H20 Seriously Sexy 7lbs of Valentine's Day Challenge WEEK4!



  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Hope everyone is having a fabulous week! I have been busy, it is my long week at work. Did CPR for the first time in my career...kinda odd I know, but I usually am doing other things during a code, running for supplies, calling families, or covering unit for others. So it was my very first time, I was at his bedside when he had a heart attack...talk about witnessed!

    Glad to hear you are feeling better April!

    Great job on reaching your goal jsecret!

    I have not been a good exercising girl this week....haven't been doing too much at all for awhile. hate this weather, brings me down. I want to go outside, ride my bike, walk the paths...I am hoping to snap out of it soon. I stay active during my day, I try to stick to my calories goals too. I cheer all of you on as I continue to talk myself out of the funk. maybe I need to cheer myself on, huh?

    Anyways, have a great weekend. Spend some time with loved ones.
    I will be home with the family, waiting on the demise of my kitty, she's 21 or 22 yrs old.
    Love to all!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    I just realized something...at the end of Dec/beginning of Jan, I updated my goals (per MFP's suggestion) and my cals were reduced 200/day. In the last month I've lost inches, but the scale has not moved. I know I could have gained muscle since I'm keeping up on my exercise, but, could the fact that I lowered my calories be playing a part in the scale not reflecting a little progress? After reading an article on the science of why the scale lies, I'm not as emotionally invested in what it says any more, but it still matters.

    I didn't feel like I was on a diet or cheating myself when I was shooting for 1670/day. It was definitely a feeling of lifestyle change and good choices. Now that I'm aiming for 1470, I do feel like I'm making sacrifices; it doesn't feel as positive. Does that make any sense? I feel all guilty and weird when I get close to or a little bit over the daily goal and find myself trying to get closer to 1200. Y'know what...I think I've gotten myself on a binge pattern...I'm either trying my damndest to be below my goal and so 1200 is where I hit, or, I have an "I don't care" day and end up eating 1800something. I've put myself back on a roller coaster without even realizing it!

    I'm thinking I need to bump my calories back up...
  • mrmarler
    mrmarler Posts: 121 Member
    I am holding steady at 169.6 ugg how do you stay exactly the same! Yikes! However gonna go on a long run tomorrow and hopefully it will help! 166 by valentines so i can get my new shoes!
  • mrmarler
    mrmarler Posts: 121 Member
    I just realized something...at the end of Dec/beginning of Jan, I updated my goals (per MFP's suggestion) and my cals were reduced 200/day. In the last month I've lost inches, but the scale has not moved. I know I could have gained muscle since I'm keeping up on my exercise, but, could the fact that I lowered my calories be playing a part in the scale not reflecting a little progress? After reading an article on the science of why the scale lies, I'm not as emotionally invested in what it says any more, but it still matters.

    I didn't feel like I was on a diet or cheating myself when I was shooting for 1670/day. It was definitely a feeling of lifestyle change and good choices. Now that I'm aiming for 1470, I do feel like I'm making sacrifices; it doesn't feel as positive. Does that make any sense? I feel all guilty and weird when I get close to or a little bit over the daily goal and find myself trying to get closer to 1200. Y'know what...I think I've gotten myself on a binge pattern...I'm either trying my damndest to be below my goal and so 1200 is where I hit, or, I have an "I don't care" day and end up eating 1800something. I've put myself back on a roller coaster without even realizing it!

    I'm thinking I need to bump my calories back up...

    I just switched mine because i moved to a desk job and I am down to 1400 a day! it totally blows today is the first day i have done it, and I am with you about not losing but seeing changes in size Im in the same boat...I know that you shouldnt judge by the scale but lets be honest i wanna see it both!

    On the intake of calories i try to stay as close to my goal as possible and I make sure i add in my work out calories so I can have a little more!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    hoping everyone is doing well.. Gonna try my hardest to get the WEEK 5 up by Sunday night.. :) Im getting back in this.. Gotta!! :) Hoping this damn cough goes away.. I hate it.. One another note.. I got some more compliments on losing weight although I haven't been really trying soo hard. :) Its nice having people see the weight loss in me.. :)
  • casey_when_u_go
    casey_when_u_go Posts: 84 Member
    I'm checking in early this week for 3 reasons -

    1 - I have a VERY busy week planned, I will be tracking my calories but probably not reading the forum much.
    2 - My 1lb weight loss puts me into double figures now - 10lbs since October woohoo!!!
    3 - Hello 140's :smile:

    SW - 153
    CW - 149
    GW - 146

    I will be checking in late next week as I will be on holiday :smile:
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Pffffft I lost 0lb

    I put on 4lb on monday after a sodium nightmare, lost those but am now the same weight.

