Choco-holic Help!

I need serious help, at present I feel like I'm currently living on chocolate! Must have at least 3-4 chocolate things a day and I can't seem to stop myself.

Would stop having it in the house but my partner insists on having chocolate in for his lunches and I try to resist but can't seem to control myself :(

At work we have a new snack machine and my poison of choice is dark chocolate kitkats, to stop myself buying things I just make sure not to have any change at work. No money, no chocolate HA!

But does anyone have any suggestions on how to stop chocolate cravings/thoughts/desires/dreams... mmmmmmmm chocolate!

Need help please!


  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I allow myself 1 dark chocolate item a day. My GP said its got something in it that would help my BP and so far, its worked and my BP went back in normal range. I buy a Hersheys dark chocolate bar at the store and eat 2-3 squares each day. If my calories allow, I'll eat a whole bar if I feel the need to (stressed etc)

    Everything in moderation..
  • aryaw
    aryaw Posts: 36 Member
    If you deny yourself, you will crave it. Keep your intake of chocolate to 1-2 servings per day (break them up into smaller pieces so you can have it through out the day) don't binge on chocolate. This is what I have to do and I have found recipes that allow me to get my fixes without brining on the calories.
  • ktdragonfly
    I do love dark chocolate! Maybe I will go invest on some small bourneville bars (english version of a hersheys dark chocolate bar I guess lol) and see if that helps me any!

    They should make chocolate illegal LOL
  • staceyb_2003
    staceyb_2003 Posts: 396 Member
    this has been me today because time of the month is due anyday and i crave it like a lunatic and diet soda i feel so bad this evening now though even though i am only over my calories by 10 and have worked my *kitten* off to burn it off i still feel bad
  • Aimee_PD
    Aimee_PD Posts: 177 Member
    i crave chocolate daily. right now im munching on blue diamond natural dark chocolate almonds and that cures it (for the most part!) i love these things and they're better for me than candy!
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    I usually have a little bit of high quality dark chocolate with my yogurt/granola/fruit/nut breakfast, and that seems to cure my cravings for the day.
  • safetypins
    I put stevia and cinnamon on an apple and that's SERIOUSLY getting me through my chocolate cravings.
  • Sandyslosenit
    Sandyslosenit Posts: 322 Member
    My fav. chocolate fix is Swiss Miss diet hot coco. Only 25 cals. and it has 30% calcuim. So I get my chocolate and it helps bring up that calcuim.
  • NuclearGirl
    What about one of the low-calorie hot chocolate drinks like Options at only 40 calories if made with water? - And it fills you up too so it's good for a snack :-)
  • kimi233
    kimi233 Posts: 271 Member
    I am also a huge chocoholic, I seriously think I could live on it! LOL I started on this Shakeology meal replacement shake, and of course I got the chocolate kind, and honestly, its has cured my chocolate cravings. It's even TOM for me right now, and I have had NO cravings for chocolate, and I even have a bag full of candybars sitting on top of my fridge that my kids got from Santa. It has been my savior!! =)
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I would stick to high quality dark chocolate, not the Mars and Snickers and Kit Kat type chocolates. It's more satisfying and actually good for you (but watch the calories). Go for 70% chocolate and above :)
  • taletreader
    taletreader Posts: 377 Member
    In addition to the strategies for feeding or managing your cravings, do try to get a good magnesium supplement.

    I seriously love chocolate, too, but have managed very well with scavenged single chocolates at the office once a week or so. I just bought a small bar, but don't feel I need to eat any of it today. What happened to me about 10 years ago was that my GP, during some unrelated consultation, asked me if I was sometimes ravenous for chocolate. She'd been giving me some nutritional advice just earlier, and I slightly red-facedly admitted my love for chocolate.... and walked out with prescription-grade magnesium pills. They did seem to make a difference. Magnesium, iron and calcium are three minerals we women tend to be low in.
  • Mrs_McFadden
    Mrs_McFadden Posts: 1,139
    I'm absolutely addicted to Chocolate as well. It IS good for you when you eat chocolate that has a higher level of actual Cacao- which = dark chocolate.

    For myself, personally, I am going to buy my favorite dark chocolate bar.

    I agree with the above poster that suggests not to eat the 'candy' style of chocolate, normally that is a milk chocolate and additionally those are more processed with additional carbs and junk vs a purer style of chocolate.

    I prefer lately the Lindt "A Touch of Sea Salt" chocolate!! So delicious and balanced with a hint of salt..mmmmm. Ok so how do I manage to eat it? I eat ONE square to two. That is 1/4 to 1/2 of the serving size. This means if I eat ONE square it's around 48 calories. I think I can put that in my calorie budget everyday and *definitely* not feel deprived!!

    That is my plan to get my chocolate needs met. Note: that's right. NEEDS. :).

    Here's a decent explanation about chocolate and health benefits:

    My favorite chocolate: