm on ww..... I count my points more than the calories.... I'm just here for the support and advice.
  • Moop87
    Moop87 Posts: 71 Member
    I decided to try this to save some $$ and it seems easier than carrying around my calculator. I was on WW a while back and loved it, but now it seems like so much more is taken into consideration. I actually bought the deluxe package at WW to see about the new program. I may go with that if I don't see much variation on just watching the calories.
  • apollopom1
    apollopom1 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm getting ready to start WW with an "at work" program. I think I will continue to count the calories as it has worked out really well for me but I am curious how the point system will factor into this. I really am interested in getting the recipes from WW. With it being an "at work" program, it will keep all of us on our toes plus a group of us at work started a Biggest Loser group so I am making myself accountable all over the place. So far my motivation is up and I've tracked my calories & exercise for 20 days in a row since joining MFP. It's great!!
  • mandalina23
    I was on WW and lost over 80lbs total on it. I came on here recently bc I gained some of it back and this does save money. I do agree that WW is a GREAT program, because it opens your eyes to what a portion really is, and you understand why certain foods are higher in points that others. You can do WW online and calculate your points and such that way, but you do have to pay. Good luck either way!! :) Let me know if you want any low tip snack and food ideas, I have a whole recipe book I made when I was on the program.
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    It all depends on what you eat. For example today so far I've had 20 WW points, but only 660 calories. The points are so high because the foods I've chosen today are quite low in fibre, so they score higher in WW points.
  • mandalina23
    Yes that is true, I used to eat a half cup of fiber one with cin and splenda as a snack bc I knew it was low in points.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    They are pretty on par with each other. I find they are at least.


    On WW I was starving at 18-21 points b/c that was 1000-1300 calories and so it never let me eat my exercise calories which you MUST DO.

    MFP helps you balance nutrients not figure out if a big slice of cake fits into your day. It took me a year to wean WW points out of my system (since I use to calculate the total points and put that in my food notes) and now it’s a much more sustainable way of life.

    Out of habit= though I still post the WW points along with my photos of recipes I put on MFP.
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    They are pretty on par with each other. I find they are at least.


    On WW I was starving at 18-21 points b/c that was 1000-1300 calories and so it never let me eat my exercise calories which you MUST DO.

    MFP helps you balance nutrients not figure out if a big slice of cake fits into your day. It took me a year to wean WW points out of my system (since I use to calculate the total points and put that in my food notes) and now it’s a much more sustainable way of life.

    Out of habit= though I still post the WW points along with my photos of recipes I put on MFP.

    With the new Pro-points system you DO get to eat back your exercise calories. I went to the gym today (light session) & gained 4 points.
  • Moop87
    Moop87 Posts: 71 Member
    mandalina23 ~ I was doing the online WW also for the longest time, but I don't like the layout of the site anywhere as much as I do this sites. That being said they may have changed it since then.

    Jain ~ I do know with WW now most fruits and veggies are free, so that could really add the calories into your diet where as here you track them. I think that's the only luxury of WW I would like.

    heathersmilez ~ We weren't allowed to eat back exercise points? It's been so long I can't remember, but I thought we were on the old plan.
  • Moop87
    Moop87 Posts: 71 Member
    On another note, I don't know how I did it because I swear I put this topic elsewhere, but it's under the topic of "Recipes"? :huh:
  • Bitwoods
    fruits and veggies are freeof points except the starchie ones like potatoes corn peas and yu cand gain 2 points for exercising if you do it long enough. Its pretty easy to follow this time plus you get and additional 49 points a week.
  • Bitwoods
    also most everone i talk to now get 29 points one this new points plus value ww program free to join