    SW 159

    CW 156

    Ihave realised I have been losing and gaining the same 4lb, for a few months, this has happened before and I got past it, but its sooo demotivating :(
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Challenge SW = 241.8

    Week 1 EW = 234.6 (-7.2lbs)
    Week 2 EW = 237.2 (+2.6lbs)
    Week 3 EW = 235.0 (-2.2lbs)
    Week 4 EW = 236.6 (+1.6lbs)

    Not a huge surprise. I ate out 4 times this week and it wasn't small things either. One day I had a burger the size of my face.....with fries.......Last night was a girls night out and I came out of there soooooo stuffed (had an app, meal AND dessert).....

    Back on the wagon today though.....still not drinking enough water primarily because I usually drink 80% of my water between noon and dinner - it's when I'm thirstiest. My DH and I are trying to start a family and I'm using Ovulation kits that require that you don't drink for 4 hours before you use them (urine needs to be concentrated)......So I'm lucky if I'm getting in 6 glasses. Oh well, I stop using them tomorrow...so next week's weigh in will be AWESOME!!!

    BTW, BJ, totally understand what you mean - I've been hovering between 235 and 240 since November....I want to get to the 220s by valentines day......that's only 2 weeks away
  • roboray
    roboray Posts: 73 Member
    I did it!!! I hit 169 today! My valentines day goal on here was 169.9 lbs. but I'm very excited I hit it this early and am hoping my loss continues (I did have a bad plateau the last month). *smiles* that's all :)

    Fantastic!!!! Congratulations!! Keep up the amazing work !!
  • ChantalC1969
    ChantalC1969 Posts: 226 Member
    Good afternoon sexy ladies!!!

    Here are my numbers so far...

    SW 313.5 lbs
    Week 1 310.4 lbs
    Week 2 309.5 lbs
    Week 3 307.5 lbs
    Week 4 304.8 lbs

    4.2 lbs away to get to 50 lbs lost!!!! My treat for this will be a new pair of running shoes. Can't wait!

    @AprilVal - I'm happy that you are feeling better!!!
    @Pinky and Brunette - Get well soon!!!
    @jsecret - Hello 160s! Congrats!!!
    @Casey - Congrats on your 10 lbs lost!!!

    Three more weeks to go!!! We can do this!!!

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend so far!

  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I tried a little KenpoX (from the p90x series) on Friday..I did the first 20min (which half is stretching anyway) and damn!! I was so take my sore yesterday! I'm still sore today and I'm up on the scale because my muscles are all achy and such. Repairing and retaining water I'm assuming because my calories and sodium were awesome yesterday.

    My mom asked if I wanted to go visit my Grandma with her and my brothers this weekend, and because of my tooth pain and all the pills, I decided not to go. I got a phone call yesterday that they rushed my Grandma to the hospital due to massive swelling in her abdomen and legs. After waiting for 5ish hrs, the only thing they were told is that it sounds like she has fluid on the lungs and that she may have kidney problems, keeping her overnight to run tests. I'm hoping to get a call with good news here soon.

    No news on how soon I get relief on my mouth...one surgeon said their next opening wasn't til March and the other claims that they are unsure if they take my insurance but can get me in this coming Thursday, but if they don't take my insurance it's gonna cost $600...there's no way I'm taking the chance unless they can confirm my insurance. I have one more referral that I need to call tomorrow in hopes that they will accept me and my insurance. *sigh* Ok, ok, enough pity party. I'm hoping to hit the treadmil more this coming week, and maybe try my hand at another p90x video.

    Have a great rest of the weekend :)
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    OMG I feel like hell again.. Gonna take a trip to Urgent Care today.. Gonna finally get this **** taken care of.. Ive been in bed since 1030 last night.. I just got up.. :( yuck
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    Starting weight for challenge: 177.0 lbs.
    Ending weight for week 1: 171.2 lbs (5.8 lbs lost due to illness) but some of this came back throughout the week
    Ending weight for week 2: 171.2 lbs (0 lbs lost) but this time it's REAL weight loss :)
    Ending weight for week 3: 170.6 lbs (0.6 lbs lost) fine by me! Only .7 lbs to go by Valentines Day!
    Ending weight for week 4: 169.0 lbs (1.6 lbs lost) surpassed my valentines day goal by 0.9 lbs!

    Started the P90x lean today! Well... kinda at least lol... made it most the way through the first workout but then got very dizzy and decided to stop - maybe try to finish it later :)
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member

    Started the P90x lean today! Well... kinda at least lol... made it most the way through the first workout but then got very dizzy and decided to stop - maybe try to finish it later :)

    So you did Core Syn today? Aside from being dizzy, how was it? I tried the Kenpo X a few days back, just to see what it was about and made it 20min before stopping.

    I'm hoping to get my teeth taken care of soon and healed so I can start p90x lean myself :)

    And April, I hope you find out what's going on with you soon. I'm keeping you in my thoughts that it's nothing serious. Hang in there girl. :flowerforyou:
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member

    Started the P90x lean today! Well... kinda at least lol... made it most the way through the first workout but then got very dizzy and decided to stop - maybe try to finish it later :)

    So you did Core Syn today? Aside from being dizzy, how was it? I tried the Kenpo X a few days back, just to see what it was about and made it 20min before stopping.

    I'm hoping to get my teeth taken care of soon and healed so I can start p90x lean myself :)

    And April, I hope you find out what's going on with you soon. I'm keeping you in my thoughts that it's nothing serious. Hang in there girl. :flowerforyou:

    The doctor said i got a sinus infection and allergy problem.. He gave me Z Pak Antibiotics, and some kick *kitten* allergy medicine.. been asleep more than ive been awake.. Hopefully i can get the week 5 up tomorrow.. Hopefully I feel better.. I have a serious sinus headache today.. :( Ugh.. My nose is finally starting to dry up..
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    No loss this week. But with lack of exercise in the beginning of the week due to my tooth, plus sodium issues this weekend, and being sore from a little p90x and 30 DS, I shouldn't be upset, mostly just annoyed with myself. I even drank 15.5 glasses of water yesterday, mostly after dinner. But that's life.

    As for my Grandma, the only thing we know for sure is that the doc gave her the wrong meds 2 weeks ago for something and it cause massive swelling, and by massive, she's lucky to be alive. They are looking into copd, congestive heart problems, as well as running other tests. Hoping for my info sometime soon. Thank you all for the support. *hugs*
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    April, goodness, that sounds miserable! But I do love those Z Packs. You'll be back on your feet in no time (finally!).

    Bru, I'm so sorry to hear about your grandma. I'm glad it was caught early enough and hopefully she'll have a speedy recovery. I hope YOU can find some sort of relief for your tooth too. Having tooth problems absolutely is probably THE MOST MISERABLE thing ever to me. So, I feel for you. Feel better, ladies!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Update on tooth issue...looks like I'll be feel of the teeth next Monday. I called the place and told her I had 2 questions, if they take my insurance and if so, how soon can I get in. SO I gave her my info, she typed away and then started me how soon I wanted to be in..I'm guessing that means they take it! So next Monday at 11am I'll be knocked out so they can rid me of these 2 evil teeth..lol.
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Give me a couple hours and Ill have WEEK 5 up.. I need to eat something small and start working on dinner.. Then Ill sit down and get week 5 up.. Sorry for the delay.. Finally feeling better..
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    Update on tooth issue...looks like I'll be feel of the teeth next Monday. I called the place and told her I had 2 questions, if they take my insurance and if so, how soon can I get in. SO I gave her my info, she typed away and then started me how soon I wanted to be in..I'm guessing that means they take it! So next Monday at 11am I'll be knocked out so they can rid me of these 2 evil teeth..lol.

    I'm having a lot of teeth issues too! I just finished getting a root canal and a crown on one, made an appointment for a filling on another and before that appointment could get here that stupid tooth broke. Grrrr. At least it didn't need a root canal. I have to have my wisdom teeth pulled (I know, parents fail. What kind of 26 year old still has wisdom teeth?! Me.) so I might have it taken with them depending on price and what the tooth looks like. Right now I have a temporary cap on it. Stupid teeth. At least you have insurance though, that's a HUGE relief.

    April - No worries, take your time! We all know you have other things in life besides MFP. :Smile: Thanks for doing week 5!!